Part 1

Maria stood paralyzed in front of his door. She clutched a small cardboard box in front of her like a shield. She raised her fist for the seventh time, preparing to knock, but then she lowered it again. This was ridiculous! She was standing in the hallway outside of Michael's apartment acting like a lunatic. Why couldn't she force herself to knock? Was she ready to do what she came here to do?

Finally after another minute of debating the issue, Michael saved her the effort and opened the door himself. He froze at the sight of her in front of him. She was dressed in her uniform, obviously just coming from work. She didn't smell like he usually did after his shift though. She smelled like flowers and cypress oil.

"Um...hi." Maria managed to squeak. She winced as she heard her voice betray her.

"Did you need something Maria? I was just leaving." Michael said, a little more harshly than he had intended.

He was being short with her and she immediately grew indignant at his tone. "Yes - I wanted to give your all of your stuff back!" She said hotly. "I don't want it anymore."

He simply stared at her for a moment and moved to let her in. He had lied about leaving. He had actually been on his way to see her. He had questions and he wanted the answers. It seemed as though it might be a little harder than he had expected. She didn't exactly seem to be in the mood for a Q and A session.

She brushed past him, careful not to touch him. She stood just inside the doorway and dropped the box onto the floor.

Michael grimaced at the crunching sound that came from the box. He wondered briefly, which of his possessions had just perished.

He was captivated by the look in Maria's eyes. She looked to be on the verge of tears but anger still surfaced. He wanted to hold her, just as he had since that day he had told her he loved her. He had stupidly left her. And as any guy with a brain would, he had regretted it. He had been miserable but pride and concern for her had stopped him from running back to her.

Then she had started calling out for his double in her sleep. What the Hell was that about? He had been completely furious that her dreams had turned to Rath. The thought of them, even in some odd dream state, was too much for Michael. He didn't want to think of that New York freak with his hands on Maria. HIS Maria.

He had to tell her how he felt. This dream thing was going to drive him insane.

"You didn't have to bring that stuff back." He said quietly, shutting the door behind him.

"Yes...I did." She sat back on her heels in front of the box. Her hands sifted through the items picking them out one by one. "Your Metallica CD, your copy of Ulysses, another Metallica CD," this one was crushed. It had obviously been the victim of her anger. "...that pen you let me borrow in English, your alien shirt, and your boxer shorts." She stood up and turned to leave.

"Wait! How did you end up with my boxers?" He asked smiling at the look of shock on her face. She had suddenly turned beet-red and he thought she looked completely adorable when she was speechless.

Maria ran her tongue over her full lips, making them shine in the dim light of his apartment. Did they have to be so damn kissable? Michael moved towards her.

" - you left them. You know...when you slept over...that time." She said, suddenly flustered.

"And you kept them...all this time?" He asked slowly, inching closer to her.

"Well...I - yes...I slept in them." Maria finally spit out, looking everywhere but at him. That is, until he was upon her.

He hooked his finger under her chin and forced her to meet his gaze. "That is so fucking sexy - The thought of you sleeping in my boxers." Well, he definitely had her attention now. He might as well go in for the kill. "Wanna tell me why you are having, what sounded like an erotic dream about Rath?"

She did a double take and stuttered for a moment. That had caught her completely off guard. "I...It was just a dream Michael."

"Two dreams." He reminded her softly. "But you had to be dreaming of him for a reason didn't you?"

"Well..actually it was three." she said, getting irritated by his insistence. "And not every dream means something!"

"Fine! Three then! And every dream DOES mean something! I know that for a fact!" His voice was rising with anger and frustration.

"Awake during psychology that day, were you?" She spat back sarcastically.

Her face was growing hot and she was sure that she turned even more red than she had been before. She had been instantly wet at the mention of the dreams she had been having. The thought of Rath against her made her insides twist with desire. But then she remembered the dream from the day before that had ended with Michael. Suddenly she felt as though her knees might buckle. That had been her favorite dream but she'd be damned if she would tell him that.

It was something about arguing with one another that always managed to make them horny. Both of them could feel it, smell it, taste it. It was in the air around them.

Maria tried so hard to ignore it, but the images of him flashed before her eyes and she suddenly found herself crushed against him in a smoldering kiss. It was so familiar and comfortable, but there was something new to it. It was almost like some undercurrent that flowed through them. It sent tingles all over her body. He had never really kissed her forcefully...that had been Rath's department, at least in her dreams.

Michael was already as hard as a rock. It was amazing what one kiss could do. He looked down at the girl in front of him. An odd feeling came over him. He got images of throwing her over his shoulder and taking her as he wanted. He almost jumped out of his skin as a familiar voice rang out behind him.

"Looks like you two were having a little fight, huh G?" Michael opened his mouth to ask his double what the hell he was doing there but his counterpart shushed him before he could. "Don't say a word homie! She won't even know I'm here."

Michael frowned. Maria didn't seem to notice the clear presence of the pierced alien in front of them. He shot a questioning glance at him.

"Aww...Money - you don't want me here? Look..I'm just along for the ride." His double walked to the chair and plopped down. He stretched his legs out in front of him and clasped his hands in front of him, looking up expectantly.


Part 2


"What do you want?" Michael asked abruptly.

"You!" Maria whispered back fiercely. Michael threw another questioning glance at Rath.

"Hey..I told you she won't know I'm here. I'm in YOUR head..not hers."

Michael rolled his eyes. Why did he have to have an audience NOW? Maria leaned into him and planted small kisses along his jaw and moved up to his cheeks and mouth. His skin burned under her lips. It was as if she was spreading fire across his face.

"Ya know...I think you are doing something wrong. I mean..I go into the bitch's dreams and get action within five minutes. You...well - how long did it take you to even kiss the ho? Two? Three WEEKS?" Rath commented laughing.

Michael growled at him.

Maria took this as her cue to continue. Michael wasn't about to let his clone outdo him though. Without warning he scooped her up and carried her into his bedroom.

Maria yelped as he tossed her onto the bed. "Michael..." She looked up at him through glazed eyes. She was pleading with him to continue. It was with that one whisper that his mind became set and their fate became sealed.

"Ya know...I do believe she wants ya dude! Planning on doing something or ya gonna just stand there staring at her?" Rath asked from the doorway.

"Please...." She whispered softly. Michael kneeled on the bed beside her.

"How can you refuse an invite like that? Fuck her, dude! Bang her hard! Screw her brains out! What are you waiting for?"

"Shut up!" Michael said fiercely.

"Okay...we don't have to talk." Maria said caressing his shoulder.

"No...I..." Michael couldn't exactly explain the ass-hole that was standing in the corner. She would think he was insane. He himself was debating the issue. He threw Rath a warning look. Rath just smirked at him.

Michael put his hand on Maria's knee and stretched out alongside her. His hand began its long journey up her thigh. She wriggled under his gentle touch. He could tell that she wanted his touch. It was an instinctive desire that brought them together. Each motion and movement, as old as time, was etched into their bones. They needed only to allow themselves the freedom to let it happen.

Maria gripped his comforter in an attempt to keep her hands from hurrying him. This was the sweetest torture she had ever experienced. His fingers were tracing small circles up her leg. He moved inch by inch toward her center.

The heat was drawing him in. It was like a beacon leading him home. Maria, he realized...was definitely home to him. His fingers finally reached their destination. He rubbed his thumb across her, expecting to feel fabric beneath his skin. Instead, he felt her wetness full on. His eyes met hers. "Maria?"

"What? I didn't feel like wearing any today." He chuckled and kissed her before moving down between her legs. Michael trailed feather-light kisses along the tops of her legs. He moved the bottom of her uniform up to get a better view of her. Maria moaned as the cool air hit her warm flesh.

"Oh COME ON! You must be jokin! Look, have GOT to kick it to her like NOW! She's been beggin for it!"

Michael was becoming increasingly annoyed by the New Yorker and he flipped him off behind his back.

"Hey G...I'm just tryin to help! But...if you don't think you need help..." He shrugged.

Michael shook his head. He didn't need help. This, he could handle on his own. "Baby...your pussy is drippin! Is that all me?" He jerked at his own words. That wasn't what he was going to say! What the Hell was that?

"Oh...yessss. Its ALWAYS for you Michael. Only you!"

"Not what she told ME!" Rath taunted from beside him.

"You are starting to piss me off!" Michael hissed.

"What?" Maria asked dazed.

"These clothes...they are pissing me off. I think we should lose them." Michael said quickly.

"Good recovery bitch!" Rath chuckled.

Maria sat up and nodded eagerly. She grabbed the hem of Michael's shirt and jerked it over his head in a hurried motion. She went for the fly on his jeans as he began unbuttoning the dress. They were on their knees now and her dress came off easily. He had to stand up to kick off his jeans.

"You know..the bitch sure did like it when I -,"

"What do you want dammit?!" Michael yelled, completely enraged by his clone.

Maria looked up at him, surprised by the outburst. "I want you, Michael. I want you inside me!"

"I want you to finish the job dick-head! If I can't have her fuckin cherry - I'll be damned if I let some pussy-ass alien-abducted freak get it! Its gonna at least be my other half."

Michael's blood began to boil. Maria and Brodie? No way! Still, the thought of him with Maria made him want to kick the guys ass. His protective side began working overtime.

That was just the reaction Rath wanted. He concentrated on Michael and felt the energy run like a link between them.

Michael felt a surge of power. It was so awesome in its force that he was nearly knocked backwards. The smell of Maria's arousal was hitting him now. It seemed a thousand times stronger now, as if his olfactory senses had doubled. He was filled with the urge to fill her. He would impale her and take what he wanted and needed to take.

She was still on the bed, stretched up to meet him. He stood directly in front of her and hooked his hands on the back of her thighs. Pulling forward, he swept her legs from under her and she landed on her back.

Maria's eyebrows shot up. "That was smooth." She laughed.

He didn't respond. He was too busy drinking her in with his eyes. He took in her graceful curves. His fingers drifted down over her nipples. They hardened beneath his burning touch. He could hear her breathing hitch as he traced a finger along her stomach, moving lower and lower. He stopped at her hips and she whimpered willing him to go lower.

He seemed thoughtful, but he simply moved to pick her up again. Placing her closer to the headboard he smiled down at her. "I think, this might just be a bumpy ride. Maybe you should hold on to something." She hesitated so he moved his hands up her arms. He guided her hands to the slats at the head of his bed and let her hand close around them. "Don't let go now." He said, moving between her legs.

Michael had never thought of himself as the fucking type. He might be a jerk at times. He would admit that, But underneath it all, he was somewhat of a romantic. He would NEVER admit THAT, but it was the truth. Especially when it came to Maria. So the thought that he was about to fuck her bothered him. Yet it was a fleeting thought and he dismissed it easily.

"A-ight. Now we're cookin!" Michael had forgotten about his duplicate that was now stretched out beside Maria. He was smiling up at Michael as if he had all the answers.

"I'm soo gonna..." Michael warned

"You're gonna, what baby?" Maria asked looking down at his cock. He was holding it now - Just inches away from sliding it in and Michael could see her impatience building.

"She's pantin for you, fucker...FUCK HER! C' can't disappoint me!" Rath stuck his tongue out and licked Maria's arm. She bit her lip but made no indication that she knew Rath was there.

Oh, shit! It's a DREAM! Michael was somewhat confused. Well, if he had to have a least it was a nice dream. Why not enjoy it?


Part 3


He leered down at Maria. "I'm gonna fuck you five ways from Sunday!"

"Oh yeah!?" she questioned, moving her hips suggestively. She didn't dare move her hands, but she had to get this show on the road before she burst into a million pieces.

"Yeah..." he breathed, settling himself on the mattress between her legs.

The great thing about a dream is that whatever you never goes beyond the dream. You could be as open as you wanted and no one would ever know. You could stand in the middle of Central Park and scream your deepest, darkest secret out to the world and there would never be a repercussion or consequence.

With this thought in mind, Michael felt a certain freedom that he could have never imagined feeling otherwise. He could do and say what he wanted and no one would care. In this dream...he could forget the stone wall and the otherworldly war that awaited him.

Looking directly into Maria's eyes, he slid into her. He was careful to go slow. He didn't want this to end too suddenly and if he didn't pace himself at the starting line it would be over before he was ready. He stopped as he felt a barrier within her.

He was now completely still. Held up only by hands that were planted on either side of her body, Michael leaned over, covering her mouth with his own. The kiss was soft and gentle at first, but it escalated quickly and soon had them both gasping for air. His mouth still covered her's as he drove into her with one hard thrust.

Her cries went no further than his mouth and they were completely immobile as she adjusted to the pain that burned her insides. He noticed her knuckles were turning white where she was gripping the bars of his headboard so tightly in her small fists.

Michael pressed kisses along her forehead and pulled up to take her all in with his eyes. Her tongue swept over her lips, gathering up all traces of their kiss.

"You okay?" Michael asked softly.

Maria nodded and closed her eyes and smiled. He took that as her signal for him to proceed.

His hips began the hypnotic rhythm that seemed so natural to him. Michael was so close to losing himself in the sheer ecstasy of it all. She was tighter than he could have imagined. He didn't know how she was handling the pain that must have come with taking in all of him. He wasn't exactly small, and that wasn't vanity speaking. It was just an alien perk - only the best DNA for the royal four, er eight.

He had all but forgotten the other alien, who was now on the floor beside the bed. Michael jumped at the unexpected noise as Rath spoke.

"This is boring. You know that right? I mean...missionary? Mikey...I KNOW you are more creative than that."

He turned toward his double, shooting him a look that spoke volumes, telling of impending doom.

Michael saw that Maria's eyes were still closed, quiet moans escaping from her open mouth. He turned toward his double, shooting him a look that spoke volumes, telling of impending doom. He hoped that the look transmitted all the annoyance he was feeling toward the unshaven Michael wannabe.

"Your speed is decent but...nnnniiiI wouldn't call that fucking, man. You humpin - which is a step above yawn-city and two steps below mind-blowin orgasm."

Rath was pushing him but he couldn't exactly stop what he was doing to pound the little dream-walking freak into oblivion.

As much as Michael wanted to ignore Rath's bothersome taunting, everything he was saying kept reverberating in his mind. Without a thought, his thrusts began to pick up speed. Maria's head thrashed about. She let a groan slip past her lips and her back arched up off the bed.

Michael heard Rath whistle. It was low and flat and somehow pushing Michael to his breaking point. Rath moved to touch Maria. Michael hissed a warning but he was ignored completely. His twin put his hand over one of Maria's fists. A roar of anger filled Michael's lungs. He never had the chance to let it out though.

Maria's hand had fallen away from the headboard and was now stroking his balls as he pumped into her. He stopped all movement and looked down at her hungrily.

Thoughts of Rath were pushed to the back of his mind. He slid out of her, realizing that, if he didn't this would be over in only a few more minutes. She gasped at the feel of him pulling out. It felt like a part of her had been taken away. Maria immediately missed the feel of him and his warmth.

"Wha..?" She asked softly. Her eyes where hazy and unfocussed and she looked absolutely beautiful. Michael ran his tongue across her lips in an effort to taste her.

Maria's eyes widened. That had been such a Rath-like action that she was somewhat taken aback. She looked up at him briefly and entertained the idea of asking if this was a dream. Something told her that it wouldn't be in anyone's best interest to ask him that. If this was a dream...well, why not enjoy it while she could.

"You taste so sweet, Maria!" A light came to his eyes and he smiled one of his rare smiles. "I have an idea!"

He let her fall back onto the bed and ran out of the room. He reached the kitchen in a matter of seconds and didn't even bother to turn on the lights. He knew exactly what he wanted and where it was. His hand felt around for several seconds but the object seemed to be moved from its usual place on top of the refrigerator.

"Looking for this?" Rath asked, pushing a bottle forward on the counter.

