City Guides Award Ceremony
October 22nd - 2090 - Logs

10/22/02 23:47:55 GMT Performing Arts Center

[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : ok, if you are ready, we can start :)
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : troll on your shoulder, so lucky pixie
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : looks at watch
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : flo
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : its 8:13
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : your late
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : =op
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Thanks Florence. :)
[Wizard] gnat [24741] : mstroll with jello for you gman
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : fashionably late hun
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : that's artistic usual delay Sed lol
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : *pays attention*
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : =op
[City Guide] JonathanJayce [7593] : Academic quarter...
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : god job, Jason
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : good not god
[Wizard] gnat [24741] : quietly listens to flo
[Deputy Senior City Guide] kidcat [12637] : * takes a seat*
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : *shares out some popcorn*
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : Ding ding ding. Your attention please
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : let's start tonight's Gala for the City Guides Award Ceremony! :)
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ~opera claps for Florence~
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : ty
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : joins applause
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : *joins applause*
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : Greetings everyone and welcome to this Ceremony!! Help yourself with coffee, cookies, drinks etc. :)
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : hout hout hout
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : thank you. thank you. your applause is too much
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : lol
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : aww shucks
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : First, there will be the unveiling of the City Guides Award Object created by Loanwolffe
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : lol
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : yay
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : Then we will reveal the names of the 5 nominees
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : <- likes veils
[Club Assistant] SirEddy [139] : let's see it
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : erm oops
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : Finally, our CT Ambassador Jason RC will tell you about "something new" in Cybertown :) Thanx a lot for being with us, enjoy this moment and have a lot of fun :)
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : *claps*
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : I will?
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : :)
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ~applauds~
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : lol
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Claps
[Deputy Senior City Guide] kidcat [12637] : lol
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : First, what is the City Guides Award? It's a Honorary thing we give after voting to some people we consider very nice in Cybertown
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : better work upa speech pretty quickly Jason
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ~coughs~
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : We voted for 5 persons, that's the limit. But of course, there are more than 5 nice persons in CT lol, maybe it's your turn next time :)
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : Now a few words about the Object created for the Award. In a few minutes we will "unveil" this object so that you all can see it, but before, here is the story of it :)
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : I asked Loanwolffe to make it. I asked him to make some nice tablet people could proudly put on their fireplace
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : But i forgot something important...
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : Loanwolffe is not just a techie playing with his vrml skills. He is an Artist :)
[Club Assistant] SirEddy [139] : that I don't have a fireplace
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : It was not exactly the object i expected lol. I was looking for something more classical, and not "controversial" :)
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : We asked a few people around us to let us know about their opinions, most of them had the same reaction i had: "what the heck is that???" lol
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : lol Flo
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : lol
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : lol
[Wizard] gnat [24741] : lol
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : LOL
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : lol
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : reminds her this isnt the 60s
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : :)
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : goup lol
[Templar] larrball [23481] : herhe
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : lol Seductively
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : group lol
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : hmmm
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : But the more i was looking to this object, the more i liked it. So I decided to trust the artist and promote originality :) So, the object you will discover tonight is the former object Loanwolffe created, nothing has been changed
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : neato
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : A big thanks to Loanwolffe for creating this object and for all the help he gave to make this ceremony possible :)
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : kewl
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : *claps*
[Templar] larrball [23481] : *claps*
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : yayyyyyyyyyyy
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : wtg wolf
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : and, i really wish he was there lol
[Wizard] gnat [24741] : thanks loan
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ~applauds the abscent loan~
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : lol
[Deputy Senior City Guide] kidcat [12637] : * claps*
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Yes, THANKS Loanwolffe wherever You are. :)
[C.E.R.B.] stone_98 [21760] : *clapping*
[Neighborhood Deputy] gREy_eLf [2621] : cool Loan
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ~notices lights flickering on and off~
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : *claps for invisable loan*
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : *blows his horn*
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : now, we were supposed to hear Loan talikng about his object :)
[Wizard] gnat [24741] : lol p
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : lol
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : i'll have to improvise i think hehe
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : You'll do great, Florence.
[Elder] AllyLove [14931] : hehe
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : the object he created is about a famous character of CT
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : drum roll
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : he dedicated it to...
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : MIna
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : Flo - you can tell us about how it is a synthesis of the impermanence of thought at the interpenetrability of mental space
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : lol
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : OMG!
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : yay mina!!
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : yayy mina
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : I thought it has got to be mina. LOL
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : i miss her
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : yayyyyy mina
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : rofl Muzz, i'll try. no i won't
[Elder] AllyLove [14931] : lol
[Deputy Senior City Guide] kidcat [12637] : lol
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : remember when we had to type: m*ina
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : me too she use to give me trouble all the time
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : yeah
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : lol
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : yep she sure did, Tweets
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : I'm sure she used to fancy me
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : the superbot
PixieBoots tosses thesaurus at muzz..
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : he actually made a really beautiful object
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : She used to follow me around
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : lol@muzz
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : yep, Muzzle you were her fav
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : lol
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : so you can translate that into laymens terms LOL
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : now, maybe i'll crash while uploading it to my other nick lol
Candi14 waves hello to everyone
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : That's neat, Florence--so perfect for those of us who remember her.
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : play the drums, thankx hehe
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : hi candi
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : HI Candi
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : Hi Candi
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : hiya Candy
[Wizard] gnat [24741] : ratta tattat
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : Hi Candi
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : *drum roll*
[Neighborhood Deputy] gREy_eLf [2621] : hi candy
[Block Deputy] Candi14 [473] : hi
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Hi, Candi!
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : J!!! guess what?
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Hi Young Sir
[Club Assistant] SirEddy [139] : hi candy
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : hi lion hugs
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : *watches the drum rolling* someone gonnna stop that?
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : E! ~hugglies~ yes yes yes???
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : lol
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : lol Jason
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : are we?
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : hi tweety
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : stopped, thanks Jason--I forgot. LOL
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : gman is haven fun with his drums
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : lol
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : taps foot
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : yup
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : It ran over my foot
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : lol
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : i'm gonna be a daddy :) big grin
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : LOL
[Block Deputy] Candi14 [473] : **sigh** my head hurts
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : sorry Muzzle-my fault
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : its ok have another
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : congrats lion
[C.E.R.B.] stone_98 [21760] : congratulations, LT
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : congrats lion hugs
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : wtg LT
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : Yay!!!! Congrats LT and Pallie!!!
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Great great, Lion--congrats to You and Pallie, Young Sir.
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : Hey - congratulations Lion! :-)
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Wow double good news today.
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Congrats!
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : <- is gonna be an auntie!!
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : yup
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : ok, now you can come and look behind me, the object is loading :)
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : thankies :) i am so happy
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : <---is gonna cry
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : neat Pixie
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : congratulations
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : np
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : hugs LIon :)
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : yes J :)
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ~cries~
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : hugs all
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : gee lion u work fast
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : fast?
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : Mommy is sleeping
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : lol!
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : lol
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : yup fast
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : lol was a 1st attemp
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : lol
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : rofl
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : they've been married for awhile and it only takes once!
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : j/k
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ROFL
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : u never tried accidents happen
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : lol
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : here is the object made by Loan :)
[Block Deputy] Candi14 [473] : mannn, i have a black eye...
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : award is loaded, right behind flo
PixieBoots tries to find Flo
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Florence, I'm sober but not so sure about my avatar. LOL
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : That's a nice object. :-)
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : It's different
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : lol Chase
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : you need time to get used to it ;)
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : rofl
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : it grows on you
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : no dont' let it grow!!
[Club Assistant] SirEddy [139] : very strange...but cool
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : lol
[Block Deputy] Candi14 [473] : owww...
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : textures for Mina require to be seen closely
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : sorry Candi
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : I'm terrible about running into You peeps--sorry

