Part 1

Michael paced back and forth, willing himself to calm down. It was silly to get so nervous about a simple dinner. Yet here he was, acting as if it was the most important event of his life.

As he watched the smoke of his breath rise above him in the cold night air, Michael wondered how he'd been suckered into this. For some reason he had trouble saying no to Maria. It was just one night, he reminded himself.

One night with Maria and her mother. One night and she would be happy. He would have done his good deed for the month and they could get back to their normal relationship which didn't involve parents in any way. Especially parents like Amy Deluca. He began to have flashbacks of her hitting him as he scrambled out of Maria's room only a year ago.

Michael groaned. This was going to be a very long night.

Finally he worked up enough courage to knock on the door. He heard shuffling from inside and Amy yelling, although he couldn't make out what she was saying. The door was thrown open to reveal a very fatherly looking sherif.

"Michael. Come on in. The ladies are just getting everything ready." Valenti moved aside to let him enter.

"So...I, uh...didn't know you were gonna be here." Michael said, relieved. At least Valenti was on his side for the most part.

"Neither did we." Kyle said from behind his father. They all walked into the living room and took their places on the sofa. "'s the hand?" Kyle asked smiling as innocently as possible.

Michael glared at the younger Valenti. He knew exactly what he was talking about. He had punched one of the football players for commenting on Maria's extremely short and absolutely hot skirt. He had actually said that she was his property. He winced as he remembered Maria's torturous lecture about her being no one's property. At least she had given in and they had missed a good four periods making up in the eraser room.

The sound of footsteps broke into his thoughts and he turned to see Tess descending the stairs.

"Hi. Maria said she'll be down in a minute. She was trying to fix the buttons on her uniform. Something about them being ripped off." Tess said.

Michael's face was burning. This was gonna be hell. He felt a familiar stirring in his stomach as he remembered the events from earlier that day.

Maria had been in the kitchen talking to him about some customer that had been a jerk and he had simply stood there listening. Suddenly, without warning...he snapped. All he could see was Maria's lips, Maria's neck, Maria's hands, Maria's legs. He wanted all of it. And for some reason, the kitchen of a crowded diner seemed as good as any place to get it. He had tried to undo the damn uniform but it was just too difficult. Who needs buttons when you could have a zipper? He had ended up popping several buttons off of it in his urgency.

He admitted that it had definitely been a rush to screw his girlfriend against the wall of the kitchen. Even if they had been in the corner behind the walk in refrigerator where no one could have seen them. It was the idea of it all. He would have never done something so reckless before.

He shook his head as if it would rid him of the thoughts of the deranged alien that had taken up permanent residence in his mind. He blamed Rath. He didn't know why, but he just knew it had something to do with that punk from New York.

As if on cue, Michael heard the all too familiar voice. "Mikey, Mikey, Mikey." He said slowly. "Why didn't you tell me that we were going to a party?" Rath said from behind the chair that Tess now occupied. He fingered a blond ringlet and leaned over to look down her shirt.

Michael groaned and covered his eyes with his hands, wondering - not for the first time - if insanity ran in his family.

"You know...I think I'm going to go see if Amy needs any help in the kitchen." Tess said, happy to find any excuse to leave the room. Jim looked green, as though he was getting nervous. She'd seen him with Amy and knew that had to be it. Kyle was just being quiet and contemplating the meaning of life as usual. Michael...well, he looked like shit and she really didn't want to continue watching the 3 guys sitting on the sofa any longer.

"Oh fine...the only fuckable female in the room is now gone! Jock-boy over there is bordering on female with that Buddha crap...but fuckable he ain't! Zan mighta liked him though." Rath said as he collapsed back into the chair that Tess had just vacated.

Michael looked at him and prayed that he would go away. The last thing he needed tonight was a little Rath sitting on his soldier like a devil in one of those cartoons. Amy Deluca was not the type to appreciate anything that might happen, should the mohawked wonder stick around. And Michael knew all too well that he couldn't control Rath.

"So...where's ya ho?" Rath asked. He had one leg slung over the arm of the chair and he was making obscene gestures aimed at Valenti and Kyle.

