      About Me

I'm Theresa, by the way. I don't know if I mentioned that elsewhere.

Let's start off with the most important part--the dancing, of course! I've actually been dancing since I was in the second grade--eeek! Nine years! But for five of those years, I was only dancing two hours a week after school in a class with a lot of the "cool girls" from my school. Irish dancing wasn't cool. We spent a lot of time goofing off. Looking back, I feel so bad for our teacher! I advanced very, veeeery slowly (I started hard shoes in the fifth grade!), and only went to one feis a year.

The summer after sixth grade, a girl who wasn't really a friend of mine yet called me up and asked if I wanted to go to a different kind of practice that was held during the summer, farther away. I went along, figuring it was better than staying home. I had NO idea! I was suddenly in a class where people would openly admit to liking Irish dance, and where really good dancers were still trying to improve. In February of 1998, I entered what I like to call my first "real" feis (i.e. the first one where I actually cared), won a little trophy, and got hooked. And the rest is history. Now I'm in open championships with the Sean Gavan Company.

Now, for the rest of me! Contrary to what some people have said, I actually do have a life outside of Irish dancing. I do! I do! I'm in the eleventh grade, and I'm pretty good at school. I sing in a youth choir, which is a blast. I'm editor-in-chief of my high school newspaper, and I'm active in my church's youth group. I have two brothers, one that's two years older than me and one that's eight years younger. Despite my best efforts, neither dances.

My family has a rabbit, two dogs, and three cats. One of the cats is mine, and she's just a sweetie! Her name is Tigger (I know, I know, it's kind of a lame name, but I got her when I was eight, so try to bear with me.) One of our two dogs is a boxer named Puccini, Pucci for short. The other is a very dense and very loud beagle named Wagner. How dense is he, you ask? Well, we have glass sliding doors in part of our house, and he has been known to run alongside them barking his head off trying to get at the "dog" he sees just on the other side. His reflection. Life is rough when you're that thick. He's very cute though.

Some of the things that I like are brand new socks, sleeping late, the world's smallest jawbreakers (sooo yummy!), speaking in French (what little I know), and riding in cars with the top off. Some things that really bug me are crunchy peanut butter, people that look down on me, the noise that silverware makes when it squeaks on plates, and losing.

My absolute, all-time favorite movie is The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings. It's a phenomenon. If you haven't seen it, I insist that you put down your mouse, get up from your chair, and go see it. Right now. No, really. My guilty-pleasure movie is Newsies, an early-90s musical from Disney. My favorite books are The Great Gatsby, Cry the Beloved Country, and the Harry Potter series. No, I am not too old for them. Only a Muggle would think that.

That's about all I can think to say. Maybe I'll be MTV-style and give some shout-outs to my friends: Paul, Becca, Mike, Tessa, Lauren, Diana, Lisa, Kristy, Katie, Ashe, and all my good school, dance, and Internet buddies.

Yes, it's me. That was winning my first first in prelims in my new solo dress. Sorry the face is a bit mushed, I could make it really big and fix the problem, but then it would never load and you'd get bored then frustrated and go off to look at something else. At least this way you get to see my solo dress, and come on, that's what you were really interested in, right?

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