Chris and Kelly's Gerbil Page

Chris and Kelly here, with yet another hobby page.  The internet is a vast pool of resources, a nearly infinite learning tool, and a source of endless amusement.  None of that here, however.  Instead, you can see pictures of me and my gerbils.  Or our gerbils, rather, but Kelly has sense enough to not want to be pictured on the internet.  I have no such compunctions, being foolish.  So if you like seeing pictures of other folks' gerbils (and one cat) then you'll really like this.  Enjoy

Me, Prachett, and Grimmy

A picture of me with two of my owners.  A fairly good pic of them, a bad one of me.

Our Current Setup

Two of our current cages, complete with cushioned perch for his furry majesty.

Prachett and Grimmy

A pic of me holding our current favorite gerbil, while the cat insists on getting in on the action.

Jordan and Gibson

Prachett's cagemates, respectively.  Note you can see the scar from Jordan's abscess

The only pup we still have from Frick and Frack's litter.



Frick, the male from our former breeding pair.

Prachett, On the Usefulness of Wheels

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