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Dutch Eurasians in Malaysia

The Dutch Eurasians in Malaysia are in fact a minority within a minority. These Eurasian of Dutch descent, carry Dutch surnames and they may be proud of their Dutch herritage but they are quintessentially Malaysian in actual fact and they live a Malaysian lifestyle in every way.

The terms "Eurasian" when used and applied in Melaka usually refers to the people of Portuguese descent also known as "Cristao" or "Cristang". This widespread assumption, may be partly true but it is also distorted and far from the real truth.

For there are other Eurasians who have been as at were "swallowed" or disappeared and almost forgotten because they are not of Portuguese descent. Instead, these other Eurasians are descended from Dutch, British or German parentage. After all, Malaysia was even ruled by the Dutch and British colonial powers after the fall of Melaka to the Portuguese and before the country achieved independence.

Now, there are just a handful of Dutch Eurasians families left in Melaka. The rest are scattered in Kuala Lumpur, Seremban and Singapore. There are a few in Penang and some other states in Malaysia, both west and east. Some have already migrated to other parts of the world, such as Australia, Canada or America.


The Eurasians of Dutch descent living in Melaka have very little to show of their past, except for the impressive and well known historical buildings like the 'Stadhuys', the Protestant - Anglican Christchurch and the ruin church on St. Paul's hill. The grave stones bear witness to the presence of their Dutch ancestors together with their family crests on each of these tombstones. All these are situated in the very heart of this historical town.

Their assimilation into the predominantly large Portuguese Eurasian community over the past decades (through intermarriage) has also diluted further their linkages to their own ancestors.

Ancient Dutch Graves located at the foot of St. Paul's hill.




The Stadhuys orginally the residence of the Dutch governors dates back to sometime between 1641 - 1660.


Physically, their Caucasian looks, and fair-coloured skin complexion are the only semblance of their Dutch heritage. Even these have been tempered sometimes by the scorching equatorial sun. The strongest testimony to lend credence to their claim are the Dutch names such as DeWitt, Van Huizen, Westerhout, De Vries, De Winds and Valbergs.


Christ Church was built by the Dutch Reformist in 1753 to commemorate the first century of Melaka's rule by the Dutch.



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