Citizens To Soldiers
News Bio Photos Shows Lyrics Media TheBand Equipment Links

February 29th- The show was a great success. Thanks to Over The Influence for inviting us onto the bill. Together we managed to fill the WECC to its full capacity. In other news, a new webpage is on the way so stay tuned for that.
February 1st
- Upcoming show on February 22nd and the WECC with Over The Influence. $5 at the door. Doors open at 7:15pm.

December 28th
- Hey guys, just an update. There are still lots of cd's to be sold so get in touch with us if you would still like to buy a copy. ([email protected]) We are currently working on new material and honing our skills for upcoming shows in the new year. We have also made Where I Stand available once again in the media section. Take the link!

November 2
nd- Big thanks out to everyone who has purchised an album so far. The album is now in 3 stores. Cd plus on Ness avenue as well as 2 music trader locations. We understand this site does not work properly. The photo and media section does not work so sorry for any inconvenience. Stay tuned.

7th- The CD is back from the presses and is ready to be sold. E mail us if you would like to pick up a copy. $10 Tell all your friends!

28th-One track from the upcoming CD has been added to the new media section. Do your ears a favour and go check it out.

23th-CTS recorded the weekend of May 31st and June 1st at Treadmill Faceplant Studio's with Craig Boychuk (Formerly of The Blasphenaut) on the mixing boards. CTS is in the long process of mixing. Check back on how to get a copy. We apologize for the site taking such a long time to complete. We are very busy dudes right now. Thanks for your cooperation.
Citizens To Soldiers are:
Matt Jones: Bass/Vocals
Colin Popham: Guitar
Justin Schneider: Drums

Citizens To Soldiers is a political/punk outfit, hailing from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. CxTxS combines elements from all over the musical spectrum to showcase their views and opinions.
Contact Information
Please be sure to get in touch with us and lets us know what you think of the site or hey, just send us an e mail. We would love to hear from you and we will personaly respond to every e mail.

Contact at: [email protected]
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