Relay Millennium Club

RMC version 4.1 (complete system notes in PDF format, last updated 9th March 2005)

Relay Millennium Club is a system I have been developing (under various different names) since the summer of 2002. It bears about as much resemblance to Millennium Club as Relay Precision does to Precision. The defining part of the system is the 1C opening bid:

1C shows:

  • 15+ HCP balanced;
  • 15+ HCP unbalanced with clubs;  
  • Various hands of 19+ HCP.

Playing this 1C opener allows us to play 5-card majors, and a 1D opener which promises 4 cards and an unbalanced hand. So it is essentially a "short" club, but with minimum unbalanced hands taken out (these are mostly opened 2C, as in Precision), so that 1C promises 15HCP. Alternatively the system can be thought of as Polish Club with a weak no-trump.

So far, this is almost identical to the Millennium Club system designed by Lyle Poe. Where Relay Millennium Club differs is in the responses to 1C. In particular, 1D shows either hearts or a weak hand. This has many advantages when we do not bid 1D; it does make the 1D response more complicated, but everything gets sorted out without too much trouble.

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