Civil War Re-enacting
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Hello ! Please feel free to ask me any questions about re-enacting, women in the civil war or anything else and I'll try and do my best to answer it !
How did women soldiers deal with their monthly cycle ?
Question sent in by :  Rebel chick
Well, as with women today, if you are ill, or malnurished your monthly cycle tends to either skip a month or so, or ceases for a short while until you're better !
So considering the fact that many soldiers in the civil war were either ill or malnurished, women who managed to enlist probably didn't really have what you could call "a monthly cycle" !
Also due to fact that the latrines were so disgusting, many soldiers went off and found somewhere else to "go to the toilet", so a disguised woman soldier wouldn't be seen as unusual for going off to the toilet some where else ! It was also "victorian" age, where men were private so again a woman if she had a monthly cycle could easily conceal it !
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