
Massachutes Censuses


City Directories for

Cambridge Mass

I have copies of most years 1885-1908.I'll put a few ex. online for now.
I'll put them all here eventually. Info was sent by Linda Perkins

Normile Michael botler 14 Dana
Normile Patrick laborer, 21 Irving h. at Somerville
Normoyle Michael C., sewing-machine agent 647 main h. 3 Madison

Normoyle Michael C., sewing-machine agent 647 main h. 7 Madison

Normoyle John W. teamster (B) House 34 Ellery
Normoyle Michael house 19 Beaver
Normoyle Michael coachman h 6 Sands
Normoyle Thomas, Coachman 144 magiine house at 34 Ellery
Normoyle Patrick laborer house 41 Banks

Normoile Thomas, porter (45 Olive, B) house 4 Sands
Normoyle John laborer Am. R. Co. h 27 Webster avenue
Normoyle John laborer Am. R. Co. h 25 Webster avenue
Normoyle John W. teamster (B) House 34 Ellery
Normoyle Michael hostler, house 19 beaver
Normoyle Michael liquors (B) house 3 madison
NormoylePatrick laborer house 26 Flagg

Normoile Ellen wid of Patick house 6 Cottage Row
Patrick, laborer, h 121 harvardV Thomas coachman, 132 magazine h 4 Sands
Normoyle John at Am. Rub. Co. bd 29 plymouth
Michael expressman h 38 Franklin
Timothy, coachman 11 magizine

Normile Ellen wid Patrick h 53 Parker
Frederick J stenog b 3 Madison
James clerk P.O. B 123 Harvard
John A sales b 3 Madison
Michael C real estate h 3 Madison
Michael elec h 147 Western
Patrick wire wkr b 449 Franklin
Patrick hostler h 132 harvard
Thomas lab b 132 Harvard
Timothy driver 8 Norfolk h 128 harvard

So far it seems all the Normys in Cambridge came to US from Glin, Co Limerick. Others from Glin went to NYNY, and western Mass and at least one branch left NY for Chicago in 1862.They seem to have started coming to Cambridge area in 1870s. But there was one (John Normyle) who enlisted from Boston in 1861.

There was one family in Mass who lived on the coast in the SE part of state and they came by way of England

Birth and Marriage Records
Michael Reidy 25 and Mary Normile 25 (daughter of Thomas) both born Ireland date 1981 married in Cambridge

James Normile + Ellen (Dalton) produced
Timothy Normile Sept 1867 born in Glin
Timothy married Mary Shea in Cambridge Died Sept 21 1932
Nellie(Ellen) Normile + Spouce "Mr Patrick Dillon" produced Kathereen Dillon Spouce Daniel P Bowen
Patrick Normile
Spouce Norah

Timothy Normile married Mary Shea April 3, 1894 at St Mary of the Annunciation, cambridge Ma


I have some copies of actual documents
Normile Frank and Thomas coachmen 4 Sans St Cambridge
Glin, Limerick 16 years old arrived Dec 25 1868 boston harbor

5/13/1879 Patrick Normile "Laborer" 121 harvard St Cambridge Glin. arrived may 22 1874 at age 17----Natralized Oct 27 1892

Timothy Normoyle Laborer 11 Magazine St Cambridge born Glin Aug 15 1867. Arrived June 13, 1884--Final papers Oct 25 1892

Thomas Normile Clerk 1578 1/2 Tremont Roxbury born Limerick April 15, 1870 Arrived June 30, 1886

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