

Thirty-three years ago, meteorites impacted on Mars. Shortly afterward, savage High Martians wielding strange energy weapons attacked the Crown Colony on Syrtis Major.

A bold group of adventurers helmed by naval captain Charles McGraw and retired naval captain Lord Marlborough, with scientific advice from Sir Robert Pelham (later Lord) and navigational aid from professional lower-class scum Jack Camden, exposed the German plot behind this  horrific turn of events, killed the man responsible and defended the Queen’s land successfully, unfortunately not quite in time to prevent the destruction of Phobos and Venus by this nefarious aristo, Baron Hasso von Gruber.

The Empire holds, backed by the ultratechnology acquired by this small but daring group.

But now the meteors are falling on Britain. And England expects every man and woman to do their duty.

From the witches and druids of Old Albion to the veterans of Pelham’s supersoldier program, from the students of Sherlock Holmes and Henry Jones, from the descendants of the original team and anyone else with the guts to do what must be done.

The Black Zeppelins have already returned. Hitler’s assassination of Kaiser Wilhelm II leaves Britain with a horrific threat from across the Channel.

Never yet have so many owed so much to so few.




Aliens and Empire, part 2.


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