Bond Falls State Park
UP of Michigan
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Bond Falls was being developed into a State Park while we visited in Sept 04, but was not yet open. However, all the original stairs and paths are in place and open, so visitors can still reach the falls.

Bond Falls is a few miles east of Paulding, MI in the Upper Penninsula.
This is the beginning of the walk down to the falls. The UP power company has an impoundment upstream, these are some concrete structures to help deal with the elevation drop. You walk across the bridge from the road to start down the path.
The path runs along the river as it begins to drop in elevation and produce miniature falls.
Brian standing on a flow-control structure of some sort.
After some slippery wet stone and concrete steps, the path leads to a new boardwalk that circles around the bottom of the falls.

It looks like that once the Park is finished, there will be a trail running from this boardwalk to the campground.

This is definitely a must-see!
The sign is up, but the new driveway was closed.
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