Don't worry, I've got a tesla coil and 2 small nipple clamps.

I've got a plan involving a lot of alcohol, drugs and women, but it doesn't mean I'm going to do it.

I've just got a picture of you in leiderhosen and pigtails.

Luke, why do you have a hole in your groin?

Confucius say "0wn3d with a p"

Gunfire, random old men assaulting receptionists..
I'm not random!

Are they drawing their weapons?
They are.
Ah. Artists!

You're all really *expletive* now! (over a locked-down police stations PA system)

Where does he get those wonderful toys?
Anne Summers?
Ah-hah! *vibrations*

*on a note* Confucious say, "I know where you live!"

....We're just here for the mindless violence.

Are you going to talk to this guy, or can I put him through the window?

You're not putting a pistol in his mouth, it's too blowjob.

Ben? Ben? Ben? Luke!

Am I immune to fish?

*sniff sniff* I smell plot.

I only keep the lederhosen for special occassions.

*sniff/snort* No, that's the cream powder.

If you put laxative in this I'll kill you.
No, you'll *crap* yourself THEN you'll kill me.

How resiliant is this thing?
Armoured up to 3 Gs! (about a bike sidecar)

Scuff the leather, and I'm replacing it with your skin.

I must resist. It's not Tuesday. (on a Tuesday)

My Deutschen sense is tingling.

Don't worry he's a proffesional.

Surf the host!

Jack the Ripper is building a tofu army to strike at New Zealand.

You just get enough smoke alarms and build a dirty bomb.

Oh my damn cateracts!

*Awooga!* Behind you!

I'm gonna land on the station.

Handglidden, it's German.

*3 SPUDUs crash into a building after the 3 of us on a handglider SLOWLY bank away from them*
The rubix cube handglider, solve it before you hit the ground.

Kill them to death!
No, kill them to bruised kneecaps!

All 3 of you have eyeballs.

Don't wipe it on your underpants.

You always attack the group that outnumber you.
They ALL outnumber us!

Jeffanomicon ex mortis.

It's not about anger, it's about plaice.

I wonder if these ballons can generate enough static electricity to cook your average pensioner.

I think you're gonna have some trouble trying to convince even the most ignorant child that a heavily armed man is a pinyata!

No it's an extendable weapon, there's a difference.
Over compensating for something?
No, it's really this *hand sign* big.

Please just stop it with the cryptic spud references.

It was a blow against corruption.
No, it was a blow against architecture.

On the reincarnation table, you are somewhere lower than ferret.

Behold! The anti-warrant!

You slut.
Do you want me to be a slapper?

Third time's a charm.
No, third time's a death sentence.

To join their society, you have to give a blow-job to their leader.

I did religious studies, then I picked up a shotgun.

Is yours a lineage of heroes?
Well, if you trace it all the way

He doesn't speak for all of us.
Yes I do you're all mute, I'm a ventriloquist.
Well, get your hand out of my ass.

We found it in a Beethoven case among Iron Maden hits, now give me the Hookah!

I stole his Hawaiian shirts to mock him in combat.

No, we dont want to blow his load to early.

The aftermath of too many Ibiza partie, just more metaphysical.

Oh balls, or something more Detroit-esque

It doesnt like cleaning detergent....and only comes out at night.

I've just put something together..
As ling as it's not Uranium and Plutonium at high speed, I'm happy.

Don't patronise me, shotgun boy.

My Ghostbusters goggles remain impassionately immobile.

We're not mugging someone in the nether regions.

We're feeling voyeristic and infinatly perverse.

What did we come here for? I was distracted with the chicks with dicks

It's either that, or a small gopher-powered EM magnet

.....We are the Illuminati!
The Illumi-nutty?
Yes, the Illumi-nutty.

They're the only werewolf in Werewolf

Mr Hoover, what do you estimate to be the weight of your average Canadian Wendigo?

If we've finished with the necrophilia theatre, can we carry on?

Did you see the light?
See it? It was on my head!

I've got degrees in places you've never even heard of!

3 of them? They cant be the Bastards we're lookng for. (in a module called "The 4 Bastards")

So, you're looking intrested in these Chinamen?
Yes they're all the rage y'know.

Protons have mass? I didnt know they were Catholic.

We thought you were in league with these accursed Irishmen.
No, Chinamen.  These are the Irishmen.

Is he using big words, or am I hallucinating?

Sit, stay, good paper.

Col. Chokesthechicken.

The cackling I cant hear is unsettling.

Sugar kills.
No, sugar castrates.

I've become plot synopsis incarnate!

All I want is some more RAM.

*bing bong* Four Bastards, you're ****** *bing bong*

Bad things always happen in Cuba!

Consider yourself spanked Jeff.

Right, lets leave it to future castrato-boy.

Yes, what she said. With more authority.

You see, this is why we have police brutality

Don't make me not come out there!

You two go play with his breasts.

I'm working on clean nuclear weapons with tofu fusion.

I believe we're here to represent the stupidity in humanity.

Your penis is in your other pants?

We are not making a porn movie to distract them!

It's sordid and tasteless and I didnt think of it.

PETH: People for the Ethical Treatment of Henchmen.

I'd like to point out that Im coming up the rear.

Not on the saffron please!

.....The Resevior Dogs crossed with the Archers.

For the sake of chiropractors, please!

Trish. She's not a unit of time. She's a man, not a number!

1 + 1 = 16. Yay!

...'cuz my brother is genetically related to me....

It always tends to fugger-hig. (no, it's not a typo)

...are you suddenly spotaneously naked?

My 'nads are falling off. Tell me what we've got.

*with a note of glee* Not if I'm wearing crotchless trousers.

I stuck with thrumming. YOU said throbbing.

She's doing things with her hat.

I've just exploded again!

All she wants is cock, she's just afraid to say it. and death.

My God! She said something lucid!

Oh goodie! I get to play with life threatening public services!

I'm sorry, I'm hallucinating again.

Are you trying to tell me they're carrying suspended animation Disney characters?

Have you been doodling on the evil plans again?

Was that descriptive enough?
Yes, in some surrealist way.

You've had enough head for one day.

No-one with less than 20-20 vision will see through it.

What is this "tofu"?
A substance more bland than you can ever imagine.

Why are you plucking yourself?

Get your head out.

....all I need is a sufficient amount of fur.

What were you trying to do?
Make a gyro-stabalised robo-kangaroo.

But that would involve getting out of this lovely air-conditioned kangaroo.

Bend over and take it like a Boy Scout!

I'm petting myself for comfort.

That'd be......uh......the Romans. Yes. The Romans.

Do you two want to go dispatch our dispatchers?
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