[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : there are a few people i'd like to thank
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : very nice, Florence and lonewolffe. great artistic work and neat
[Block Deputy] Candi14 [473] : i got hit w/ a football 2day... the good thing is that i got 2 go home

[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : A huge thanks to Jason RC, Zoundite, Loanwolffe, JDB Educator, Vialle, Gnat, PhyllisP, Jolinth, and all who helped to make this ceremony possible :)

[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : oh no, Candi--hope YOu are OK
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : :)
[Block Deputy] Candi14 [473] : thats y i have a black eye
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : It is really original! And decorartive
[Block Deputy] Candi14 [473] : im fine
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Thanks You Peeps that Florence mentioned--wow so nice of all of Yous.
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : poor Candi
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : agree with Ya, Karin
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : nothing to do with me...everyone else did all the work :)
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : =o( isnt able to see the thing lol
[Block Deputy] Candi14 [473] : its ok. i punched the person who threw it at me...
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Humble Jason
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : I'll take credit for you Jason
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : ouch doulbe ouch, Candi
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : lol
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : I'm happy to accept this thank you.
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : your welcome grateful :)
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : how kind (maybe) Grateful. :)
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : on behalf of Jason. I shall hear it and know it came from flo's heart.
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : Jason always think he did nothing as long as he doesn't have to make a last minute speech lol
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : lol
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : lol
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : speech
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : :)
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : sorry couldn't resist
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : :)
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : LOL
[Block Deputy] Candi14 [473] : I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! ** hops up and turns the radio up**
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Such wonderful peeps here--thanks Florence and crew!!
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : *hides behind flo*
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : lol
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : run Flo
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ~hugs LT again~
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : :)
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : oh btw...
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : But I feel all people are created equal, and for that, a thank you to me, on behalf of Jason, is a thank you to all the citizens of CT for allowing me into their virtual lives
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] :
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : it you would like to purchase jason..
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : how nice, Grateful. :)
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : thankies
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : be sure to come to the Divination Cuty Wide halloween event this saturday
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : lol@sed
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : Jason will be up for market
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : =op jason heheheehh
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Young Sir--so good to see ya and hear your good news.

[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : So now, maybe you'd like to know who will receive this object?
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : ok lets have the nominee names!
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : you are going to make seddy really rich now arent you jason
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : ;)
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Yes at least 4 of them
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : :)
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : lol
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : bbshortly
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : lol
[Elder] Induleo [14079] : Hi all
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : he bettter not make you anything...
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : hiya induleo
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : Hi Induleo
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : Hi Induleo!
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : hb tweety
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Hi Induleo
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : ******Drums rolls******
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : hiya Induleo
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Hi, Induleo
[City Guide] JonathanJayce [7593] : Hi Induleo, ltns...
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : hb Tweeters
[Block Deputy] Candi14 [473] : hey induleo
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : Ouch, my foot!
[Elder] Induleo [14079] : Hi Chase, FLore, Muzz, TW, Jonathan, Candi
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : Ok, now it's time to let you know who received the Award :)
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Maybe wait for Tweety to return
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : dunno
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : Not sure they were able to be there tonight, but i'll post logs, so be careful about what you say :)
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : she's usually fast
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : lol
[Elder] Induleo [14079] : wassup in here?
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : award ceremony
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ~Dt's fingers~
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : Here they are, in alphabetical order
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : uh oh--putting on good behavior
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : ******Drums rolls again******* (then crash cymbal hit)
[City Guide] JonathanJayce [7593] : Hugs TD
[City Guide] TwistedDemon [13668] : hugs jon
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : lol you have bad behavior Chase?
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : (we asked for trumpets like in middle age tournaments, but they had a party at Excalibur in Vegas)
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : Oh wait.. yes, I seem to have logs
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : hope not now, Pixie
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : :)
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : heheh
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : lol Florence

[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : Hmm Ok. First nominee has worked in city guide and Cerb teams. She has always been very nice and helpful. And a very good friend too :)
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : and my neighbor!
[Elder] AllyLove [14931] : hehe
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : oh i bet i know who!
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : neat gman
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : and my punching bag
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : First nominee is... AllyLove! Congrats Ally, yay :)
[C.E.R.B.] stone_98 [21760] : *clapping* wtg, Ally
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : wahooo!
[Elder] AllyLove [14931] : Thankies :D
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : wtg ally
[Block Leader] Stric [456] : wtf ally
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : Congrats Ally ~applauds~
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : CONGRATS AllyLove--wonderful wonderful
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : congratulations ally
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : *claps and whistles*
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : *claps for AllyLove*
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : wtg ally
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Congrats, Ally!
[City Guide] TwistedDemon [13668] : congrats
[Elder] AllyLove [14931] : Thanks everyone :)
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : Ally congrats
[City Guide] JonathanJayce [7593] : Congratz, Ally, hugs
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : Congrats, Ally!
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : ***claps****
[Club Owner] tweety03 [964] : congratulation
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : I'll congratulate you later Ally
[Block Deputy] Candi14 [473] : hello every1
[Elder] AllyLove [14931] : lol
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : hummm
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : Hi Candi
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : my little punching bag.
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : so ally.. i say we ditch grate and go drinking =oop
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : ready for next?
[Neighborhood Deputy] gREy_eLf [2621] : congrats ally
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : My heart is beating so fast I can hardly contain it.
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : hey now!
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : lol
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : =op
[Elder] AllyLove [14931] : hehehe seddy sounds like a plan
[Block Deputy] Candi14 [473] : oooooo! that was cold! ...
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : :)
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : =o(
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : =O(
[Block Deputy] Candi14 [473] : brb
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : hb
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : hb
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : hb Candi
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : im not hun
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : joke
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : =o(
[Elder] AllyLove [14931] : aaaaaaaw

[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : Next nominee is a very special one. Actually so special that you would not be here listening to me without him
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : Like Bruce Willis, he saved a World. Many times :)
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : lol
[Block Deputy] Candi14 [473] : ok im back
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ~gasp~
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : I'm proud to give this Award to our CT Founder: Hawk!
[City Guide] TwistedDemon [13668] : wb
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : wb Candi
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ~applauds~
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : wb
[C.E.R.B.] stone_98 [21760] : *clapping* Congrats Hawk
[Elder] AllyLove [14931] : *claps*
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : congrats hawk who isnt here at the moment.. tsk tsk tsk another time managment case
[Club Assistant] Tashawasha [1029] : Claps
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Claps
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : congratulations :)
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : *claps for Hawk*
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : Claps
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : well done hawk
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : wow, wow CONGRATS Hawk!! Thanks for this place and all You do for each and every one of us. Yayyyeeee.
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : or lack there of Sed.. lol
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : we all remember the troubles we had in last June, least we could do :)
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : Congrats to the honorable Hawk
[Neighborhood Deputy] gREy_eLf [2621] : *claps* well done hawk\
[City Guide] JonathanJayce [7593] : Congratulations, Hawk.
[Club Owner] tweety03 [964] : congratulation bruce willis i mean hawk
[City Guide] TwistedDemon [13668] : congrats
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : neato, Florence
[Block Deputy] Candi14 [473] : i had 2 get a nappkin cause my ice spilt on me
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : :)
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : ok
[Wizard] gnat [24741] whispers : no need to mod it looks like
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : tosses Candi another napkin--and towel
[Block Deputy] Candi14 [473] : wut does hb mean?
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : hiya knight
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : hurry back
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : hurry back
[Wizard] gnat [24741] whispers : nice little guides lol
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : Hurry Back
[Block Deputy] Candi14 [473] : ok
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : beat ya
[Block Deputy] Knight-Protector [10172] : hello all, sorry to be so late
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : :P
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : =op
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : speedy Seductively
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : hb = hot bricks
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : Hi Knight
[Club Owner] tweety03 [964] : hello knight
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : lol
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : number 3 coming up :)
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : Hi Knight
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Welcome Protector==so good to see ya.
[City Guide] JonathanJayce [7593] : Hi Knight, ltns...
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : I'm an impatient guide flornece. Who's next...
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : hugs KP :)
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Hi, Knight!
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : lol Grateful
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : (suspense)
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : Hi KP
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : hiya KP hugglies hon
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : hi karin smiles
[Block Leader] Stric [456] : hi everyone
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : goes to the GB to chain post if flo doesnt come out with it
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : hiya stric
[Club Assistant] Tashawasha [1029] : Hi all
[Club Assistant] Tashawasha [1029] : sry i m late
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : hello stric
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Hi, Lion!
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : next nominee
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : hiya tasha
[Neighborhood Deputy] gREy_eLf [2621] : hiya stric
[Club Owner] tweety03 [964] : hello tahsa
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Hi Stric and Tashawasha
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : This one is not a City Guide, but she does the job when i'm not on Plaza lol
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] whispers : put your arm across your forehead for dramaic effect
[Block Leader] Stric [456] : this appears to be the "nice people" convention?
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : yup
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : When i inboxed she had the Award, she said: "i thought i had been shangai'd" hehe
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : Lol..
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : wb kidcat *hugs*
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : lol Florence
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : Not sure about what that means lol, but sure she is always funny, nice, and helpful: PixieBoots is our next nominee! :) yay!
[C.E.R.B.] stone_98 [21760] : yeaaaaa, wtg, *clapping wildly*
[Deputy Senior City Guide] kidcat [12637] : ty...
[Wizard] gnat [24741] : know who this one is lol deep pockets
[Elder] AllyLove [14931] : congrats Pixie!!
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : congrats pixie
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : *claps*
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : wtg pixie
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : congratulations pixie
[Block Leader] Stric [456] : Congrats pixie!
[C.E.R.B.] stone_98 [21760] : Yaaaa, Pixie
[Block Deputy] Knight-Protector [10172] : yay Pixie, hugs :)
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : congrats pixie
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : Lol.. dunno bout ALWAYS.. but ty hon ~hugs~
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : wtg Pixie :)
[City Guide] TwistedDemon [13668] : congrats
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : wtg Pixie
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : wow, Neato PixieBoots--great going Gal--hugs and oinks
[Club Owner] tweety03 [964] : congratulations pixie
[Block Deputy] Candi14 [473] : *ow* bye yall gotta get more ice
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : yahoo smiles at J well done
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Congrats, Pixie!!!
[Neighborhood Deputy] gREy_eLf [2621] : *claps* wtg pixie
[City Guide] JonathanJayce [7593] : Yay, congratz, Pixie, hugs
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ty all ~blushes~
[Club Assistant] Tashawasha [1029] : congrats Pixie
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : *claps for Pixie*
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : group welky :)
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : hb Candi and hope eye is OK
[Elder] AllyLove [14931] : Hey krinny :D
[Club Owner] Krinsath [7632] : so NOW you notice me :P
[Block Leader] Stric [456] whispers : not to bug you or anything, buy do you think i could get a list of the nominees after the ceremony?
[Block Leader] Stric [456] whispers : but**
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : sure Whispy :)
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Hi Krinsath
[Elder] AllyLove [14931] : hehe cuz you're in ct *oh so often*
[City Guide] JonathanJayce [7593] : Hey Krin, you just didn't make any showy entrance... :p
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : i still say we should have nominateed my crayon
[Block Leader] Stric [456] whispers : tyvm
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : lol Jonathan
[Block Leader] Stric [456] : lol sed
[Elder] AllyLove [14931] : yea seddy.. but it would've upstaged everyone else ;)
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : I don't
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : next one now :)
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : maybe next time Seduc
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : true ally
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : true
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : special one again :)
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : that crayon is nothing but a trouble-maker
[Elder] AllyLove [14931] : lol
[C.E.R.B.] stone_98 [21760] : Pixie just crashed out, she'll brb
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : chase... sed.. sed.. not seduc
[Club Owner] Krinsath [7632] : so where's my award for keeping ally in line? :)
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : ha ha ha
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : HB Pixire

