My small speck of space on the world wide web!
My name is Carla and I'm a 26 yr old stay at home mom from Akron, Ohio. This page is dedicated to all things important to me whether it be family, friends, music, movies, or just things I consider to be important at the present time.
I am the proud wife of Rick- we have been married 5 years as of 7-10-99. He truely is the love of my life and I'm very thankful to have him.
We have a 5 year old daughter together and she is the light of our lives and is so much fun to watch  transform into the little person she is today.
Other than my family -my interests include painting, drawing, movies- some of my favorites being Labyrinth, What Dreams May Come, and anything by Quentin Tarantino- He's the greatest!
I listen to a wide variety of music. I am a huge fan of the Beastie Boys. I also love Rage Against the Machine,  ICP, 311, Sublime, Chemical Brothers, Prodigy, Daft Punk, Depeche Mode, System of a Down, and Kaligo-
I also belong to an aray of animal activist groups spanning from animal cruelty to rescue. I have 2 dogs right now. Oscar, a 5 yr old Bearded Collie that we rescued from an abusive household. Zoe, who we  have had a little over a year , was in a high kill shelter in West Virgina and was neglected and abandoned by her owner. She is a Bearded Collie/ Irish Wolfhound mix.. And then theres Batman,  who just left us on October 15th. He was 16 years old and we will miss him very much. There are thousands of dogs and cats who need good homes so check out and adopt one today!!

My Favorite Links:
Beastie Boys
Here I am....ShesCrafty96
Carving the pumpkin
My Biotch, Rick
      Our Wedding Day
In very loving memory of our son, 5/23/04-5/24/04.  Always in our hearts...
Farley 10/95-10/04
Batman 1989-2004
4 more years of lies and deception!
     How can so many people be so STUPID!
                  HILLARY in  08!!
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