riverbank mainbanner riverbank

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    "We could see stone, and timber and barrels of fish and salt stored on docks on the shore. Behind the docks were long, planked ramps leading up to warehouse. The warehouses seemed constructed of smoothed, heavy timbers, stained and varnished. Most appeared reddish. Almost all had roofs had wooden shingles, painted black. Many were ornamented, particularly above the great double doors, with carvings, and woodwork, painted in many colors. Through the great doors I could see large central areas, and various floors, reached by more ramps. There seemed many goods in the warehouses. I could see men moving about, inside, and on the ramps, and about the docks. Various barges were being loaded and unloaded. Except for villages, Laura was the only civilization in the region. Lydius, the free port at the mouth of the Laurius, was more than two hundred pasangs downstream"
Captive of Gor, Chapter 8

Some quotes from Captive of Gor... Come here to see what you can and can't do... Take a look at the lay of the land....
Here's who call Laura home... Members and Friends leave a note... What's going on...
Slaves and thralls have rules too...read em... Bring your money..we'll keep it safe..honest... Gorean Links
The Raiders of Laura...beware...
Okay, Want to play the bad guys?
Laurius Exchange Point
Order a big ole boat...come on you know you want one... 
Come see O/our city.... To those who helped...

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Due to an effort to roleplay conditions more effectively, weather conditions for a northern city in the Western United States was chosen due to geographic location on the Earth vs. Gor maps.  Please check to see what kind of weather we are having in the city.

City at a small glance...

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