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Visitors Comments

We wish to thank all those who have visited our web site and especially to those who have taken time to communicate with us. We appreciate all your kind and encouraging words as well as your criticism.

We are glad that you enjoyed the web site and hope that you will come visit us again soon.

For those of you who are new to our web site, thank you for visiting. If you do have the time please e-mail us and let us know what you think. We welcome any comments that you may have - good or bad. It would also be nice if you could let us know in your message, where you are from and how you found this site (ie. search engine, web ring, word of mouth, etc.).

Below are some of the comments that we have received from visitors to our web site regarding our research on the Genealogy of the DeWitt family of Melaka.

Best Regards,
Dennis & Claudine


"Congratulations, what a good job you have done. We viewed your page today. Seeing what you did has convinced me that every family should have a page like yours. It will certainly help the younger ones know more about their ancestors. Also as nowadays families are so scattered, this is a good way for all to keep up with the new developments like new births and also other matters".

Philomena Nunis
Kuala Lumpur

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"Went through the website and it is coming along very well....looks great."

Faith Helen Roberts
Hong Kong

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"I must congratulate you for the excellent web-page of your family tree. I enjoyed reading the stories about the DeWitts. Although, I am not related to you in any way, I feel the testimonies and stories given were truly warm and touching. The history part about the family gives not only your family that bit of heritage, but perhaps all of us eurasians who have some form of belonging to our rich past. I think it's a superb site, and hope to see more eurasian sites like this".

Barry Pereira

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"I think your website is excellent, great info. & photos.

It is only recently that I have come to have an interest in Dutch history in Malacca. Like you this interest came about when I started looking at my family history. For years I thought that we were just of Portuguese descent, only to find that a number of the surnames that make up my family tree are Dutch, German & British.

I too feel that the Dutch have not been given the proper recognition that they deserve. It still annoys me when I read things that say that the Dutch were only in Malacca for a short time, 160 yrs to me is quite a long time. You mention that in Malaysia the term eurasian immediately implies Portuguese eurasian, I gather it is the same in Singapore. I have even read a report from a conference that said the term Eurasian should have only been used to describe the Portuguese Eurasians, I thought this rather elitist. I feel it's really is a shame that many non-Portuguese eurasians from Malacca do not acknowledge or even know their heritage".

Clive Skelchy

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"I enjoyed visiting your site, which is really lovely by the way. I think your choice in presentation is outstanding". "I think that what you have done is really good, and certainly a tribute to your heritage".


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"You have a nice, clean, neat site. I like the way that you carry the same background through your site. It does not distract from the text, which is your most important part of your site. Navigation is very easy. I like that you have the additional links at the bottom of each page plus the exact clickable to return to. I was never taken to an unexpected page. You have done a perfect job with all your navigation. Your index.html is most pleasing to view as an entry into your site. Your e-mail is easily accessible. Your photos are an excellent size and fast loading. Your targets work well wherever they are used. I am just wondering how many hours, days, months or years you have spent acquiring all this information. It may be the most extensive family history that I have reviewed".

Geocities Heartland Critique and Review Member

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"Congratulation for the Web Site (DeWitt Family of Melaka). I spend more than 1 hour surfing the site".

Unit IT JKR Melaka Tengah

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"A very good Website Dennis!"

Herman Oomen
The Netherlands

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"I've visited your site and must say that I am rather impressed with the construction, the information contained and the ease of navigation. Well Done!"

Conrod Mercer
South Africa

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"Your site looks good also." "Keep up the good work."

Kevin W. DeWitt

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"I am overwhelmed by the fantastic effort put into the DeWitt Family website." "I feel a sense of completion now. Most of my questions about my ancestry have been answered."

Grace-Marie Dewitt

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"You have a fantastic site yourself."

Jan Krancher

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"My compliments for your beautiful work on Dutch Malacca."

