The Beginning: Simetra

The Beginning: Simetra

You enter the smooth marble room after passing through a beautifully carved marble arch, and you see a large golden mound. Suddenly, the head lifts and looks at you drowsily. A piece of the head unfolds and a small faery look up at you. " I have been expecting you. I am Circea, your guide for the City Of Simetra. The City of Simetra is home to all of the creatures that Lady Starbreeze fosters here. So far there are over 40 residents. The city is named, in a way, after the Goddess Artemis. You see, 'simetra' is 'artemis' backwards, hence, the City Of Simetra. Some places have different guardians, but I am the overseer here. Remember, you may look, but do not steal. All of the creatures in this partion of the valley are ment to stay here. However, the lady starbreeze has provided portals to all there original homes, so that you may get your own. Shall we begin?" she asks. " Yes" you say. " All right then" she says, and puts her fingers to her lips in an ear splitting whistle. Suddenly, a small gryffon zooms up. " This is Moonlight. Climb on, she's your transportation" says Cirsea, and lies down again. " Oh! " she says, sitting up again. " We have some new arrivals! Look below to visit them!" she says, and lies back down.
Click on Moonlight to begin the tour!

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