Whyspering Mysts
Once upon a time, dragons prowled through the lands of Whyspering Mysts as the dominant
creatures. This was many decades ago, when the sky still held two burning suns within it�s
grace. As with all realms, as time goes by creatures are forced to evolve. Various new species
wandered upon the lands, and began to forge permanent settlements. While some of the
dragons pledged war to these intruders, the Silver dragons being more noble and open in the
ways of change. Became protectors of these new members of their beloved home. The other
dragons, especially the Reds found this to be a revolting gesture. Sending the two ancients
into a war that lasted through the span of hundreds of years. Only when the humans started
waging their own wars against one another did the dragons stop. The silver taking side of the
good, and more polite mortals. While the Reds took side of the darker hearted humans. Once
again with war running rampant through out the land, the rivers and streams themselves
seemed to turn red with the bloodshed. Growing small in numbers, and weary of the wars the
Silver dragons pulled themselves from the battlefields. Returning to the sacred land that they
called home. With their departure from the fighting, the Reds too seemed to have lost
interest in the battle. A very strained peace came between the two, as they later had to join
forces in order to wage war against another of their own kind, the black dragons from the
West. Many find it strange that the Silver and Reds were able to work together, but the Black
dragons threatened to destroy the land that both groups had come to protect for thousands of
years. Once the Blacks were forced back to the West, the bond was broken. However, since
both had been weakened from the effort- they simply returned to their own homelands.

It was during this time that a certain Silver dragon had taken notice, and fell in love with a
mortal woman. The two courted one another for many months, while the young dragon hid
behind his human disguise. Once he was sure that he could not live without her, he begged
the Silver elders to allow him one chance at this love. They promised him the chance to keep
his human form for as long as he so desired- if he could get the mortal woman to kiss him
while in his true form. He was not allowed to give this woman knowledge as to who he was, or
the promise would be broken. In his dragon form, he lay waiting in one of their special areas.
At first the woman had felt fear- but something about those eyes seemed to call to her. When
she was sure the creature would do her no harm she drew closer. She sat upon a rock near
him, and spoke to him briefly about the man that she was waiting for. When day turned to
night, and her beloved still had not come she prepared to go home. Before leaving, she placed
a small kiss upon the dragon simply for being such a wonderful companion for those long
hours. Her kiss turned the dragon back into the form she knew so well, and he told her of his
true self, and the promise the elders had made. Returning home, the two were married- and
the dragon elders took this marriage to help their own kind as well. From that point on, his
family would be the protectors of the Silver dragons, and the land upon which they live. Land
that later was blessed with the name: Xenia.
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