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.: dronology

This site belongs to Mr.Deniz ELMASLI. Main purpose of this page is to introduce how it is possible to write effective codes for such a high level matematical operations and electomagnetic diffraction problems. You will also find junior level C++ coding for entrepreneur program developers and C codings for micro controller Embedded systems.



.: scattering field

Since thirty years, Modern diffraction theory suggests two main group technics to solve problems of electomagnetic diffraction from different physical and geometrical propertied obstacles.First group is “ Direct Methods ” which consists of methods such as;“Moment Method”, “Finite Differents”, “Finite Elements” technics. Second group is “ Numerical-Analytic Methods ” based on Integral Representations and Seperation of Variables Technics.


.: C/C++

In very limited description "C++ is a general-purpose, high-level programming language with low-level facilities. Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that uses abstraction to create models based on the real world. Scientific computing (or computational science) is the field of study concerned with constructing mathematical models and numerical solution techniques and using computers to analyze and solve scientific and engineering problems...


.: disclaimer

If you want to make a local copy of this standard and use it as your own you are perfectly free to do so. That's why I made it! If you find any errors or make any improvements please email me the changes so I can merge them in.

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.: thank you!

Thank you so much for your interest. If you need any assistance about described topics pls do not hesitate to contact with us. Kind regards.


update: 10.12.2006
web site version: 2.1.5


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