Race Combos
By: RS~rEd_LiNe



Tanks have the best ground range and are very powerful. In large groups, you will find them very useful against other ground units. There weak point is air defense. Scouts have the best air attack in the game. The scouts weak point is anti ground. This is why these two go together so well. These two units were created for each other.
Ghosts are great for locking down the major threats. Templar can psi storm the locked (or unlocked) units. This is great vs a fleet of carriers or battle cruisers. Both players will need lots of their special units. The terran player needs at least a dozen ghosts, and the protoss should make 18 temps, and keep at least 4 in each friendly base. Temps are easier to reach on the tech tree, but you need many more of them. Ghosts need all 4 upgrades, and templar need at least psi storm and extra energy- hallucination is not useful. Remember, psychological warfare can win the game. If you make your opponent think you are huge, he might give up all hope or at least lessen his attempts.



Blizzard must have made these two a good combo, I mean, they both start with the letter 'z', right? Anyways, the reason these two are good together is because they are both fast and easy to build. They are very basic units and both require 0 gas. Neither players will need to gather gas. Of course, it is a very good idea to start getting gas and UPGRADING early. Both players should go for speed upgrades/adrenaline glands rather quickly. It won't matter that the opponents have air units to defend with- They won't have enough to stop you. If they went for air, they will most likely have less ground units. Remember to either attack early or in very large numbers. Both players must agree on the time to attack, and send in the units at the same time!



Defilers take forever to achieve but you won't need as many of them as you need Firebats. The terran should make firebats the whole game, with a little air defense. The zerg should go straight for defilers and upgrade their dark swarm. The zerg will need only 5 to 10 defilers and cast dark swarm throughout the enemy's base. The firebats will attack in the orange clouds while invincible to any ranged unit. The only defense against this is to make enormous amounts of firebats and fend them off. Zerglings will die off quick vs stimmed firebats and zealots don't stand a chance since the fire blazes through the shields like a hot knife through butter.
The guards take out buildings, tanks, and other ground units while the goliaths cause havoc against the poor opponents air force. The only way to get this strategy to work is to get a LOT of goliaths. They are expensive for their damage, which is why most peeps don't recommend them. They are also weak vs ground. This is where the guards come back into action. This is an abnormal combo since usually its air vs air and ground vs ground (scouts and tanks strategy). Now its ground vs air and vice versa. Practice this strategy a few times before you use it in a real game. It is difficult and risky though the results are impressive.

Triple Race Combos


This strategy is great. All three units are versatile. Each can hit ground and air. Make sure each player is making their unit type as fast as they can. You need as many units as you can possibly afford. Always destroy one opponent at a time, and leave some extra units at home for defense against counters. Remember to constantly build units, even while you are attacking, click the mini map at your base and quickly command your buildings to train more and more units.
Ultralisks/Science Vessels/Carriers-
This a more difficult strategy to attempt. You will need full cooperation and support from each team member. Plan out what your going to do before the game and make sure everyone is doing their job. Don't go straight for this strategy, each player should use other defensive units and later build for this strat. The trick to this is the ultras slowly take out ground units, the science vessels cast defensive matrix on both the ultras and the cars, and the cars take out buildings from far away and cover the other players units against air units. Each player needs at least 12 of their unit. Even the terran, the science vessels are the vital key to this strategy. Defensive matrix ties it all together. The carriers and ultras should have 3 upgrades but 2 will do.
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