Click here to go to myk new website.
Welcome to WebChick designs.  Our site is now at a new location click on the picture to go there.
This web site offers free webtools for both home pages and web sites alike.  Although we are just starting to put up our web tools and free graphics you  can use what we already have here to enhance your home pages and websites.  We offer free buttons, free lines, free backgrounds and dividers all for personal use.  We do not require a link back although it would be appreciated.  If you'd like we can create a custom button for advertisement of this site on your site.

Our buttons are few but still designed to be used on any webpage.  The backgrounds created here are all originals and are for your personal use only and are not to be altered or sold.  Our free lines and dividers are meant to be additions to enhance the backgrounds and buttons you choose or the background you already have on your site.  We have lots of backgrounds, lines, and buttons to add, but they will all be added daily and at another time.  For now enjoy what we have here and feel free to make any requests that we may be able to acheive for you.  If there is a certain background we have that you'd like in another color or buttons, or lines or dividers, feel free to let us know and we'll see what we can do.  Enjoy your stay and come again.  We will soon begin to offer background sets that will come with thier own customized lines and buttons.

Coretta S. Louis,

A.K.A. Cora WebChick :)
Click on the image to go to my new website.
Click on the woman to go to my new website.
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