Michael just sat there silently as if he was listening to the conversation that the other two were engrossed in. It was something about football. He knew that much.

"Are you ignorin' me Mikey?" Rath jumped up and went to kneel in front of Michael. "Are ya mad at me? Biiiitch." He said in a sing-song voice. "What the Hell's your deal?"

Before Michael had a chance to even look at him or respond, Maria entered the room, causing all eyes to swing toward her.

" she is now." Rath stood up straight and crossed the room. He circled Maria as if he were a vulture and she was his prey. He looked at are as if he could devour her at any moment. Michael realized with certain clarity that was his thoughts as well.

She was wearing a red silk dress that clung to every inch of her like a second skin. The only thing holding it on, seemed to be the thin spaghetti straps at the top. She accented it with the silver star charm that dangled off of a thin silver chain. Michael had given it to her for Christmas. It sat at the base of her neck as if it were a road sign pointing south. Exactly where he wanted to be buried at the moment.

Michael felt himself begin to get hard at the thought. Maria met his eyes and smiled, seemingly relieved to see him there. "Sherif, Kyle...hi Michael." She said in way of greetings. Michael stood as she slid into his arms. "Glad you decided to show Guerin." She whispered. He crossed his eyes and got the response he wanted as she began to laugh.

"Dinner is served." Amy Deluca announced from the entrance. Everyone began to move toward the dining room. Michael, who was following behind Maria, was abruptly stopped as Amy grabbed his arm. "Michael...can we chat for a sec?"

Michael threw Maria a pleading glance but her back was turned as she kept walking. He turned to her mother and tried his best not to sigh at his frustration.

"I would just like to say that I am glad you are here for Maria's sake." Michael nodded and she continued. "I would also like you to know...if you mess things up for my daughter again...I'll rip you a new one. Catch my drift?"

Michael's eyes widened and he nodded quickly.

"Good." She said, smiling sweetly as if she hadn't just threatened him. Then she turned on her heel and followed the others into the next room.

Michael could do nothing but stare at the woman's back as she retreated.

Rath, who now stood in front of him, began to laugh. He hitched his thumb toward Amy and put his face in front of Michael's. "Cool old broad. I like �er!" He laughed again and disappeared into the dining room.

" coming?" Maria asked from the doorway.

He pasted a grin on his face and nodded. When she was gone Michael banged his head against the nearest wall several times.

This was definitely gonna be a long night!


Part 2


They sat around a beautifully decorated table. Doilies and napkins made into swans accented each place setting. Michael was uncomfortable with the whole thing. He felt that napkins should be flat and there should only be one glass. He noted that there was indeed a small glass as well as a larger glass, which looked to be some kind of wine glass. He glanced at the silverware and realized that he also had two forks.

He didn't want to make an idiot of himself by asking what the other fork was for so he simply sat there staring at it as if it would disappear and ease some of his discomfort.

"It's incase ya drop it." a voice said from behind him.

"What?" He whispered glad that he hadn't said it too loudly. Everyone was involved in their own conversations and he was sure that no one had heard him.

"Tha otha fork. There's two of �em. It's in case you drop the otha one." Rath stated. He sounded so sure of himself that Michael just nodded and decided to try and focus on something else.

Michael felt Maria's hand find his under the table. He looked over to see her smiling at him softly. A smile that quickly faded into a devilish grin as she unlaced her fingers from his and placed her hand gently on his knee. His eyes went wide as her hand began to drift up his thigh. Maria just turned back to Tess, who was sitting on the other side of her, and began to chat.

It was if someone had taken cotton and stuffed it into his mouth. He couldn't breath or swallow. Every fiber of his being hummed as her fingers delicately played around the area of his swiftly hardening cock. It strained against the front of his pants and begged to be set free.

"Damn! She's gettin all freaky dude. Not too nice if ya aks me - gettin you all hot an bothered while you sittin there not ten feet from her ma!" Rath said as he perched on top of the table.

Michael grunted. "So still playing football this year?" He asked, grasping for anything that would take his mind off of the vixen next to him.

