CitiApartments Suck!
CitiApartments Suck!

  CitiApartments bought the building I live in last year and ever since then things have gone down hill. I moved in in 1998 and they bought the building in 2005. Since then they have done their best to get long time tenants out and "Remodel" the building.

The tactics they have used to get people to move out has been among other things;

1) Question foreign born tenants to see if they have legal residency in the US.

2) Offer to buy tenants out of their apartment for a few thousand dollars.

3) Attempt to strong arm tenants out if they refused the buy out.

None of it worked with me and I am still here. At this point CitiApartments is being sued and they want to try to co-op me and other tenants to be on their side. Forget it! Below is a letter that they distributed to every tenant in everyone of their buildings today.

This Letter (PDF) About CitiApartments (PDF)
This Letter (Word) About CitiApartments (Word)
  August 31,2006

Dear Resident:

CitiApartments is proud to provide you with quality housing. Our family business has owned and managed apartment buildings in San Francisco for 60 years.

Our mission is to provide safe, well-maintained and clean housing to the residents of San Francisco. We are proud to provide housing to more than 8,500 people in our 5,200 apartment units in San Francisco.

As you may be aware, there have been a handful of lawsuits filed against the company in recent months. We would like to add context and to explain our view of the motivation for the lawsuits.

The named individuals involved in these lawsuits represent less than one-third of 1 percent of our San Francisco residents. Many of these claimants appear to have filed these claims in retaliation against us for trying to protect you from illegal occupants and others who would disrupt the comfort of your residence.

It is our view that these lawsuits are without merit, and regrettably, little more than an attempt by many of these individuals to prolong their tenancies by diverting our legal attentions away from their conduct. We ask that you keep an open mind and judge us not by these unfounded accusations, but instead, by our service to you.

Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Dan Molieri at 415-252-4243 or for emergencies at 415-726-4521. We are proud to serve you.


David Raynal
Managing Partner
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