Art Effects Murals

"We Put The Trick, In The Trompe Of Trompe L'Oeil"

Art Effects Murals
art effects murals

An Artist One who practices an art in which conception and execution are governed by imagination, style, and taste... A person skilled in one of the fine arts, a craftsman that executes their art with an individual style.

Often their work is judged according to culture and the attitude placed on art at the time.

Although they may earn recognition during their lifetime, they are usually not recognized for their accomplishments until after death.

An Artist also may live a life of unstable economic means.

Many theories have been put forth regarding the Artist's creativity, the most common one being that it is inherent, although if not developed and tested will remain dormant.

They seem to create during moods, often intense, mostly lasting only a short while.

They have a feeling of brotherhood with each other that is timeless.

Artists are also thought to be haphazard, having no sense of order, plan or direction, yet are known to be perfectionists when it comes to their own work.

They seem to make decisions on feeling rather than reason and have problems concentrating, but at the same time are very sensitive and aware.

Artists are also tolerated by society, which allows them to live in accordance with their own natures.

"He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands, and his head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands, and his head, and his heart, is an artist." St. Francis of Assisi

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