"Still fuckin girls? Wear any good robes lately? Gone Gandhi?" Rath taunted.

"Uh...yeah!" Kyle squeaked. "Y-Yeah...the team is looking good too. I just wish..s-some of the guys would focus more. The mind and body must - lets just say they...aren't playing well." Kyle looked even more uncomfortable than Michael felt.

Rath noticed this as well. He hopped off of the table and ducked underneath it to see what was happening. Seconds later, a loud hoot of laughter sounded and Rath popped up from the other side of the table. His shoulders were shaking with silent laughter as he just pointed back and forth between Tess and Kyle.

Finally, when Rath could once again speak, he placed himself between Maria and Tess and smiled down at Michael. "Looks like ya'lls bitches are havin a little fun. The blond's foot is planted between the jock's legs and he's as hard as a two by four. So much for the Buddha stuff huh?"

Michael looked at Kyle and noted that he did seem a bit strained. All of the color had drained from his face. All of the blood in his body was going straight to one area. Michael could definitely sympathize with him. He must have been as white as a sheet now, as Maria undid the button on his fly. He looked at her to see that she was in fact still speaking to Tess.

She was trying to kill him slowly. It was working. He felt like he would burst if he couldn't bury himself in her soon. After several minutes of simply staring at his food, a voice finally registered in his mind and his eyes shot up to find the Sherif staring at him.

"I'm sorry - what?" He asked.

"I asked you how things were going with school?" Jim said, eyeing him strangely.

He suddenly found Rath in front of him. He jumped as his dup began to strip. Luckily, his fashion statement included layers. Slowly, one article at a time hit the floor. His ragged jacket went first. Michael felt a force beyond his control begin to pull at him as he began to take off his own jacket.

Valenti leaned closer to him and whispered. "Is something wrong?"

"NO!" Michael yelped. Everyone stared at him, surprised by the sudden outburst. " Everything is fine at school. That history teacher has it in for me though."

Valenti nodded thoughtfully and Michael let out the breath that he had pent up in his lungs.

Rath began to unbutton his top shirt as did Michael. He bit his cheek as he tried to hold back a groan. Suddenly Michael found himself wearing only his jeans and a white t-shirt. He didn't really know what worried him more; that he was actually in Rath's control or that no one had seemed to notice.

Maria's hand still had not relented and he wondered just how far she would take this while sitting at the table with four other people. Well...two could play at this game.

Michael let his hand drift until it reached the hem of her dress. He pushed the soft material up, waiting to feel the silky lace of her thong until his fingers grazed the dripping wet core of her. His shock-filled eyes flew to her face. She sat there silently beside him picking at her food with her fork. She was biting her lips and smiling to herself as his fingers slowly slid into her passage.

"Ye-ah bitch! Now ya gettin tha idea!" Rath called as he once again disappeared under the table cloth. Seconds later, Michael heard him whistle. "Nice view!"

As Maria bit back a gasp, her mother stood up and began to fill their glasses with champagne. She smiled at Jim and stood behind his chair as they faced all of the teens.

"Kids. We have a little announcement to make." Amy said. There was no reaction to be seen. Kyle was still suffering from Tess's foot torturing his ever growing groin. Michael and Maria were in their own world as their fingers battled to see who would win first. Maria stroked him slowly and languidly and Michael's own fingers teased her clit.

Jim cleared his throat. Still no one even spared a glance.

"I'm PREGNANT!" Amy bellowed.


Part 3


Four pairs of eyes swung up to the tall brunette who was now gripping Jim's shoulders painfully.

Maria's hand had finally stilled at her mother's voice and she took it away as she stood up. Her chair toppled over backwards but Michael was oblivious to all of his surroundings. All that he could focus on was the fact that her hand was no longer covering him. Her voice finally penetrated his lust filled mind as he heard her speak to her mother. That's when it really hit him. Amy Deluca was Jim Valenti.

"You're WHAT?!" Maria whispered fiercely.

"I'm pregnant. And yes...Jim is the father." Amy said. Jim's features twisted in agony as her fingernails continued to bite into his flesh. It wasn't noticed much though. His face was somewhat green as he tried to calm his nerves. What kind of example were they setting for their children?

