2nd Salon Poster

2nd Constantine Salon
in Popular Astronomy
In celebration of
World Space Week 2003
SPACE: Horizon Beyond Earth

Again Constantine is in the news, for the most magnificent popular science event in Algeria. It is the 7- 8- 9 October 2003
Constantine. Algeria
Be there!

Photoreportage on the Salon

World Space Week

The Program
The various activities
The participants

The sponsors

Sirius Astronomy Association
The First Constantine Salon
The World Space Week celebration

Sirius logo
Sirius Astronomy Association

BP 18, cité du 20 Aout 1955,. Constantine, 25000. Algeria

e-m: [email protected]
Phone: 071 56 08 58  
   Fax: 031 93 52 23

Realisation & Conception: Chamseddine Mouatsi ([email protected])
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws