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"When your head says one thing and your whole life says another, your head always loses."

Humphrey Bogart (1899 - 1957)
Born: New York
Died: Hollywood

Before becoming a movie star, Humphrey Bogart hustled strangers at 5-minute chess for 50 cents a game in chess parlors in New York Times Square. In 1943 the FBI prevented him from playing postal chess, thinking the chess notation were secret codes. He was a USCF tournament director and active in the California State Chess Association. He once drew a game against Reshevsky in a simultaneous exhibition. He made 75 films and chess appears in several of his movies. He and his wife, Lauren Bacall, appeared on the cover of CHESS REVIEW in 1945 playing chess with Charles Boyer.


Humphrey DeForest Bogart was born on Christmas day in 1899 to a Manhattan surgeon and a magazine illustrator. Humphrey Bogart was educated at Trinity School, NYC, sent to Phillips Academy in Andover in preparation for medical studies at Yale. He was expelled from Phillips and joined the U.S. Navy. While serving he was wounded in the shelling of the Leviathan; the resulting partial paralysis caused his signature snarl and lisp. From 1920 to 1922 he managed a stage company owned by family friend William S. Brady, performing a variety of tasks at Brady's film studio in New York.

After this he began regular stage performances. He emerged from a minor theatrical career in the 1920's to become one of Hollywood's most distinctive leading men of the 1940s and 1950s, principally through his often-revived appearances in The Maltese Falcon (1941), Casablanca (1942), and his Oscar-winning The African Queen (1951).


Chesslab database allegedly has record of some of Bogie's games. A few games can be viewed including one that supposedly is Bogart vs Bacall. Believe it or don't believe it.

The Chesslab Bogart page is here.




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