"After all of those lectures? After all those times that you wouldn't let me set foot in a car with a boy and refusing to let me date until I was fifteen! You go and...and get..."

"Knocked up! Wit child! A bun in tha oven! Ummm...quick Mikey - whas anotha one!?" Rath laughed and punched Michael in the shoulder.

"...PREGNANT...AGAIN!" Maria fumed.

"I'm sorry sweety. I know it must seem hypocritical of me but...we didn't exactly plan it."

" guys...I mean.... Is it safe to have a baby at your age?" Kyle asked. Tess took her foot from his crotch and kicked him in the shin. "OW!!!" He screamed and glared at her.

"Yes Kyle." Amy smiled tightly. "I'm only thir - never mind how old I am. It's perfectly normal to have a child at my age."

"Are you gonna marry him?" She asked pointing at the very nervous looking sherif. Her voice cracked as she spoke. Unshed tears burnt her eyes but she blinked the tears back as she struggled to stay calm.

"Yes baby. We're getting married in two weeks."

"I know this must come as a shock to you guys but..." Jim began.

Maria took one last look at the couple and flew out of the room. Michael scrambled out of his seat and tried to follow her. Before he could take a step, Kyle coughed loudly and attracted Michael's attention toward his still unbuttoned jeans. He nodded a quick and silent thank you to Kyle. He was also more than thankful that the elder Valenti was diverting Amy's attention as she buried her head in his shirtfront. He didn't think he could handle two hysterically angry Deluca women at one time.

"Maria! Wait!" Michael yelled as he ran out of the door, following her down the sidewalk. She didn't stop but slowed down just enough for him to catch up. "Maria talk to me! What is so wrong with the fact that your mom is pregnant?" He asked as he fell into step beside her.

Maria scoffed at his seemingly innocent question. "I'll tell you what's wrong with it! I.." Maria paused, trying to think of a good reason. Nothing came to her mind.

"Nothing is wrong with it, Maria. You know he loves her. You know he'll be a great father. What else could you ask for? You have an instant family." Maria still looked doubtful. " know the sherif would never try to replace your father don't you?"

Her eyes closed briefly as she struggled to hold back the tears that were quickly welling up in her eyes. She smiled crookedly and stopped to face Michael. She took his hand in hers and kissed his palm. "When did you get so smart?" She whispered up to him.

He smoothed a lock of her silky hair behind her ear and ran his thumb across her full bottom lip. His lips were drawn to hers by some odd magnetic force that he could never explain in a million years. Before he could make any contact he heard a small whimper coming from the blond in front of him. "What's wrong now?"

Maria smiled a small smile and rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna be related to Kyle!" She groaned.

"And Tess! Don't forget Tess!" Michael laughed.

"Guerin...are you trying to make this better or worse?" She raised one eyebrow and looked at him dubiously. Then she broke out into a fit of giggles.

"What's so funny?"

"Um...well - The fact that you have no shirt on! I mean, do you REALLY have to do the strip tease thing now? Right in the middle of the street?"

Michael looked down to see that he, indeed had not a stitch of clothing on save for his jeans and shoes. His face closed in anger and he looked around to see if he could find his evil alien counterpart. Before he could locate Rath, he heard the all too familiar sound of his own voice betraying him. "Ria...I know a good way to make you forget all this shit." Michael's finger slipped under her chin and pushed it up so she was looking into his eyes.

"Oh?" Michael almost drooled as her perfectly full, warm pink lips formed a small "o".

"Ye-ah." He chuckled and groaned simultaneously. Michael was no longer at the wheel and Rath was making a comeback. "I think I'm in tha mood for a lil' nature hike." He said grabbing her wrist and pulling her toward the small grove of trees at the end of the road.


Part 4a


"Michael...what has gotten into you? I mean - OW - one second we are...SHIT! - talking. The next second you are dragging me through the freakin' woods! - Dammit, this is my favorite dress!" She cried as the branches tore at her flesh. She looked down to check the damage that one particularly cruel tree had inflicted.

