North Fork Flambeau River Canoe Trip
I took Tracy on this canoe trip on a river I've never canoed before. Due to a very dry summer/fall, many rivers were at very low levels, and my usual river (East Fork Chippewa) was too low. There are a number of dams on the NF Flambeau, I was hoping there would be plenty of water. The dam-keepers weren't letting much water pass; a more normal river level would have been so much easier.

The last half of the trip was on the Flambeau State Forest. We put in at Crowley Dam off Hwy 70, camped the night at County Line Campsite, and continued the next morning to finish at Dix Dox Landing at Oxbo on Hwy 70.
Crowley Dam
15T   0687473
UTM 5082256
County Line Campsite
15T   0680450
UTM 5080513
Oxbo Campsite
15T   0679867
UTM 5083453
Dix Dox Landing
15T   0678179
UTM 50813335
Looking back at Crowley Dam, the boat launch is on the right side of the picture. It is a steep bank with wooden stairs, but caution should be excercised.
A short ways downstream of Crowley Dam, there are areas where the river is wider and shallower, or narrow and deeper.
We pulled up at the County Line Campsite just before the sun sank behind the trees. It was good timing. There are 2 camp sites at this spot, each has a picnic table and a fire pit. There is an outhouse a very short walk into the woods.
There is a nice flat area at each site to pitch a tent. We also brought a few pieces of firewood with us on the trip, as it had rained the days before, making all the wood in the area wet. Yeah ,that's me!
This is the old Oxbo Bridge, this picture is taken standing on Dix Dox Landing, which is just upstream of the bridge. The landing has a nice paved parking lot, with a water hand-pump. A few feet down the road is Oxbo Resort and Restaurant with famous Oxbo Burgers. A pay phone is there as well... if you forgot and locked the keys for your (my) car at Dix Dox in the car you (I) left at Crowley Dam... yeah.
This is standing on Oxbo Bridge looking farther downstream at the concrete bridge of Hwy 70.
A house on the bank of the river.
White Pine trees on the bank of the river
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Wildernet - Flambeau State Forest
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