Wildlife Photos Menu


See what happens backstage in the drama of Nature

bug2   Giant Mesquite Bug - Thasus gigas
  From egg to hatchling to adult
msexta   Tobacco Hawkmoth - Manduca sexta
  From egg to hornworm to moth
tiger   Mexican Tiger Moth - Apantesis proxima
  From fuzzy caterpillar to moth
tachinid   Tachinid Fly - Winthemia manducae
  One Tobacco hornworm transforms into 19 tachinid flies
bug   "Manzanita" Stink Bug
  From hatchling to adult
bug2   Cactus Bug - Chelinidea spp.
  From hatchling to adult


Arranged alphabetically by Class or Order

menu   Amphibians (frogs, toads, etc.)
menu   Arachnids 1 | Jumping Spiders
  Crab Spiders
menu   Birds 1 | 2
menu   Beetles 1 | 2 | Buprestid Beetles | Leaf Beetles | Ladybugs
  Scarabs | Longhorns | Weevils
menu   Crustaceans (millipedes, centipedes, crayfish)
menu   Flies 1 | 2 | 3
  Robber Flies | Tachinid Flies
menu   True Bugs 1 | 2 | 3
   Assassin and Damsel Bugs | Leaf-footed Bugs | Cactus Bugs | Waterbugs | Stinkbugs 1 | Manzanita Stinkbugs | Giant Mesquite Bugs
menu   Cicadas, Aphids, etc.
wasps   Bees-Wasps-Ants 1 | 2
moths   Metalmarks, Swallowtails | Hairstreaks, Blues | Brushfoots | Whites, Sulphurs | Skippers | Moths 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Micro moths | Sphinx moths | Tobacco Sphinx | Tiger Moths | Caterpillars 1 | 2
menu   Snails and Slugs
menu   Lacewings
menu   Dragonflies and damselflies
menu   Grasshoppers, crickets and katydids 1 | 2
menu   Reptiles 1 | 2 (lizards, snakes, turtles, etc.)
menu   Other Critters 1 | 2

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