Her best dress was now slashed to ribbons at the bottom hem and one strap now hung down from her shoulder like a useless string. " better have a damn good reason for draggin me out here!"

Suddenly Michael stopped and Maria found herself pressed tightly against a tree, his broad chest flattening her breasts. His eyes locked onto hers and he stared at her without a word. It was somewhat unnerving. "What?!" Maria screamed after the silence became too much for her.

Michael shook his head and smiled sheepishly. "I just wanted to look at you." He whispered. He was so close that she could feel his soft, warm breath on her forehead. Her breath began to speed up as he leaned down to capture her lips in a soft kiss.

"Awww...How fuckin sweet." Rath murmured sarcastically from somewhere above them. "Dammit Mikey! I can't leave ya alone for a second can I? The deal is - I get the show started...and YOU finish it. C'mon M.G.! This ain't our style. When the HELL did yous develop a romantic side?"

Michael sighed happily as Maria began to nibble on the soft skin at the base of his neck. He leaned his head back to give her better access and spotted his annoyance. Rath was perched precariously on a tree limb directly above them. It might not have been so bad if the pierced one hadn't been stark naked.

Michael began to choke and he backed away from Maria, sputtering and pounding on his chest in shock.

"Michael?! W-what's wrong?" Maria asked, panicked. He held up his hand to show that he was okay.

As he stumbled backwards, his left foot caught under a rock and he crashed to the ground like a giant redwood.

"MICHAEL!" Maria screamed, running to him and crouching down to examine his prone figure which was now sprawled out on the ground. "Are you hurt?"

All she got in the way of a response was a small groan. She checked his pulse. It was steady and fluid as the vein in his arm pumped beneath her fingers. She smiled and rolled her eyes as his pulse began to increase. He was playing possum. She noticed his eyes were cracked open slightly watching her to see what she might do.

"Oh...I guess I should find something to stop the bleeding. That cut on your leg looks pretty bad." She bit her lip as she turned and pulled what was left of her dress up to where it rested on her hips. It gave him the perfect view of her taut pink ass.

She unhooked the stockings from her red garter belt and slowly bent at the waist to roll them off of her long legs. Michael was obviously enjoying the show. The only thing that gave him a way was the tell-tale moan that he tried so hard to turn into a sound of pain.

"Michael?" She asked turning to face him. The stockings dangling from her closed fist. "I'm gonna tie up that leg okay?" Maria fought back laughter as she planted herself between his legs that he had spread slightly. She wrapped one of the stockings around the wound on his leg. It did look somewhat nasty as she got a closer look. It was a small abrasion was bleeding a good bit. But it was nothing that would be life threatening.

As Maria continued to play her game, Michael watched her. She was so amazing. And so fucking hot!

"Where did that come from?" Michael internal voice asked.

"It's true ain't it?" Rath sat beside his head - still naked - still annoying.

"Well...yeah but..."

"But what M. G.? The bitch is so wicked fierce!"

"Ya know...if you think so much of Maria - then why are you trying to wreck things?"



"Baby...if ANYTHING Rathy is making it all fun!" Rath wriggled his eyebrows at Michael as he leaned over and pulled on Michael's hair, causing it to stand on end.

"Okay freak-boy...would you like to tell me why you think fun is Amy Deluca trying to kill me when she remembers the spectacle I've made of myself tonight? I know now, how Alex must have felt doing a strip-tease in front of Mrs. Evans! And do you REALLY think that Maria appreciates any of this? I she said - her best dress is ruined and now I'm trying to seduce her in the woods like some...animal! Like YOU!"

" you really think of me as some fuckin' aminal? Your bitch likes me!" He laughed as Michael scowled at him. "Okay, okay...want to know why I have been doing all of this?" Rath looked down at him with an extremely familiar smirk on his face.

"I asked didn't I?"

"Ok...see the thing is I sort of made this b-,"

"Michael...I think you should stay as still as possible. I'm going to...restrain your arms." Maria interrupted with a smile on her face.

"Oh hell! This is gonna be fun!" Rath sat back, a look of pure excitement on his face.'

