INS Citizenship Examination


Welcome Page


This web page gives background information about the guide.  Make sure you read this page to understand what this guide can and cannot do for you.  The link to the main guide is at the end of this page right after the Disclaimers section.

What is this guide about

People who are not US citizens can become US citizens by a process called Naturalization.  In order to become a naturalized citizen most applicants have to pass an interview.  This interview is called the Naturalization Interview.  Among other things, the naturalization interview asks the applicant questions about US History and US Government structure.  This guide helps you prepare for the US History and US Government structure portion of the interview.

Even if you are not going through the naturalization process, this guide can help you learn about the History and Government structure of the US.

What is not covered

INS will test your knowledge of English.  This guide will not help you with that.  Even though we use very simple English, you will not be able to use this guide if you don't have working knowledge of the English language.

INS may also ask you questions about the information in your N-400 form.  Those questions are very specific to your case, and so we cannot help you with those questions.

You should talk to the INS or to your own attorney to understand if you are fully prepared to appear for the Naturalization interview.


There is currently no fee for viewing the site.  You can also make copies and printouts, but for non-commercial and your own personal use only.

We do ask that you provide us with feedback about the guide and tell us whether or not it was useful to you.  You can use the Feedback Page or send us email at [email protected].  See next section for our Privacy policy.


We ask for registration to gather feedback about the guide. You can register or provide feedback anonymously. Even if you use your email address, we will not sell your email address, and we will not share your email address with any online marketer or spammer.

We may ourselves email you, but such email will be limited to at most 6 postings in a year, and currently we do not have plans to do such mailings at all.


By using the guide you agree to NOT hold us responsible for any direct or indirect damages that might occur from using the information on this site.  While we tried to minimize errors, we cannot guarantee that this guide is error free.

This guide is based on the set of 100 questions that the INS publishes.  Even though we think that the INS asks from only those 100 questions, we cannot guarantee that.  This guide doesn't provide you with the in-depth knowledge to answer any question about US History or US Government structure. 

If you send us email or feedback, you automatically grant us permission to use the contents of the email for any purpose.  However, your name or email address will not be shown.  

If you don't agree with the disclaimers, do not use this guide.  Click on one of the links below to indicate whether or not you agree with the disclaimers.

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