Part 1

He woke her up slowly. At first she was only slightly aware that something was touching her foot. As it moved up her leg, she stirred. Maria tried to pry both eyes open but all she could manage was a crack in her left eye and even that was painful. Her lamp was on. She reached to turn it off but a large hand stilled her movement.

"I wanna see you." A familiar voice spoke.

"Michael...what are you doing here?" The answer to that question was painfully obvious. He already had her pajama top unbuttoned and was now moving his hands slowly up and down her body. Taking in the feel of her tight calves, roving over her hips, pushing her shirt away to feel the soft skin on her stomach. His hand stilled at her breasts and she whimpered, willing him to go on with his caresses.

She heard him chuckle lightly. "Not just yet, little Ria."

Little Ria? Since when did Michael call her that. She was about to pose the question to him when his mouth suddenly attacked her neck in hot, wet kisses. She sighed at the wonderful silky feel of his mouth once again on her skin. Instinctively, her hands went to his neck as if to keep him locked against her. Maria's fingers tangled in his hair. Coarse, straight hair that, she could now feel was sticking straight up, like it used to. Only, it didn't feel like him.

Her eyes flew open and she gasped. "Rath!" Michael's duplicate, was staring up at her with a smirk on his unshaven, pierced face.

"Tha one an only!" He said in a quiet gravely voice. Maria looked for a means of escape but before she could move, Rath bent down and captured one of her pale rose colored nipples in his mouth and was sucking it for all he was worth. She was shocked to hear her own moans of pleasure escape her lips.

"You...we can' t hi- OHHH! That feels soo GOOD!" Shouldn't she be trying to stop this? Her mind screamed the question over and over, but it couldn't be heard over her cries of pleasure. She did manage to speak once or twice though. "Why are you here?" She looked in his eyes. They were almost the same eyes that she had looked into a thousand times - only in a different package.

His mouth left her breast. She groaned at the loss and his hand quickly took its place. He squeezed them as his thumb lazily circled the nipples. It was slowly driving her crazy. She tried to concentrate on his words but it was getting increasingly difficult. "I think Guerin is stupid - ya know?! You are just so...." He sucked air in through his teeth as he appraised her near naked body. "Tight." he finished. "I can definitely see what he saw in ya...but I can't imagine letting a fine piece like you just lay here alone every night. It just wouldn't be right!" He shook his head and she seemed to mull over what he had just said.

Finally she nodded. "You're right."

"I am? I mean...I am! Ye-ah!" He licked his lips and she was distracted watching his tongue slide over the silver ring that went through his lower lip. She had never been a big fan of piercings but his were suddenly extremely sexy and Maria found herself wondering how they would feel against her.

His smoldering eyes met hers and he captured her mouth in an earth shatteringly hot kiss that left her panting. Again and again, his mouth attacked and plundered hers. His warm tongue slid in and out at a slow, erotic pace. She felt one of his hands leave her breast to travel to the waistband of her shorts. Maria was overcome with a need to feel his skin on hers.

He didn't hesitate and pulled the shorts down to her knees and let his powers do the rest. He looked down to see that she wasn't wearing any underwear and smiled appreciatively at her complete nudity. A single finger teased her clit and she sucked in a sharp breath. A second finger slid into her wet passage. "Oh...well, well, well...already soaked. Am I making you hot? Do you want Rathy-boy?" If she wasn't so damn horny she would have laughed at that question, but as it was she was to the point of aching for the Michael that definitely wasn't Michael. All she could do was nod and even that was shaky.

"Say it."

"Say what?" She asked. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her head thrown back at the feel of the two fingers that were sliding in and out of her at a torturously slow pace.

"Say you want me." He said. His tongue began to trace a pattern from her breasts to her navel and back again in an odd triangle.

She didn't know how the hell she choked out the words, but she managed a weak "I want you." He laughed against her stomach and he slid in a third finger. She gasped at the glorious sensation all of the friction was causing.

Rath had slowly moved himself so that he was laying between her long legs. She bit back the urge to scream as his tongue joined his probing fingers. He sucked her clit and she felt herself begin to stiffen in anticipation. The lip ring brushed against her swollen lips and she bit her lower lip, which was raw from his kisses, to keep from crying out.

He removed the three fingers and let his tongue take over completely. His eyes never left her face as he moved in and out of her in a rhythmic motion. After several moments of this, his fingers returned full force. She only knew that he was kissing her again. It made her even hornier as she tasted herself in the kiss.

There were four fingers in her now and she felt her passage stretching and burning against them. She moved her hips along with the motion, trying desperately to make them go deeper. To fill her completely.