"Why the fuck are you still here?" Michael exploded.

"Like I said...I'm just along for the ride." Rath said with a grin.

"Well, could you at least ride a little more quietly?" He whispered angrily.

"No prob bitch. Oh...this - awesome! Glad you're finally getting into the spirit of things!" Rath laughed as he slid the bottle the rest of the way down the counter.

Michael caught it and stalked back to his bedroom but not before glancing back. "So glad you approve!" He sneered sarcastically.

"What's that?" Maria asked when she noticed the bottle in Michael's hand.

He didn't answer her right away. He just moved to stand in front of where she sat on the bed. She saw a twinkle in his eye and her heart fluttered.

"Get comfortable." He said slowly. When she had stretched out in front of him, she looked at him expectantly. He bent down and licked the skin of the valley between her breasts. "Well...what goes best with sweet?" She stayed silent but not by choice. She couldn't have uttered a sound if she wanted to. Her voice seemed to have disappeared. "Sweet can only go with spicy."

She closed her eyes at the feel of tabasco sauce being dripped slowly onto the skin he had just licked. It was so hot that it felt like it was burning her skin. She gritted her teeth and squirmed under the intense feel of the liquid.

He lapped it off of her like a kitten with milk. She shivered as his tongue and lips gathered every last bit of it up. Then he moved down to her stomach, repeating the same actions. He poured tabasco in a trail and filled up her shallow belly button as if it were a small cup and sucked it up as he had the other. Every time he would finish, Maria would let out a pent up breath only to hold it again as he found a new spot to play with. He went through this process until every single inch of her skin had felt the affect of the juice.

Every inch except a couple. He'd saved that till last. He looked at her, a wicked grin on his face. Her eyes grew bigger as she understood what was about to happen.

He turned the bottle up and let the last drops of the red sauce slide slowly into her slit. She was used to the heat at this point but even all of the preparation in the world couldn't have prepared her for the feel of liquid fire. She thrust her hips up slightly, praying he would take the hint and remove it, using any means necessary.

He chuckled at her discomfort, knowing that it would soon be gone and long forgotten under his mouth. He leaned down and licked her opening gathering ever bit of tabasco that covered it. He did a thorough job, cleaning every last inch and leaving only one part covered.

Maria could feel only one thing. Every single nerve sensor in her body seemed to focus on this one spot, crying out that she was burning.

He took the small nub into his mouth and sucked the remaining bit off of it.

Maria jerked. She felt the pull of orgasm as his mouth worked her clit. She came for what seemed like forever. She could smell her arousal mingled with tabasco.

Michael could smell it too. He could smell it like a deer could smell a predator that stood upwind. It was all he could smell. It was driving him onward. He wanted more of it.

"Smells sweet don't it? �ats enough to make anybody fuckin drunk." Rath said, placing a hand on Michael's back.

Michael ignored his double although he did feel somewhat drunk by the heady aroma.

"Now wha' chief?" Rath asked, trying to push Michael to do what he had in mind. Michael looked at the bottle. He couldn't. " can do it. I've seen this bitch throw down on a fuckin marker...believe me, she won't mind."

Michael, thought about the marker for a moment, then shook his head. "Nah." He placed the small bottle at her opening.

The glass was cold as it slid into her and Maria jumped at the feel of it. So many new sensations in one night. Maria felt that she might be completely numb come morning.

Michael held onto the tip of the bottle moving it in and out in a staccato rhythm, first slow then faster then back to slow. Never letting her touch him as she seemed to want to. Her hands kept flexing with the need to feel something. She began massaging her breasts slowly, pinching her nipples every once in a while.

Michael's hand stilled with the sight of her touching herself. He snapped out of the trance as she whimpered, urging him to continue. The bottle, now buried deep within her, was sending her into spasms. She rolled her hips in a desperate attempt to make him go faster.

Another orgasm was building and Maria gripped the sheets under her in preparation. Just as she felt the edge of it, the feeling of the bottle was taken away as Michael slid it out and replaced it with his mouth. "Cum against my mouth." He whispered. She was too far gone to hear him but she obliged anyway, adding a scream in as she felt his tongue shoot into her at the last minute.

