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Starting with a job

You are new to Cybertown and you don't have a job. Of course, you can stay that way and be in CT without having a job.
With a job (any one) you earn 336cc (Cybertown virtual money) every day. and you earn 21 experience points.
Without a job, you only earn 100cc and 5 exp points every day.

When you enter Cybertown, you have 0 exp points.
You can start as a Club Assistant (CA), or Block Deputy (BD).

Club Assistant:
All you have to do is to help the Club Owner (CO) to manage the club.
Pretty much nothing to do most of the times, but a good way to start working :)

Some people may offer you a CA job if you get a house in their block. They are probably Block Leaders or Block Deputies and they are looking for new people to get a house in their blocks, so they offer you this job "for free" if you get a house in their blocks.

Block Deputy:
Cybertown is made of 9 colonies. Those colonies are made of Neighborhoods and each neighborhood has several Blocks.

A BD helps the BL (BLock Leader) to manage the block.
BD is a good way to make contact with people and is an interesting job to start with.
Most of the time, 100 exp points are required to become a BD, but you can be hired without experience :).

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