Inspiration: in terms of religion can be defined as spiritual influence that allows a person to think, speak, or act in a way that transcends ordinary human abilities. It can refer to a wide variety of religious experiences, including the presence of a creative “spiritus” (spirit) responsible for the inspiration....More
Love: emotion explored in philosophy, religion, and literature, often as either romantic love, the fraternal love of others, or the love of God....More
Faithan attitude of the entire self, including both will and intellect, directed toward a person, an idea, or—as in the case of religious faith—a divine being.Just have a little faith and......... More
Habitan act acquired by experience and performed regularly and automatically.Psychoanalysts consider habits as expressions of erotic and aggressive impulses. Repressed, these impulses find an outlet through the counterproductive discharges that comprise habits.Have a habit of... More
Hell: in theology, any place or state of punishment and privation for human souls after death. More strictly, the term is applied to the place or state of eternal punishment of the damned, whether angels or human beings. The doctrine of the existence of hell is derived from the principle of the necessity for vindication of divine justice, combined with the human experience that evildoers do not always appear to be punished adequately in their lifetime.Avoid this, get saved,and.... More
Heaven:  in religion, place where God,or other spiritual beings dwell, and the place or condition of perfect supernatural happiness for the redeemed in the afterlife.Do you believe in that..........? More
Be happy with what you have and make provision for the day of your return to God...The journey is long, the appointment is on the day of the Resurrection, the destiny is Heaven or the fire of Hell......
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