
Sniper Rifles
Young Sniper

Name: Dave
Sniper Rifle: G3 SG/1 WITH EVERY THING
I was in the young marines for two years during the summer, so I learned many marksmanship skills, but along with me, was my best friend Steve. We both went in, and learned the same tactics.
If you have ever seen "Sniper" , I have my SG/1 exactly like his, and firing 450 fps . My friend has a M40 firing around 430.
One day i decided to set up a skirmish game. I invited 8 of my friends over. And of course, me and Steve. I divided the 8 other people into teams, 5 vs. 5. Me and 4 people vs. Steve and 4 people. We were playing a hostage rescue situation. Steve's team was the terrorists. My team was the LAPD SWAT. 
I let my 4 friends use my other guns (MP5 A5, MP5 SD6, M-16 A2, G3 A4). I was the sniper (of course), and my friend John was my spotter. He had the G3. On the other team, Steve was the sniper ( DUH!), and Mike was the spotter. He used Steve's XM. We were playing in the woods behind my house. There was a little fort Steve and I built. They were using that to hold the hostage in (My 15 year old brother was kind enough to donate his body to be a hostage after all of us putting our guns to his head ). Steve set up the fort with a Patroller guarding the hostage. My team was following me through the woods walking towards the "camp". We heard some movement at our 3 o clock. I whispered "every one down". I told every one to take cover, and if the person gets to close, open fire. Then, me and my spotter went off. We set up about 58 meters away from where we heard the noise. My spotter and i were taking turns scoping for whatever made the noises. Suddenly i looked over, and saw one of my men JUMP up, and open fire. We heard one shot, and saw him fall to the ground cussing, and just lay there. (In our games, if you get shot, u stay down. We like to keep it real with "dead bodies" as obstacles). Just then, i knew it was Steve. He knew we were looking for him, he just didn't know where we were. (Some thing else he didn't know, was that i was also taking sniper courses in the young marines, so i knew more than him sniper wise). He pulled off another shot just to make sure my guys were staying behind the dead tree. I radioed the second in command (I'm the first), and told him to get those guys out from behind the trees with out being seen. They moved back towards where we came from. Along the way, they met a guard. They pumped his ass full of BB's. Then they took cover behind a hunting stand. Back to me and John. John not being in the young marines depended on me to tell him what to do. I asked him if he was willing to risk his life to win the game. He said what ever. I sent him out as a decoy to get Steve's attention. John was just walking around jumping up and down. We wanted Steve to know it was a decoy so he would be even more! scared. If he got so fidgety because he didn't know where we were, the slightest noise, and he would shoot. He would be so fidgety that he might even shoot his own team when they came for back up. I radioed the support team, and told them to try to raid the camp, and get the hostage. Steve pulled off a shot, (the last in his clip. We only load them to the amount in the real guns.) John fell backwards as i rushed closer to where Steve was. I was within 50 meters of them. I had a clear shot at his Spotter, but i decided to have a little fun. I zeroed the scope in on a branch above their heads, and squeezed off one smooth shot. The BB ricocheted. Just what i wanted it to do. They turned around because they thought the shot had come from the opposite direction from where i was. I now had 2 clear shots at Steve, and Mike. Me having a SG/1, i didn't have to worry about chambering the BB after every shot so, I squeezed off two nice clean shots. Hit Steve and Mike right in the creek of the back. They both fell down dropping their guns and cussing. Since i shot them in the back, they were still considered alive. I walked over to them, and radioed the current element leader to come and take these two to our base camp, and get an Assaulter to watch them. He brought Steve and Mike to the camp. I radioed every one else, and told them to re-form with me. Since i neutralized the primary targets,i switched my gun to full auto. We rushed towards the base since there was only two people still alive. The two had re-formed and were both now watching the hostage. I had a custom built laser unit on my gun, and we got with in 30 meters of the base. I saw the top of one of the guards heads. I switched back to semi, and told every one, "This is my fight now, cover me if i need it".
I leaned over and opened up the bi-pod. I rested it on a dead tree that had fallen down. I turned on the laser unit, and recalibrated !my sight to make sure they were zeroed right. I aimed the laser unit right above the guards head. He saw it, and turned around. He was looking right at me, but didn't know it. He stood up, and opened fire in my direction. The BB's were whizzing by my head, ricocheting off the tree. His clip ran out of ammo. He told the other guard to keep a watch out while he re-loaded. The other guard was facing the opposite direction though. When i built the "camp", i hung a silver plate above the window. The guards didn't know it was there. I shone the laser unit on it, and the guard saw it on the other side of the "camp" he thought it was coming from the opposite direction i was in. He started scoping through his binoculars, and didn't see any thing. I pulled out a silencer, and screwed it on (you wouldn't believe how good those things work on suppressing the fire of a fully modified SG/1). I zeroed in on the back of his head, and squeezed off! one nice smooth shot. "WHAP" "THUMP" , he fell to the ground. DOA (Dead On Arrival(in the game)). I radioed every one to join on me. We crouched low, and slowly moved towards the "camp". We stood next to the window (not really a window, but an opening that can hold a window), and knocked on the wood on the other side. We had 3 people left. One was dead, and one was watching the wounded suspects. The last guard peered out the opening to be met by the Flash hider of an MP5 A5, the suppressor of a MP5 SD6, and the silencer of my SG/1. I yelled at him "DROP THE WEAPON, AND THIS CAMP DOESN'T GET A NEW RED PAINT JOB". He dropped his gun, and we escorted him back to the base camp. We went around to all the "dead" people and told them the game was over. Once again, a demonstration of how the SWAT Team beats every one. The game was won. SWAT:1 dead, 0 wounded. Terrorists:2 dead, 2 wounded, 1 captured. 

If there's any one who thinks sniping is boring and time consuming, then you've never played with me before. Some people say I'm so damn good because of luck, i say because of practice, training, and skill. Remember, "One Shot, One Kill". I didn't take more then one shot on any one. The rules to being an effective sniper,
1: Never stay in one place for a long period of time. After about 5-7 shots, they'll send out a scout to look for, and eliminate you.
2: Move slowly unless you're being chased. If you move slowly and carefully, you WILL make less noise, and not be seen as easily.
3: If your sitting there and there's some one watching you, move into an odd position. The eye looks for human shapes. If your in an odd looking position, the eye will over pass it thinking it's just a tree branch or leaves.
4: WEAR THE PROPER CAMOUFLAGE. I can't stress it enough when people go into the woods wearing blue BDU's.! In the woods, wear woodland camo, or hunting camo. No odd colors. In the dark, NEVER wear black. Wear dark blue or gray. If it's dark, and your wearing black, you will be a standing silhouette. 
5: "One shot one kill". Never give any warning shots. If you give a warning shot, they will send some one out to look for you, and most likely they WILL find you.
6: Always carry a hand gun. Always keep it cocked. You never know when you might run out of ammo, and not have it cocked, and give away your position.

If you have any questions, or any thing, you can e-mail me.
[email protected]
Name's Dave
I'm 13

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