Michael groaned. Anything that Rath liked...well it just couldn't be good for him. "Don't blow a fuckin gasket Mikey. You might actually like what you see if you would open your damn eyes, pussy!"

Michael's eyes flew open and he met the glorious sight of Maria's breasts swaying seductively only inches from his face. He moved to catch one of the nipples into his warm mouth. He sucked the silk-clad skin into his mouth and suckled until she pulled away - a glint in her eyes.

"Maria...why do you have my hands tied to a tree?" Michael asked curiously.

"You'll see." She whispered, sliding her body down his until she looked into his eyes.

Michael swallowed hard and blinked as he watched Maria's soft pink tongue slide out of her mouth to wet her lips. "When the hell did you pierce your tongue?!" Michael bellowed.

"Geez...I thought you would like it!" Maria pouted.

It only took Michael a moment to recover after such a big fumble. "NO! I love it!" He laughed. "Its so sexy! I'm just sort of surprised that your mom let you."

"Yeah, so was I. Until tonight that is. Now I see that she was just trying to buy me off before she dropped the bomb!" Maria laughed as she realized that it had pretty much worked.

"So...I've heard stuff about getting your tongue pierced. It's all about stimulation right?" Maria slapped his shoulder as she remembered Courtney saying that to him.

"That is so not funny, Michael!"

"Who said I was trying to be funny?" He looked up at her with a straight face. "Maria..."

He didn't even have to say any more than that. She leaned down and covered his lips with her own. The kiss was so sweet and yet so hard and passion-filled that both of them were taken aback by the sparks that they felt.

"I love you Maria."

"I love you too Michael. Now shut up!" She berated, placing her hand over his mouth. "I'm going to have a little fun now that I have you at a disadvantage."


Part 4b


"Jim?" Amy asked quietly, her face still pressed into the front of his shirt as they sat on the sofa in the living room.

"What is it baby?" Jim looked toward the doorway, wishing Kyle and Tess would hurry with the cleaning. He knew Amy and he could feel that stirring of pregnancy hormones. It would be nice to have a few allies.

"Maria and Michael have been gone for quite a while. Should we go look for them?" Amy sniffled and touched a tissue to her nose.

Jim looked thoughtful and chose his words carefully so as not to upset the woman that was carrying his child. "Amy...I think Maria needed a little time to cool off. Why don't we just let Michael take care of her?" The Sherif flinched as he heard Amy's low growl.

"My baby is off doing God knows what! With that...boy! That is just what we need!" Her voice began to raise. Her spine stiffened and she sat up pounding her fist against Jim's leg. "She's gonna get pregnant! I just know it! And she will have a baby at the same time I do!"

Jim bit back a groan of pain as her hand hammered into his thigh. "Her new brother or sister will have a niece or nephew that is the same age as them! Michael, that dog! How DARE he DO THAT TO MY BABY GIRL!" Amy's voice resounded through the house causing Kyle and Tess jump.

"Well, now I know where Maria get's her frantic rambling skills." Tess quipped.

Kyle smiled at her. "Hey, that's my future sister you're talking about!" He teased.

Tess's face fell. "Kyle..what's gonna happen to me when you guys move in with them? I can't stay. It will be too cramped and I doubt the Deluca's would appreciate three new live-ins.

"Tess...shut up!" Kyle berated. He place the plate he had been drying on the drain rack and turned to the beautiful blond goddess that stood next to him. She looked so silly with soap bubbles on her forehead and horrible yellow rubber gloves covering her small hands. She wore a gingham apron over her pale blue slip dress. She was a vision and Kyle had never seen her look so beautiful.

"Well...I don't want to impose and my living agreement was with you and your father..." Before she could go any further in her explanation, Kyle hooked a finger in the pocket on the bottom of the apron and pulled her toward him. Tess lost her balance and fell directly into Kyle's arms - exactly where he wanted her. They looked dreamily into one another's eyes and moved slowly toward one another. Tess licked her lips in preparation for a kiss. Then Kyle decided to speak.

"Tess...I told you to shut up! Do you really think I would give up such easy access to my girlfriend?" He laughed as Tess swatted at his shoulder.

