

Eva's Homepage!

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since last counter reset (Jan. 1999).

Hello! I am Eva Hadjaki, a photo & videojournalist from Greece, Europe.
My hobbies and interests include travel, books, computer music and of course mountain sports.

Follow me for a virtual guided tour to Greece's backcountry paths and mountain sports!

Have fun!

Pictures of me?

More pics of me?

Me lost in the woods!!
Me up ancient wall!
Me walking down old path!
Me at sunset!!
Me at water spring!
Me gazing over the Big Blue!
Me exhausted but happy!
The underground Me!

This site was launched on Jan. 4th 1996, last updated on Jan. 24th 1997, last modified on Oct. 20th 2006.

Please feel free to email me your suggestions and comments.

[Links' Page] ["MountainSports in Greece" Page] ["Eva's Hikes in Greece" Page]

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