Green Lake is a settlement in Hive Primus, on Necromunda. It's the site of Fulsrush's second Imperium playtest campaign.

The characters are:

Ignus, a surnameless wyrd with pyromantic powers who's grown to have some mastery over the unnatural.
Sly Sharpshot, ratling thief, forger, and general criminal. Character growth can be summed up simply as: lost an ear.
Jinkar Lazarn, Ogryn bandit/mercenary/pit fighter/Liol's dogsbody. Survivor of the first Imperium playtest, Jinkar jumped ship from his Naval commitments once he'd moved planet.
McKenzie Williams, erstwhile plumber and copper's nark.
Liol Calvert, possessor of a stolen name, former mugger, current racketeer, gangster, and lawman, shaping to be an important man and given to messing with his fellow PCs.

What follows is just plain odd. I make no excuses and I offer no explanations...

Very few corpses ask for drinks.

Well, mugging's self-employed. I want something I can put on a tax form.

As we all know, the Vikings came from Somerset.

Can I have a pet Womble?

Litter pickers as melee weapons. You know it makes sense.

I'll neck you to death, damn it.

How does 'evil' translate into 'proficient with guns'?

I can tune out any male in a sexual act.

"I got banged up last time."
"Lucky you."

Bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy....

That can't be pleasant, even if you've got two arms.

Yo Ho Ho and a Father Christmas.

Like Mario X or something... I didn't say naked...

I'm now going to try and find new plumbing-based employment.

Yes, remove your testicles!

I'm guarding this place in my boxer shorts.

Did you have to use the phrase 'Oh God yes' in the context of the phrase 'porn buy'?

Are they employing me as an oven?

I think midgets in gimp suits are pretty fucking suspicious, I don't know...

You're going to explore your sexuality in the middle of a crisis... why?

Yes. The Pope is also a plumber in his spare time. You thought it was just Father Christmas. It goes deeper than that.

"So, you're hiding in a sewage pipe with a gas mask on for an indefinite period of time?"
"Well, I've got food for a day..."

So, Richard. When's he gonna be buggered, then?

Please don't take the piss out of an evil psychopathic killer...

...butler... FUCK!

Are you insulting this man's piss?

Hop my fucking arse...

Yeah, call the psychotic killer by his name! Show a little upbringing...

"Mr. multiple gunshot wound..."
"No, one of them's a knife wound."

No more Ogryn porn, please...

Here's one I mutilated earlier.

It could be a Vulcan teddy bear.

He was wearing a floppy hat before he had a face?

I'm on Chapter Seven, you bastard!

It might start a fire on Hector's nose.

It was in his pocket, cooked up, went off, what more can I say?


Leather armour for a teddy?

I'm your bitch! I'm your bitch! Tell me I'm your bitch, please?

...a 10-foot-tall Ogryn with an axe-teddy...

So now you're saying that you're NOT huge out of character?

I'm not going to disallow him his cock if he manages to save his balls...

That reminds me; were I wearin' any underwear?

You're stealing children's underwear?

Not suitable porn, no...

Oh, God... not Odie Flesh Hounds...

Death by Teddy!

"I have plot now."
"You're welcome."

I still have my colon but I haven't got a nob...

...and with Rich asking you to bugger him all session...

Besides, multiple goats can't be wrong.

I'm trying to hide something in this pig.

I know where to hide... under the pig!

(to a wooden pole) Haven't we met somewhere before?

So you're bitch by proxy?

So, I actually have half of something to wear?

I have clothing!

No, no... try using your penis.

...a home-made teddy, and I shall call it Kookalaka...

"I tell you, this squeaks satisfyingly..."

You shake my coconuts and I will break your nose.

So you're humping the table to Star Trek?

If bits fill with crap, fat people get in trouble.

Well, it wasn't a generic fat people.

What is it, Secret Language - Moron?

Oi! Stop acting like a toy range!

How does that work, you kinda belly-dance them to death?

He's spanking his damn teddy...

No, I'm building an altar to Kookalaka.

Go to hole in ground... I'm turning into you.

I learned it from fucking Blue Peter... I didn't fuck Blue Peter.

They had penises and everything. Well, not everyone, obviously., presumably, we have Ogryn bunnygirls.

The silly thing-breasts...

Dash-dash HAPPY!

Fucking unsociable bear...

I didn't bugger you, did I?

I have just one question for you. Is the shit coming through the floor yet?

Mmm... prostate.

The Imperium of Man... and Womble.

My accursed-heretic-witch sense is tingling!

"Ave, Caesat!"
"Heil Hitler!"

Head-explodingly good.


I twiddle the things until something works.

Being a plumber's a manly job.
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