"Jerk!" She said moving out of his arms and dodging his roaming hands playfully.

"C'mon Harding! Don't tease me." He said watching her slowly take off the gaudy apron. She watched him from over her shoulder.

"Which one is gonna be your room?" Tess asked slyly.

"The second room on the right at the top of the stairs. Why?"

"Oh...I just though a christening was in order." She giggled as his face flushed and a slow smile spread across his face.

"Race ya!" Kyle jumped up and was off. Tess following closely at his heels.


Part 4c


" have just hit tha jackpot!" The still naked Rath crowed. "I'm sittin here watchin this tight little ho tie yo ass up! How fuckin hot can it get?" Rath grunted as Michael ignored him and turned to go sit at the base of a tree behind him.

"Maria, could you please let me go? We have to get back. Your mom will be worried." Michael said, feeling somewhat odd being the voice of reason in the situation. He felt as though he owed that to Rath as well.

Having the freaky alien around was like taking care of a toddler, or so Michael assumed since he'd never actually been around any children. He himself had never really been a child either. Yet the invasion of Rath on his brain had forced him to be the stable, thoughtful one of the two of them.

"Michael...she has already had her fun! I think that is painfully obvious. In nine months I'm gonna be bombarded with dirty diapers and loud crying at all hours of the night! But before that...she's gonna go all hormonal and scary! I'm gonna have some fun now - while I can."

"Maria...what has gotten into you?" Michael asked as he watched his girlfriend tighten the silk stockings that bound his arms.

"I cannot believe he sounds like he's fuckin complainin! I am gonna disown you, bro!" Rath said shaking his head.

"I've just felt really...wild tonight. I wanted to fuck you on the spot when I saw you at work today. And what happened at dinner? That was a little preview of what I want to do now." She kissed her way down his arms that stretched above his head on the ground, her chest and flat stomach pressing against his chest. Her lips moved across his jaw and down his throat as her hands moved to massage the muscles in his stomach. "Just lay back and enjoy yourself baby. Let Maria work her magic on ya!"

Rath rubbed his hands together and grinned his wolfish grin. "Now we's talking! Role play! Magician and naughty little assistant!" He laughed.

Michael could only stare at her and nod deftly.

Maria, feeling suddenly very brash, unzipped Michael's pants. For all of the talking he was doing to convince her to stop - his body betrayed him. His cock sprang from the tight black jeans and she moved to grip it in a tight but gentle fist.

A hiss sounded from her lover and she smiled, satisfied with his reaction. "Lets see if this thing works." She said rubbing the small metal ball in her tongue across her teeth.

Michael was enthralled with Maria's new piercing. Sure she had the normal three in her ears and a hoop through her belly button, but this one made a thrilling little clacking sound as it moved across her teeth. He watched as she slid her way down his body, stopping when she straddled his knees.

Her small hand pumped his swollen cock. He watched, frustrated that the only way he could touch her was with his eyes. Michael's hands flexed and gripped his restraint as he fought the urge to bury his hands in her silky golden hair and pulling her down to him.

Maria, reading his mind, replaced her hand with her mouth. Her tongue flicked out to lick the small drops of pre-cum that had already collected on the tip. She pulled back and rolled the heady taste in her mouth, smiling as she tasted all Michael.

Her mouth returned once again to torment him with the small ball. She ran the tip of it up and down his shaft, never letting her tongue touch him. He groaned in aggravation and she chuckled at his reaction.

"What's wrong baby? You can dish it out but you can't take it?" She said scraping her teeth against the swollen tip. "Don't know what I'm talking about do you?" Maria said noticing his confused look.

Michael shook his head and groaned as her mouth moved away from his dick and moved up to play with the small pebble that was his right nipple. She bit it and smiled up at him.

"Well...I do remember a little game in the eraser room this morning." Realization hit him. He flashed back to the small, dimly lit closet and remembered how nice making up with Maria had been after the altercation with the jock. He had decided that she should be on the receiving end of things to make up for him acting like such a jerk. She had been instructed to hold on to the metal bars of the shelves as he attacked her body with his mouth. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought she would want retribution. Well..maybe in his dreams.

