The Dreary Path...
The Dreary Path...

You come across an old worn path of silver gravel that leads on up a mountain pass. As you follow, it curves upwards until it comes to a huge canyon with a huge wooden bridge built over it.

Once across the bridge, you are forced to hike as the path begins to get steeper, turning almost into a sort of stairway. And once you reach the stairway you behold what may he the most glorious sight you will ever see.

A across the maze of canyons and mists stands a singlular, but huge mountain that seems to curve around in a crescent moon shape. And about half way up the mountain is a large man-made plateau where there sits a old and broken, but spectacular castle-fortress. Two huge towers stretch high above it, coming to a point at about three-quarters up the mountain, and the fortress itself seems like it would have been impenatrable.

The fortress's alluring grip seems to pull you ever closer to it as you make your way across the mass of crevesses at the foot of the mountain until finally you stand at the base, seeing a huge stairway built from the mountain that leads upwards to the plateau.

As you finally top the plataeu, you can see the fortress in all the more splender, rising against the shadow of the mountain as if it were shaped from it's very stone. The castle shows clear sign of old age, and is battered and broken by countless past battles, but still remains pristine as it looms overhead.

A single red and black flag still wavers amongst the gate house, with a T-shaped symbol that has two twisting curves. The gatehouse door is blood red and your heart pounds as you near it...

Enter the Blooded Door...

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