[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : Next nominee is probably the nicest person i ever met in Cybertown. You can often meet him on the plaza
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : ok Sed--I stand corrected. :)
[Elder] AllyLove [14931] : oh like it's hard work or somethin'
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : ty
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : award?? we'' give ya handcuffs for that
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : Ok, here is first clue: "congrats $nnm on breaking the 2560 exp points today" ;)
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : roflmao
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : oh Florence. oh
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : LOL
[Block Deputy] Knight-Protector [10172] : woohooo
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : *exp test
[Club Owner] Krinsath [7632] : no comment on ally and handcuffs :)
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : second clue: "oinks oinks"
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : congrats chase roflmao
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : oink
[Block Deputy] Knight-Protector [10172] : Oinks!!
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : hmm...
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : wtg chase
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : oink
[Wizard] gnat [24741] : oink oink
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : Blue?
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : So, hugs and oinks to Chase4ever! congrats Chase :)
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Oinks!
[Elder] AllyLove [14931] : Congrats Chase :D
[C.E.R.B.] stone_98 [21760] : Congratulations, Chase, wtg
[Elder] AllyLove [14931] : :P krin
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : *claps and whistles*
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : congratulations
[Club Assistant] Tashawasha [1029] : Congrats Chase
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Hugs, Chase"!
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : *claps for Chase*
[Club Owner] tweety03 [964] : congratulation chase
[Block Leader] Stric [456] : congrats chase!
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : Congrats Chase!
[City Guide] JonathanJayce [7593] : Congratz, Chase
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Claps!
[Block Deputy] Knight-Protector [10172] : congrats Chase, your so deserving!! oinks oinks
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : hugglies and congrats to a very desering chase
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : you through me off.
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : soo i was right hun.. there are oinking dingbat jellyrolls in CT... see look at hase
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : =o)
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : erm.. deserving too
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : congrats chase
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : yeah good man well deserved clap clap oink oink
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : wb J
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : ok now you can breath Chase hehe
[Neighborhood Deputy] gREy_eLf [2621] : congrats chase
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : back.. ty E
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : I'm so grateful I'm alone in my apartment--or you'd all see someone bawling at an old age--Thanks Florence, Your Team and all of You Wonderful Peeps.
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : wb
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : the oink thing through me off. I thought Blue was back with his pigs
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : welkies
[C.E.R.B.] stone_98 [21760] : wb, Pix *hugs*
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : lol hun hehehe
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ty ~hugs~ stonie
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : :)
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : thanx to you chase, always welcoming everyone in plaza and helping
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ty gman
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : yw
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Wow, breathing again now--thanks so much Florence and everyone!!!!
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : oink oink
[City Guide] JonathanJayce [7593] : Dooon't mention him, Grate... Not now, not here...
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : hehe
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : thank you for keeping the troublemakers secluded to the plaza chase!!!
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : yah.. oinkies chase
[Wizard] gnat [24741] : one more raound of oinks
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : huh?
[Wizard] gnat [24741] : OINK OINK
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : oinks!!
[Block Leader] WiZaRdMaGiC [3327] : Oink!
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : oink oink oink
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ~gasps at gnatty~
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Oinkis!!!!
[City Guide] JonathanJayce [7593] : Oinky
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : quack
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : whattanooinker
[Block Leader] WiZaRdMaGiC [3327] : moo
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : *look on in amazement*...guess I missed out
[Block Leader] Stric [456] : lol, same here jason
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : *oinks* anyway
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : lol
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : lol
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Lol
[Block Leader] Stric [456] : oink....!
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : I love You all so very very much--thanks for those oinks --all the way back to Dec 1999 when Simon and I were in Plaza, I started the Oinks. Look where they've gone and they came home--thanks
[Block Leader] Stric [456] : hmmm? am i good for a rookie?
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : it took me time to understand what oinks meant hehe
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : i think close to 900,000 people missed out jason
[Club Assistant] Tashawasha [1029] : sorry, I gotta go all
[Club Assistant] Tashawasha [1029] : bye
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : I better explain that:
Chase4ever says Oink means "Good Wishes to You." Oink Oink!!
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : vye tasha
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : bye Tsha
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : Bye Tash
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : bye tasha
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Take care Tasha
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : Bye Tashawasha
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : bye tasha
[Club Assistant] Tashawasha [1029] : u 2 all
[Neighborhood Deputy] gREy_eLf [2621] : bye tasha
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : There's one more, and we all love here, too, Florence. :)
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : her not here
[Block Leader] WiZaRdMaGiC [3327] : c'ya l8ter everyone
[Wizard] gnat [24741] : back
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : blushing again
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : later wiz
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : Bye Wiz
[Block Leader] WiZaRdMaGiC [3327] : bye
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : wb gnat
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : wb gnat
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : wb gnat
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : good shade of red, too, Florence
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : btw Flo? I thought I was being "awarded" with a city guides JOB!! lol.. hence "shanghi'd"
[Wizard] gnat [24741] : ty :O)
[Neighborhood Deputy] gREy_eLf [2621] : wb gnat
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Bye, Wiz
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : WB gna and take care wizardmagic
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : heheheh
[Elder] AllyLove [14931] : eek.. gotta change batteries in mouse.. afk
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : lol Pixie hehe
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : gnat--sorry for typo
[City Guide] JonathanJayce [7593] : Did you fill the app, Pixie? ;-)
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : lol
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : ha ha ha jon
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : Lol nupe jon
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ~smiles~

