Demo #1
1.  Framed
2.  Brain Fart
3.  Since I've Been Gone
4.  Stressed Out
5.  Serena
6.  Life's Merry Go Round
A cheaply made demo in Cory's garage with former singer Joe Kolleman.  If you want one email us and send $2 for this demo. 
A Night At The Trench Coat Convention
1.  Burning From The Inside Out
2.  Blastisamo
3.  Help Me Find My Origin
4.  Could See Her
5.  Mazourka
Cheap demo made in Cory's garage.  Great songs.  If you want a demo email us and send $4 for the demo.
Rumpus Room
1. Middle Class
2. Could See Her
3. Last Summer
4. Mazourka
5. Serena
An LP from Have You Seen My Girlfriend
Cost is $5. Just an email and we'll hook you up.  It's a good recording too!!! What a bonus
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