Dear Mr. Gates:







Date:  Tue, 4 September 2007  9:58 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Srilankan Tsunami Train Manitoba 591





Saturday morning 1 September 2007, I was still indecisive about whether or not I should confide the "035 072 8 6 0 1". The vacillation came from a worry of possible wrong perception as if I wrote it because I was just desperate in begging you something.

Instead of preparing to go to the Internet Shop, I turned on the TV and at AN-TV channel there was a video from National Geographic about the train surged by Tsunami in Srilanka in 2004. Such video has been televised several times before either in NGC or any other channels. Nevertheless, it was on that Saturday morning of September 1, 2007 that I realized the name of the train was Manitoba 591.

The numbers 591 is like related with the last four digits of numbers in my saving account lie I wrote in my previous letter "035 072 8 6 0 1".

The sum of 5 and 9 would be similar with the sum of 8 and 6, which is 14. Or it becomes like a clue that "only one person Firman who should move up to the eternity". It is in accordance with my consent to move to the eternity, alone by myself, rather than becoming a bait that trigger disaster and causing thousands people died.

After the video was over, I immediately prepared to go to the Internet Shop to write the letter "035 072 8 6 0 1", with the last digit " 1 " that looks like an arrow pointing upward to the heaven above.












Date:  Tue, 4 September 2007  10:16 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Rehearsing the Encounter With TS Truck





Tilting position of driver's cabin of Fuso truck after its collition with Taufik Savalas' car in his deathly car accident of July 2007":

photo from Metro TV website.





A week earlier, Saturday 25 August 2007, I was invited for a lunch at my friend Mario’s house. It was his birthday party, along with the gathering of my ex-Junior High School friends.

My friend Mario is an Indonesian with a German mother. He is now the director of a publishing company Dian Rakyat, a name that reminds me with Lady Diana’s name. His wife is a General Manager of IBM Indonesia.

His father, Sutan Takdir Alisyahabana, was a famous Indonesian writer with his first novel published in 1929. The middle name of is father, Takdir, has the meaning of "fate", "destiny". And it was among the reasons why I decided to go to his house that day, because his father’s middle name like related with my recent letter "Solomon's Path with No Political Part", regarding my changing track to Solomon’s path of destiny but without taking the political part.

As usual I went with an Angkot. At Cinere Raya Street around ten o’clock in the morning, in front of some shop houses among them the Purwacaraka Music School, the traffic was not so crowded. From the opposite direction, a big Fuso truck like that of the car accident of Taufik Savalas moved at a moderate speed. All of a sudden a car in front of it stopped. I was absorbed in viewing that big Fuso truck that the car that stopped in front of it slipped my notice. What happened next was the truck had to overtake it, making the truck moved to the right and appeared rather frontally in front of the Angkot I was riding. Of course I was aghast.

Fortunately since it all happened in a slow velocity, nothing serious happened, the Angkot driver could dodge the truck smoothly. Reminiscent of the early stage of Taufik Savalas’ car accident, except in a slower motion.

It made me feel like experiencing the appalling last moments of Taufik Savalas death throes. The very picture of how it ensued, when a big truck abruptly occupied the whole view of the windshield.

A few hours later in the afternoon around five thirty when I was on the way home on an Angkot, that same truck appeared again along with the stream of cars from the opposite direction, at almost the same location when I met it in the morning. Only this time the traffic was so crowded, cars moving slowly and haltingly.

It could be a galvanizing moment to rehearse my self with the probability of becoming the next, like I wrote in my letter of "Breaking the "Chain Reaction" of TS Car Accident": If such "chain reaction" of deadly car accident had been a fix destiny that no one could ever changed it, than I will take it as my own destiny, as a part of my consent to move out to the eternity.













A.M. Firmansyah

[email protected]

Tel. +62812 183 1538










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