[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : nice transition to fifth nominee ;)
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : yeah.. shove her that thick application
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] whispers : wonder if TweetyBird crashed?
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : lets see if she wants the job then
[Wizard] gnat [24741] whispers : id love to see the award but my 3d is kaput :O(
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : city guide advice? take three running jumps then fall flat on your face?
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] whispers : You are so nice to me--really meant a lot what You typed. :)
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : I can do that
[City Guide] JonathanJayce [7593] : Ouch..
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : =o\
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : wish she could come back before i tell you who is fifth nominee
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] whispers : no need to respond
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : she'll have to read logs :)
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : i know i know i know
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : *takes three running jumps*....oh no...still standing :-(
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : me too me too
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : lol
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : Fifth one, last one. I still wonder why she is not City Guide. She does the job for free :)
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : yes
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : She is probably more often in Newcomers Club than me hehe
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : she is a dediacted profesional BUM
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : lol gman
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : lol
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : dedicated even
[Block Leader] Stric [456] : lol
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : lol
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : Clue? hmm. She can fly, she is cute, she doesn't care about Sylvester...
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : lol
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : meow
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : awwr!
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : lol
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : not at all
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : hiya bilbo
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : LOL!
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : Tweety_Bird7! Proud to give this award to the best Tweety ever :)
[Wizard] gnat [24741] : shea a paech who loves bananna's?
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : I taught I taw a puddy cat!
[C.E.R.B.] stone_98 [21760] : *clapping* Congratulations, Tweety
[Elder] AllyLove [14931] : *claps for tweets* !!
[Block Leader] Stric [456] : congrate Tweety B!
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : *claps for Tweety_Bird
[City Guide] TwistedDemon [13668] : congrats
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : Yay! Tweets! hugglies ~applauds~
[Block Leader] Stric [456] : congrats rather
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : congrats tweets huggles.. im getting lil.. she cant miss this one..
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : *claps and whistles*
[Wizard] gnat [24741] : congrats tweets
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : congrats missing birdy!
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : yay for Tweety!! :)
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : Congrats Tweety!
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : congratulations
[Deputy Senior City Guide] kidcat [12637] : congrats for tweety
[City Guide] JonathanJayce [7593] : Gongratz Tweety, hugs
[Block Deputy] Knight-Protector [10172] : congrats Tweety, hugs
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Congrats, Tweety!!!!
[Neighborhood Deputy] gREy_eLf [2621] : *claps* for Tweety
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : We love her too--CONGRATS Tweet Tweeters--what an honor that You truly deserve--hugs and oinks, Lovely Tweets.
[Club Owner] tweety03 [964] : congratulation tweety bird :) the tweetys are the best :)
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : lol twety03
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : yippeeee for tweety way to go huggliepouncytickles
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : oops
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : lol tweety
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : come home Tweety come home

[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : for those in 2D who couldn't see the object, you can see it there, with Loanwolffe's comments:
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : tweets tweets tweets... loooks at grate.. see i told you she was good for publicity
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : neato, Florence, thanks
[Block Leader] Stric [456] : it's an error flo
[Deputy Senior City Guide] kidcat [12637] : lol
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : yep Sed :)
[Wizard] gnat [24741] : not there flo
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : add .wrl
[C.E.R.B.] stone_98 [21760] : Congratulations to all the great recipients of the award
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : aww wrong url :)
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : B.R.B. smiling.wrl
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ty stonie
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : lol E.. hb
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : still questionable hun
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : =o)
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : think ill go get lil sed ..
[Wizard] gnat [24741] : nope not even with .wrl
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : congrats to all the award recipients, gotta run, see ya all, hugs ladies!
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : jsut as a congrats surprise for her
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Karin, Simon, Protector, and Young Sir--thank You for telling me You'd be here and for sharing in our joy here. All of the Florence Group--really have made me happy. Thanks again one and all.
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ty gman.. take care
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : Bye gman
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : cya gman
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : take care gman
[Deputy Senior City Guide] gman1107 [13635] : ty all buh bye
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : brb
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : Welky Chase :)
[Deputy Senior City Guide] kidcat [12637] : huggles gman
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : FlorenceGroup??
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : smiling back Simonoinkingsir
[Block Deputy] Knight-Protector [10172] : your most welcome Chase, i'm just glad i made it in time, oinks again for you :)
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : lol Florence--thanks
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : bye Gman huggles :) have a good night
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Iam happy to share this special occasion, Chase!
[City Guide] JonathanJayce [7593] : G'Nite G, hugs...
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : smile with an extra oink back, Protector.
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Karin, You will always always be one of my dearest loved one. Sending You a big oink and smile.