She was completely motionless for several moments. Totally spent, she had rolled into a small ball and curled into herself. He curled up behind her, spooning her body with his.

"I love you." He whispered. He got no acknowledgment that she had heard him, other than the soft sobs that shook her shoulders. "What is it, Maria?"

She rolled over to meet his eyes. "Say it again."

He smiled softly. "I love you." He whispered it over and over again to her and kissed the tip of her nose. "What's the matter? Do you not want me to love you?" He had thoughts of the real Maria laughing in his face if he ever said that to him. It seemed that even dream-Maria had trouble believing him.

She shook her head. "No! I...well, this is a dream." He nodded. "So when its over...this won't have happened. Your I love you's will be gone and this will all be forgotten."

He shook his head. "The love is still there, Maria. I wish you could see that." He pushed her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead. He slipped slowly into sleep and never let go of the goddess beside him.

A few minutes later, Michael was jarred awake by an ever present Rath. "What is this? You taken some sort of break? Does this look like a lunch hour? Are you punchin a clock?"

Michael stood up, careful not to wake the girl beside him. "Rath...leave!"

Rath put his hands up in defense. "Ay man...I just wanted to say goodbye. I had to wake your lazy ass up somehow!"

"You're leaving?" Michael said with a smile on his face.

"Word. But don't worry...I'll be back. I AM your wild side Mikey G and now that you know about me...I can visit you a little more often! You can't expect a pretty little piece like this to be happy with just one side of you. You showed her tonight that you can freak like the best of �em! She's gonna want it agian."

"What are you talking about?" Michael asked.

" can I put this? I'm what you would call...a split personality or some shit like that. Everybody has em. It's like..all the sides of you that you repress. Oh shit! I'm using big words again! Fuckin shoot me now! I've been stuck in your fuckin head with your conscience for too damn long!"

"My conscience?"

"Yeah...tall guy, dark hair...big ears. Kinda weird. Always doin' sit-ups and shit."

"Well...can you, um leave now, psychotic version of Rath?" Michael asked, staring at the alien who was now stretching out beside Maria.

"Not my call G."


"Just...ya know...lay down or something and bam! I'll be in you again."

"In me?" Michael asked shaking his head.

"Yeah Einstein. Inside your head. Did you just miss that entire conversation?"

"'re just a...figment of my imagination."

"Ding-ding...we got a winna!" Rath drawled sarcastically.

"So, um, okay." Michael, wanting this to be over with as quickly as possible, sat on the bed and Rath was absorbed into his skin.


Michael's tried to open his eyes but immediately shut them when they encountered the bright rays of sun that streamed into the apartment. His arms moved to the other side of the bed but no one was there. He sat up immediately awake.

He slammed his fist down, making contact with his thigh. Dammit! It HAD been a dream! Maria's little problem must be contagious, he thought bitterly.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Michael made his way into the living room and checked the peep hole. Great...could this possibly get worse? Maria swept into the room as he opened the door.

"Sorry to wake you but I didn't think to get a key before I left. I got us some coffee and donuts. Oh, and some tabasco sauce too, since we used it all up last night." She said with a giggle. Michael's eyes grew bigger and bigger until he was sure they would bug out of his head. "What's wrong?"

"Um...I - It wasn't a dream?" He asked, feeling stupid as soon as it left his mouth.

"Yeah...I kinda had the same reaction. I never knew you were so...wild." She kissed his lips lightly and went to put the items in the kitchen.

He started to follow her but then a thought occurred to him. Maria watched as he darted through the apartment, looking in closets and under the bed, in the shower and even the cabinets.

"What are you doing?" she asked as he passed her.

"Umm...I just...I was just looking for something." Or someone, he thought. He wondered when he would hear from the fuzzy Rath clone again.

"Oh, can I help?"

"Yeah, can hop on and take another ride on the machine." Michael said, moving to press her against the wall.

Michael groaned as the words slipped passed his lips. Obviously...he wouldn't have to wait long.

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