Voices from people who support Capital punishment:

- The death penaly is the only punishment for violent criminals and murderers is justice will be administered

- Through the dearth penalty the respect for man's inviolable value is kept

- The death penalty can fully confirms man's natural sense of justice

- Only the death penalty can fully confirms man's natural sense of justice

- The death penalty expresses society's compassion towards the affected victims of crime

- The death penaly gives peace of mind to the victims  and their relatives and puts an end to the crime.

- The death penalty means the greatest mark form the State that it defends the ordinary citizen's right to live

- The death penalty prevent with 100% efficiency the peretrator from committing more crimes.

- The death penalty deters some people from committing heinous crimes and thereby human lives are saved.

- The death penaly creates a somewhat safe society.
Voices form people who are against Capital Punishment:

- With the death penalty, there is the unavoidable fact that some innocent will be executed.

- The capital punishment does not deter and is therefore inefficient

- The death penaly does not dead to a decreasing number of heinous violent crimes

-The capital Punishment is a crime against human rights- The right to live

- All human beings have an inviolable value and there the capital punishment is unacceptable

- The capital punishment is inhumn and barbaric and can never be accepted in a civilized society.

- The death penalty is inhumane since it is the some thin as torture

- It is wrong for the state to kill in order to show that it is wrong to kill because that state then commits the some crime.

- If the death penalty is fair for murder we do also, e.g. have to assult the assailant

- The capital punishment is murder in the name of law!

Anderson, David. The Death Penalty - a Defence. April 2001. 28th Nov 2001

Black, Peter. �Do Circumstances Ever Justify Capital punishment ?�
     Theological Studies. 60.2. Jun1990: 338

Bedau, Hugo Adam. �Capital Punishment.�
      Encyclopedia of crime and Justice. Vol. 1. London:
      Collier Macmillan, 1983.

Bedau, Hugo Adam. The Case Against The Death Penalty. 1997.          
     The American Civil Liberties Union. 29th Nov 2001

�Capital Punishment.� The New Encyclopedia of Britannica.
     Macropedia. 15th ed. 1997.

Derechos Human Rights. 14th Nov 2001
     < http://www.derechos.org/dp/ >

Handerson, Harry. Capital punishment. New York : Facts on File, c2000.

Hood, Roger G. The Death Penalty : A World-wide Perspective. New York :
     Oxford University Press, 1996.

Jackson, Jess. �Should the Death Penalty be Abolished?�
      America Legion. 150.2 Feb 2000: 44

Uschanov, T P. Home Page. 14th Nov 2001
     < http://www.helsinki.fi/~tuschano/cp/ >
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