Characters used in Vietnamese :: Based on Latin script
Note: Vietnamese is a tonal language with 6 tones. Level tone is not marked (a, ă, â, e, ê, i, o, ô, ơ, u, ư, y).
High rising tone is marked with an acute accent. Low (falling) tone is marked with a grave accent.
Dipping-rising tone is marked with hook above. High rising glottalized tone is marked with tilde.
Low glottalized tone is marked with dot below.
Unicode Upper Unicode Lower Character Name
00C0 À 00E0 à A grave
00C1 Á 00E1 á A acute
00C2 Â 00E2 â A circumflex
00C3 Ã 00E3 ã A tilde
0102 Ă 0103 ă A breve
1EA0 1EA1 A dot below
1EA2 1EA3 A hook above
1EA4 1EA5 A circumflex and acute
1EA6 1EA7 A circumflex and grave
1EA8 1EA9 A circumflex and hook above
1EAA 1EAB A circumflex and tilde
1EAC 1EAD A circumflex and dot below
1EAE 1EAF A breve and acute
1EB0 1EB1 A breve and grave
1EB2 1EB3 A breve and hook above
1EB4 1EB5 A breve and tilde
1EB6 1EB7 A breve and dot below
00C8 È 00E8 è E grave
00C9 É 00E9 é E acute
00CA Ê 00EA ê E circumflex
1EB8 1EB9 E dot below
1EBA 1EBB E hook above
1EBC 1EBD E tilde
1EBE 1EBF ế E circumflex and acute
1EC0 1EC1 E circumflex and grave
1EC2 1EC3 E circumflex and hook above
1EC4 1EC5 E circumflex and tilde
1EC6 1EC7 E circumflex and dot below
00CC Ì 00EC ì I grave
00CD Í 00ED í I acute
0128 Ĩ 0129 ĩ I tilde
1EC8 1EC9 I hook above
1ECA 1ECB I dot below
00D2 Ò 00F2 ò O grave
00D3 Ó 00F3 ó O acute
00D4 Ô 00F4 ô O circumflex
00D5 Õ 00F5 õ O tilde
01A0 Ơ 01A1 ơ O horn
1ECC 1ECD O dot below
1ECE 1ECF O hook above
1ED0 1ED1 O circumflex and acute
1ED2 1ED3 O circumflex and grave
1ED4 1ED5 O circumflex and hook above
1ED6 1ED7 O circumflex and tilde
1ED8 1ED9 O circumflex and dot below
1EDA 1EDB O horn and acute
1EDC 1EDD O horn and grave
1EDE 1EDF O horn and hook above
1EE0 1EE1 O horn and tilde
1EE2 1EE3 O horn and dot below
00D9 Ù 00F9 ù U grave
00DA Ú 00FA ú U acute
0168 Ũ 0169 ũ U tilde
01AF Ư 01B0 ư U horn
1EE4 1EE5 U dot below
1EE6 1EE7 U hook above
1EE8 1EE9 U horn and acute
1EEA 1EEB U horn and grave
1EEC 1EED U horn and hook above
1EEE 1EEF U horn and tilde
1EF0 1EF1 U horn and dot below
00DD Ý 00FD ý Y acute
1EF2 1EF3 Y grave
1EF4 1EF5 Y dot below
1EF6 1EF7 Y hook above
1EF8 1EF9 Y tilde
0110 Đ 0111 đ D stroke
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