Rainier, Oregon's Fraternal Orders
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Lodge 151

Odd Fellows logo "FLT" stands for "Friendship, Brotherly Love, and Truth".

Lodge 151, I.O.O.F., was instituted on March 2, 1901, following a dispensation granted on February 23 of the same year. The charter list was small, containing but six names; J. J. Schmidt, W. J. Deitz, Rosswell R. Patch. U. O. Adams, L. E, Clark, S. C. Rich. Though its beginning was small, the Odd Fellows lodge has grown to the place where it is now one of the largest lodges in Rainier (From "The Story of Rainier" Article XXI By Anna Jerzyk, printed in the May 29, 1925 issue of the Rainier Review).
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Rainier, Oregon's former Odd Fellows lodge Hall located on the NW corner of W C St. and E 1st. St. (south of the city hall). The lodge is now non-active. (photo taken July 13, 2012)
A 1920 article about the building of a new Odd Fellows hall that, as of 2014, still stands at its present location. From the April 8, 1920 issue of the Rainier (Oregon) Review.
Odd Fellows logo "FLT" painted on floor of meeting hall. It stood for "Friendship, Brotherly Love, and Truth." (photo taken July 12, 2012)
Former skating rink inside the Odd Fellows Hall. (photo taken July 12, 2012)

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