10/23/02 01:00:20 GMT Performing Arts Center

, welcome to Performing Arts Center. Please note that visitors can only watch the chat!
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : wb stonie ~hugs~
[C.E.R.B.] stone_98 [21760] : ty
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : wb stone
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : You may have seen the adverts talking about discovering something new with the Ambassadors...
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : wb Stone
[Block Deputy] crashanburns [462] : wb stone
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : hmmm
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : Thanks, Chase *takes flashlight* :)
[C.E.R.B.] stone_98 [21760] : ty all
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : yes, Jason
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : wb Stone
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : welky welky
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : I am sure some of you are probably wondering what on earth that is. I am also sure most of you are wondering who on earth the ambassadors are and what they do...
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : LoL
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : drum roll again
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : Well I am, for one
[Block Leader] Simon76 [21178] : Bye Lion - tc
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : :)
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : pretty much...
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : :-)
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : lol@muzz
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : lol Muzz
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : *anxious*
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : yep there's always one in every crowd, Muz. hehehahe
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : lol
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : :)
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : *drum roll*...stilll
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : Well tonight we are proud to relaunch the new Ambassadors Council's new website where you can find out that information and a whole lot more :-)
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : glad You are, Muzzle
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : great :)
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : wohoo!
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : neato, Jason
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : cool Jason :)
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : bdbdbdbd
[C.E.R.B.] stone_98 [21760] : that is great, Jason
[Block Deputy] crashanburns [462] : cool
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : ta ta ta
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Thanks for all You Ambassdors do for us and the newbies, too.
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : ?
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Great news!
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : yes
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : There you can see find what we hope will become an invaluable resource to some of you for finding out useful information regarding Cybertown. Feel free to explore and use the feedback section to send in your comments. This will help us to gather your views and improve the site.
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : what's a web site?
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : LoL pikie
[Block Deputy] Knight-Protector [10172] : grins
[C.E.R.B.] stone_98 [21760] : rofl Pixie
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : We will also be posting adverts and links to the site across Cybertown shortly, just for those who could not be here today :-)
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : lol
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : *pixie
[C.E.R.B.] stone_98 [21760] : it's where spiderman hangs out
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : Lol.. pickie to you!
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : for those who are here today....
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : hehehe
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : great, Jason
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : Great!
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : The url is...
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : sounds very nice :)
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : *drum roll*
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : somewhere...
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : kewl jason.. ty to those who put it all together
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : lol
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : hold on...
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : LoL Jason
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : lol
[Block Deputy] Knight-Protector [10172] : is somewhere? rofl
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : LOL
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : assume it will be posted on feedback as well?
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : turns drum roll solely over to JTazz--thanks Dude
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : 8types in ""*
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : hmm.. error 401
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : Hmmm
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : lol
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : lol
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : ...ahhhh found it :)
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : do a search on Yahoo: CT Ambassadors ok?
[Block Deputy] crashanburns [462] : i no that one
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : LoL
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : miracles happen yay
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] :
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : ummm
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : yeah that works
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : oo very nice!!
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : wow looks great
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : It's a great page
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : clean.. easy to read etc!!
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : no .wrl after the link?
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ~swats lt~
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : go fer it
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : wow--very professional and great design and layout, Jason. :)
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : yes design is great
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : *just got there*
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : We all hope that you find it useful and would appreciate any feedback you may have
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : Yep, you've done a great job. :-)
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : wow it loaded fast cool!
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : yup
[Club Owner] tweety03 [964] : its bookmarked
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : amazing and yes cool
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : wb gnat =op
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : very tasteful
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Very elegant, too!
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : *likes tasteful*
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : ...*missed out on being an Ambassador*...
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : hehe
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : *sniff*
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : *likes chocolate as well*
[Block Deputy] crashanburns [462] : awww
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : aww
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : grrr.. cept it tells me not to forget to bookmark it when I tryto bookmark it lol
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : added to my "Favorites" folder
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : Wait...did I miss out?
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : lol
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : lol
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : and it's not making it to my faves
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : Not quite sure if I missed out yet...
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : lol Pixie
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : Have I missed out yet?
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Pixie, enlarge screen and keep trying to save
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : LoL
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : lol trying to bookmark it.. keeps coming up with don't forget to bookmark it
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : it worked for me, Pixie
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : me too LT
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : i opened from the url in the chat screen though.. so no browser buttons or address on the window
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : Jason...what the requirements to be an Ambassador again?
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : I'm sure you can look it up on the "new site"
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : got to love advertisments =op
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : will have to check historic Pixie, same here lol
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : *looking*
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : yuppers flo
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : [email protected] was just typing the answer, but you can see it on the new site :)
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : lol
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : Well, it's ten past two in the morning. I *must* get to bed.
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : :)
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : *may have to get grateful in to do marketing* lol
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ohmy! nighters Muzz, sweet dreams
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : good time, Muzzle--but sleep good and so good to see Ya.
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : Nice to see everybody here this evening
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : I just gave it a plug. do I get something for that?
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : bye Muzzle sweet dreams :)
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : night night muzz, thanks for staying up
[City Guide] JonathanJayce [7593] : Aww, sweet dreams, Muzz... :)
[Block Deputy] Knight-Protector [10172] : take care all, i'm off, and congrats again to everyone who recieved an award, your all very deserving, have a great day, and oinks again for Chase
[Block Leader] Muzzlehatch [17996] : :-) Bye everybody
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Good night, Muzz!
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : bye KP hugglies hon..
[Block Deputy] crashanburns [462] : night muzz
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : lol Grateful--an extra oink just for You
[City Guide] JonathanJayce [7593] : Toodles Knight... :)
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : thanks for oinks, Protector--so good to see Ya, Pal.
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : must be very late for you too Flo?
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : See ya Knight take care hugs
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : Doesn't see it on the "new site"
[Wizard] gnat [24741] : .
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : those who received the Award can get the object at my club FLorence's anytime
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : please take the topic book coming with the object
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Thanks Florence--looking forward to that. Thanks so much
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : click on teh button that says home in the left panel JTazz
[City Guide] JonathanJayce [7593] : "Eligible applicants must be residents of Cybertown for less than 6 months from their initial date of immigration."
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : a few words from Loan and Me ;)
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ty very much flo and other city guides too
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : roll those drums again, JTazz
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : *drum roll*
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ~pokes gnat~ both past and present CG's
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : thanks JTazz
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : thanks to you Pixie :)
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : LoL
[Elder] Starshyne [11545] : huggles chase and flo
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : anytime Chase
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Hi Sis--love Ya--hugs and oinks
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : hiya star.. hugglies
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : thanks JTazz
[Elder] Starshyne [11545] : sorry i'm late
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : *drum roll* *drum roll*
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : hey Star hugs
[C.E.R.B.] stone_98 [21760] : I better run, I seem to be getting caught in messages
[Block Deputy] crashanburns [462] : dose any body no how kalamata do
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : no prob, Sis. :)
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : bada bada bada
[C.E.R.B.] stone_98 [21760] : congratulations and thanks to all the award winners
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : hugglies stone
[C.E.R.B.] stone_98 [21760] : *hugs* Pixie, see you in Q
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : take care stone--oink oink and thanks.
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : hi starshyne flow was just about to repeat the program
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : mkay hon
[City Guide] JonathanJayce [7593] : Kal had a work shift and couldn't attend...
[Elder] Starshyne [11545] : lt; oh cool
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : buuuuuuuduuuuuu
[C.E.R.B.] stone_98 [21760] : see you, Chase, congroinks
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : sorry dunno, crashan
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : buuuuuuuuuuuduuuuuuuuuuu
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : lol STone--that's neat congroinks--wow
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : LoL
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : that's my drum roll
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : Lol
[Block Deputy] crashanburns [462] : ino but was wandering if she got any thing
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : good cerb peep, stone
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : good friend peep too
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : good job, too, Jtazz
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Good night, all! Thank you for a lov ely event, Florence! Congratulations to the award winners!
[CVN Film Critic] JTazz [8644] : smile
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : later karin
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : nighters Karin.. take care!