Suddenly Maria moved to her knees and Michael watched as the perfectly manicured nail of her index finger entered her. She moved her finger in and out of her tight passage, readying herself for him.

"Maria.." Michael whispered on a sigh.

"Michael didn't I tell you to shut up?" He nodded.

"I just wanted to tell you that you beautiful."

Rath groaned, annoyed by his cheesy counterpart. "Dammit! I'm never gonna win the bet now!"

Before Michael could ask what the naked alien meant, Maria smiled her sexiest smile and a blush covered her body. " can talk. But only if you keep saying things like that!"

Michael smiled up at her. He smiled so seldom that it shocked her every time. Her breath suddenly caught in her throat and she bit her lip, utterly lost in his smoldering eyes. Her had stilled.

Suddenly she broke the stare that they had begun and her hand moved once again. She felt as though she was being guided by something stronger than herself. Or perhaps...the stronger part of herself.

Maria positioned herself over him and thrust her body down onto him. "Michael!" She cried out as he filled her.

Michael could not have uttered a sound if he had wanted to. He was frozen in ecstasy as he felt the warm moist core of Maria tighten around him.

She moved quickly, pumping him as her body rocked. The motion awakened a primal desire in both of them and Michael's restraints gave way. His hands found her hips. Gripping them he thrust her up and down, moving her faster and harder on him as her lips crushed his in a brutally fierce kiss.

"Michael..." She whispered on his lips as he began to slow. They were both teetering on the verge and his hard arms wrapped around her pulling her down to rest on his chest as they came together. Their bodies were racked with pleasure pain and their cries blended together and drifted on the air around them as did the scent of their sex.

"Michael! Maria!" A voice penetrated their comfortable silence.

"Is that..."

"Valenti!" They said together.

"Sheriff! Um...what's up?" Maria snickered at Michael, who's face was scrunched up in shock.

"Amy sent me to find you two. I heard Maria screaming as I walked by."

Maria glared at Michael as he begin to laugh. "See! I told you that you were loud! My neighbors have complained three times this week alone!"

"Where are you two?" Valenti said, obviously several feet away.

"Um...Sheriff...we're just...talking! Michael and I will head back shortly!" Maria said, trying to keep her voice from cracking under nerves.

"Alright. Just be careful! There's no telling what's out here in these woods at this time of night."

"Okay! Thanks!" Michael yelled, relieved to hear the snapping of twigs as Valenti walked away.

Maria looked around at their surroundings, for the first time noticing where they really were. A small lizard crawled up the tree that Michael had been tied to and she bit back a scream. She couldn't believe that she had just did what she did where they were. Then she looked down at Michael and saw the features of his face radiating blue in the moonlight. She stretched out beside him and she was enveloped in his embrace.

"Maria?" Michael's chin resting on her head.


"What just happened?" He asked. She could hear the smile on his face. She had no idea how to answer him. So she simply said the first thing that came to her mind.

"Well...I just felt like being a little...bad."

Michael pulled back and stared down at her, his mouth hanging open in a lazy grin. Well, they all had their bad streaks after all.


Rath stared the blonde down. She was driving him nuts with this damn bet and it was now time for him to pay. Not that he minded it. Wicked thoughts of how he might pay her squirmed into his mind and he grinned at the leather cat-suit encased pixie in front of him.

"Well Rath...looks like I am definitely the victor tonight." Maria's double grinned happily, lording her success over him.

"Yes you are, Rapture. Your Maria gets the wild horndawg award tonight! And I knows just how I'm gonna congratulate ya."

Rapture laughed and patted the spikes on Rath's head. "I'm sure you do!"

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her index finger into his mouth, rolling his tongue ring around on the tip of it. He placed his mouth on the rim of her ear and whispered the idea to her.

"Ok, freakboy...sounds interesting. But hows about we do this some place else?" The two looked at their counterparts and smiled.

"Aight...C'mon Rap. Lets blow this joint!" Rath threw his arm around her shoulder and they disappeared with one last look at the sleeping couple that was huddled together on the ground.


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