Maxwell Rounds’s Homepage

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If you have reached this page in error, take this as an opportunity to step into the world of Square Dancing.

To find a club near you, click here.

Well, to all my friends and fellow visitors from a square dance standpoint, you know I dance and call. Round dancing is also a big part of my activity, and extends to both youth and adult clubs I visit. I have a listing on, which I may or may not be able to update, as few of my events are listed. That functions primarily as another entrance into the world of square dancing and calling. To view it, please click here.

I am also an active member of the Canby Cloverleafs Dance Club, currently in Oregon City, Oregon. Click here to see their database listing. They are a 4-H club who meet once a week for two hours to learn Square, Round, Line, and other forms of dancing. They hold Round dance lessons on another night, at a location in Canby. Please view the database for more information.

Most importantly, I believe that Square and Round dancers have a sense of community like no other group I have ever been involved with. We collectively have wedding and memorial dances, as well as support families, share other happy/sad moments, travel together, and celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and even associate as friends with. I have met another family within the square dance world, and I truly believe that we work as one. Family is the best way I can find to describe the Square dance community.  Overall, they are a great group to associate with, and I am glad to call them friends! A unique thing about Square Dancing is that it is always called in English no matter where in the world you go. People can go anywhere to dance, and while you may not understand what conversation is being made, you can still enjoy dancing and meeting new people. I can’t tell you what fun national conventions are, and how many people you meet.

I can be booked to call for any club or one night event. I am willing to travel around the Portland-Metro area most nights of the week. I can also be in other places on weekends. Oregon festivals take priority, as I am currently first a dancer, then a caller. I am also willing to teach, and willing to consider taking on a permanent/semi-permanent position with a club. I currently do not call for any clubs on a regular basis.
If you are interested in talking about booking, please view my
database listing
or click here.

If you have Google Calendar here is my Square Dance Calendar Link


My Frequently Visited Sites: (We all have 'em and I'd like to share them!)

So, here are some sites that I frequently visit for various things.  A description follows the link.



THANKS FOR VISITING!If you encounter a dysfunctional link or error in the webpage please let me know here, and I will do my best to take care of it!

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