Marco Ramerini
webmaster and the writer of the web site:
Dutch-Portuguese colonial history

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"I went on your webpage and want to say I enjoyed having a look at it."

Andre van Rensburg
webmaster of the web site:
Stamouers of South Africa

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"I visited your site and it's very comprehensive and well-designed. Congratulations! I smiled at the piece about the boy in a girl's frock and wanted to send you a pic of my two uncles (born 1910 and 1911 respectively) with the youngest in similar attire. Couldn't find it again.... It was quite common in Friesland, up to the 1930's, to dress little boys like that. Especially for formal occasions such as having a picture taken (and to make potty training less of a hassle, we assume!) When they could be relied on to stay dry (again our own interpretation), on came the little sailor suit! "

Gerda Pieterse
South Africa

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"I should compliment you on your website Genealogy of the DeWitt family of Malacca. In establishing your own family tree, you have also highlighted the other de Witts of Malacca. I am sure you have put in a lot of your time and effort in accumulating the relevant information. What is important is that you have taken the trouble to do this. Personally, I feel that you have done a great job that any de Witt would be proud of.

There is this book 'The World Book of DEWITTS'. Despite the title, it only covers the United States, Canada, England, Europe, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand but have not bothered with Malacca or Indonesia. It's a shame."

Jerry de Witt
Perth, Australia

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"Excellent web site. Right now i am trying to find my roots with little info right now and this will help me right along to fit pieces together easier. Keep up the good work."

Lori Cummings (DeWitt)
USA, Pennsylvania

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"HI my last name is DeWitt. Do you think maybe we could be related? My full name is Zackary DeWitt I'm 11.

P.S. I bookmarked your site."

Zackary DeWitt

My reply :
Hi Zackary,
Thank you for contacting me. Thanks also for taking an interest in my website and my family history. It is always a pleasure to make contact with a fellow DeWitt.
It is indeed quite possible that we might be distantly related as I have traced my roots originating from New York, USA in 1677. Whatever it is, it is definite that we are both descendants of the old country - Netherlands, and share a common Dutch heritage.
Hope to hear from you again.
Dennis DeWitt

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"Hi Dennis and family,

It was very interesting to look at your website and info. I can see that you spent a lot of time gathering the info. It was nice to look at the de Wit/t history and background. I was browsing the web to look for info on the de Wit family. I was considering the doing some research myself on my side of the de Wit family. We live in Cape Town."

Neil de Wit
South Africa

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"I have visited your web site with interest, having had my attention drawn to it in the South African Rootsweb mailing list. I had a look at it because I knew one of my relations had married a de Wit".

Richard Ball

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"I hope this e-mail finds you in good health. Anywayz, it's heartening to know that my family is not the only Dutch Eurasian Family around. My heartiest congratulations and support goes out to you and your family in trying to right the distorted picture of the Eurasian community in Malaysia".

Roger Valberg
Kuala Lumpur

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"Dear Mr Dewitt,

I visited Malacca last year and was impressed with the historical Dutch, Portuguese and English influences. Í am equally impressed with your site. There's lots and lots of information and I already spent a long while reading and enjoying it.

Yours Sincerely

Raymund Schutz"
The Hague, The Netherlands

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"I just visited your genealogy web site and found it very interesting and the art work and layout is superb!"

David Lim
Kuala Lumpur

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"Tahniah or Congratulation for such an interesting website. Accidentally bumped into your web while searching for something else. Again, keep it up a such a brilliant effort!"

Miza Yusoff-Aminuddin
Business Development & Proposal Coordinator
INTEC Engineering


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"I was just on your web page and I am very sorry that I'm not a relative at this time. I have been doing research on my line of DeWitts for some years now and was stuck on my 4th g grandparents for so long that I didn't believe that I would ever get back any farther. One day I just got lucky I guess and boom I was back another 6 generations. That is why it is so interesting to find a web page like yours. I hope you will continue the great work. "

Ralph F. DeWitt

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