Prisoners of Davis

When will our Government stand up for the people inside our prisons, give them the rights they are due as human beings and stop allowing them to be used as political agendas and money trees? If Governor Davis is too weak to step out and make wise decisions about the prisons issues, maybe he should take his own advise and "step down". Then we, the people can hire someone who WILL do something about it and not just play politics. 

There has been a shift in policy driven by public anger at criminals and the political career of one individual. Governor Davis, has a policy that NO ONE shall parole out of our prisons, even though this violates laws and constitutional rights of all eligible Lifers. It does not matter what their eligibility is -- parole for Lifers is a thing of the past. ALL Term to Life inmates are now given Life without Parole by Governor Davis, which may as well be a death sentence.

Please help us reform our parole system.

Help bring life back to lifers.



California Prison Focus

Friends Committee on National Legislation

Criminal Justice Consortium

For more information or to support this cause please contact:


Christina McGarey


[email protected]

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