
Sniper Rifles

"People...think you go out and hide and blow
everybody asunder. We don't do that. We pick our
targets-leaders, operators of crucial weapons,
communications people. We don't go out and
indiscriminately kill."

Carlos Hathcock
USMC Sniper

The reticles align his chest...
You calm your breathing. 250're zeroed for 200, but this shot shouldn't be that difficult. No wind...elevation accounted for. Uphill shots are a bit more complex, but never impossible. Pushing the stock of the rifle snug into your shoulder, you begin to ease on the trigger with the tip of your finger. *CLICK* The .36g 6mm pellet is sent at your enemy, tearing through the air at 450 feet per second, and says hi to the guy's stomach. He looks around confused, mutters some curse words about the damned shit-eating snipers, and exits the field.
A scenario such as this is not uncommon for the few airsofters who have what it takes to the be the sniper. A sniper must be a unique soldier that is capable of placing long-range shots on assigned or specialized target(s). They must be capable of acknowledging when and when not to take a shot. Few people are capable of this.
I am creating this page to acknowledge the few snipers that make (or try to make) an impression on the airsoft world. In this page, I will explain to you everything I know about airsoft sniping, including rifles, and true airsoft snipers. I will also go so far as to help you with training drills that may make you a better sniper.

02/10/03 11:55PM~Travis Ward
Some good updates for you fellas...stutzmanimatOr emailed me, informing me of a mistake in the Sniping section regarding breathing, and it has been corrected. A large addition to the Sniping section has also been made...the Sniping in Airsoft FAQ! This is a great start for newbies wanting info, and it is going to added onto constantly as new questions and answers arise!

01/28/03 11:55PM~Travis Ward
Okidoki guys, I just added Wallace's info to the Sniping section under the Ammunition area! I HIGHLY encourage you to check it out, as the information included is very...ummm...informative!
I have also added a link to Airsoft Market in the Links section; they have a great looking website, and the prices are very competitive, so definately be sure to at least give it a're bound to be pleased!
As a last bit of news, I am hoping to add some more info concerning adding camouflage to sniper rifles, a manual full of APS-2 SV info, and a user-contributed Airsoft Sniping FAQ! Wish me luck!

01/28/03 9:53PM~Travis Ward
Welp, I did a couple of updates today. I contacted Wallace to ask if I could use his data on BBs and their accuracies with his PSG-1, and once the forums are back up, I will add them. I also updated the scenarios section, and plan to add more.

01/17/03 5:07PM~Travis Ward
Man, I've been slacking. Been really caught up with trying to sell my car! Once the car is sold, then I'll be in the airsoft money!!! Planning on getting an M4A1 at first...but, I have made an update! Check out the new Spotters' section!

11/03/02 4:41PM~Travis Ward
Joy, I finally got some time to work on the site. Updated the Sniping section with info on equipment and am starting a new Spotters area there, too, so check it out. Planning on adding good spotter weapons and techniques.

10/25/02 4:41PM~Travis Ward
Sheesh, I've been slacking a bit. Sorry, college applications and scholarship searches have been consuming a bit of my time, not to mention AP classes. Anyways, I did a slight update to the Sniper Rifles page, just added a few more rifles. If anyone can help give some reviews, it would be greatly appreciated. Expect more updates later!

10/5/02 1:41PM~Travis Ward
Hey guys, Cleaner here. Well, it's been almost 3 years since I've done any real updates to this site, and after handing it to several people, but not a single one did any work on the site, I've decided to take matters into my own hands. I am getting back into airsoft now, I have more friends who are getting into it and I can drive to games now, so it'll be much more fun now, hehe. I am still deciding on whether or not I want to get another APS-2 SV or an M4A1, but I will still manage to update this site. Things are gonna be a bit shaky, as I am changing all the old pages to a new format, so bear with me. Thanks for everything!

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