[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : for those who don't remember the nominees names, check this:
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : goodnight Karin
[City Guide] JonathanJayce [7593] : Nitey nite, Karin...
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : see ya karin hugs
[Elder] Starshyne [11545] : enjoy the night karin
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : bye Karin hugs
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : thanks Sweetie Karin--hugs and love ya.
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Later, Grateful, wonderful to see you!
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : yawns to make her presences still known
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Florence, chase , Pixie!
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : wb hunny
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : yawning back sed
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : ty hun
PixieBoots looks at sed.. lol
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : lol Sed
[City Guide] Seductively [11128] : figured i had done my fair share of staying quiet
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : Pixie--such an honor to have spent this quality time with You--I'm really honored.
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : good job, Sed
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : awwr Chase.. yer so sweet
[CVN] KarinBR [7805] : Hugs to all! You are wonderful people and I love being with you!
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : yeah. now take over for me and bother the lovely people hun
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : thanks Pixie. :)
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : *seems to have reached the end of the popcorn*
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : *agrees with pixie
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : ditto Karin
PixieBoots tosses more popcorn at jason
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : tosses popcorn at Jason too
[Elder] Starshyne [11545] : :)
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : wb tweety
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : :-) thank you pixie
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : like minds, Pixie. LOL
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : Thanks to all for being there, thanx to all who helped for everything. It' was a real pleasure to see how people have bee so helpful :)
[Ambassador] Jason_RC [11320] : thanks chase...oink
[Block Deputy] crashanburns [462] : catsh's it an eats it
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : ALWAYS HERE FOR YOU fLO :p
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : And....Florence... You are our roll model--thanks Lovely Lady!!
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : OOPS
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : lol
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : darn it
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : ~hugs~ Flo.. you make it easy hon
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] : lol
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : welky Jason
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : hey WB Tweety, and congrats!! :)
[City Guide] JonathanJayce [7593] : Hmm, roll model?
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : oinks back too Jason
[Club Owner] PixieBoots [15230] : wb Tweety ~hugglies~ n congrats hon
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : ty
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : thank you flo
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : ty flo
[City Guide] GratefulOutkast [14252] :
[Templar] Tweety_Bird7 [20139] : ty hugs
[Club Assistant] Lion-Tiger [11513] : wtg tweetster hugs
[Templar] Chase4ever [23951] : I think I mis-spelled role
[Senior City Guide] Florence_fr_us [16313] : sorry you were not there Tweety, i have logs for you hehe



Thanks to Jason RC, Loanwolffe, Zoundite and PAC staff, and all who helped us making the CG Award ceremony the great moment it was :)

Congrats to the nominees who received the CG Award !

Thanks to Loanwolffe for the great artistic creation he did with this object dedicated to Mina :)

Don't miss the new New CT Embassy Website that Jason RC presented at the ceremony

Thanks to KarinBR for her ice article in the news :) (see below)

You helped us a lot making this event a nice moment, thank you all :)
The City Guides :-*)



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