He sped up as her nails bit into his flesh forming small rivulets of blood that ran down his back. Neither one of them noticed.

She was so close... It was agony. She could feel the throbbing in her core. Her stomach muscles tightened and a warm feeling spread through her mid-section. She felt like she was about to die from the sweet torture and then it, rather, she came. It was a flash of light as if some star had suddenly exploded, sending millions of bursts of light to earth. She embraced the release and screamed as loud as she could.

"Oh...yeeeessssss! YES! RATH! Oh BABY...You are SOOO GOOOD! AHHHH!"

Maria was jarred awake as she cried out "Oh, RATH!" Her English class all turned to look at her. Laughter filled the room. Maria blushed and looked down at her notebook, embarrassed at her own outburst. Where the hell had THAT dream come from? She snuck a glance at Michael who was sitting two desks over from her's. His eyes were pinned on her and his mouth gaped open, obviously stunned by her little outburst. Stunned, she smiled, and maybe a little jealous.


In New York, Rath sat up from where he was laying on his make-shift bed. Lonnie and Ava were still asleep. He chuckled to himself. It was nice to be the one that could dreamwalk. He decided that he would have to visit little Maria Deluca more often.


Part 2


Let me not mar that perfect Dream

By an Auroral stain

But so adjust my daily Night

That it will come again

~*~*~*Emily Dickinson*~*~*~

Maria turned onto her side, trying desperately to get comfortable in her bed. She gave up with a sigh. It just wasn't going to happen. She rolled out of bed and stood up stretching her stiff muscles.

She grabbed her favorite pink robe to cover herself as she walked out of her room and toward the kitchen. Ever since that incredible dream in English class a week ago, she had taken to sleeping totally naked. It was somehow more sensual to feel the cool cotton sheets sliding against her exposed skin.

She was all set to fix herself a glass of milk when she heard a noise behind her. The girl spun around to see an empty kitchen. She was so on edge lately. Every little thing set her off and she felt like she would burst if she didn't get some soon.

Damn Michael and his protective soldier shit! If he wasn't so freaking stubborn, then maybe they could both be pleasing each other instead of going off in mad tirades every night. Tonight had been particularly bad. Both of them had worked a full shift and they were both ill at the end of it, so it wasn't too surprising that they ended up fighting over something so stupid as who was supposed to empty trash.

The entire time he was ranting about the trash schedule, Maria had been fantasizing about what would happen if she just backed him up against the side of the building in the alley and put her mouth to work on his massive lower half. She had laughed at the thought of it and he had gotten angry and walked off.

Nothing would please her more than him coming to his senses and taking what she wanted to offer. Since it didn't seem that this particular scenario was going to happen, Maria had begun to pray for another dream to come. So far all she got were dreams of giant bunnies and weird glowing pieces of men in blackberry pie. She wouldn't delve too deeply into the psychology behind those, but...she was so utterly frustrated. All she wanted was one good dream. One more night with him....Rath.

She opened a cabinet and got out some chocolate syrup to add to her milk. Standing on her tip toes to reach it, she gasped as thick, muscular arms circled her waist.

Before she could scream, the intruder turned her around and a rough kiss was planted on her mouth. She was now staring wide-eyed at the thug that looked so eerily like her Michael.

"R-Rath?" He gave her a lecherous grin.

"Did you think I would leave you hangin, baby? Oh...I ain't done wit-chu just yet." His hand moved to untie her robe. As the belt was undone, the material hung open, allowing him a full view of all her most intimate places. She blushed even though it seemed silly. He had seen all of her before.

He drank in all of her, smiling as he saw the blush creep down her entire body. His fingertips teased her breasts by barely grazing them over and over. Her nipples were instantly erect and she knew that she was already wet and ready for him.

Rath knew this too. He could smell the scent of her lust radiating off of her. She was an eager little bitch. It was obvious that his counterpart wasn't doing his job at keeping her satisfied. Rath didn't mind in the least that he would be the one to get the job done.

He moved away from her breasts and he slid his hand moved to stroke her lower lips. He was only a little surprised at how wet she already was. This was him after all and he tended to have that effect on women. He dropped to his knees and looked up at her to see the dazed, smokey look on her face.

"Spread for me." Rath said harshly. She did as he said and his mouth instantly went to the blond mound between her legs. She sucked in an unsteady breath as his tongue darted out to capture some of her juices. "Mmmm...sweet as I remembered." He said distractedly.

Maria was to the point of collapsing as his tongue continued to stroke her. Then she looked down at Rath. Rath on his knees. Rath worshiping her. An idea came to her. Hmm...this could be fun.

"Rath..." Her hands went to his head and tangled in his thick mane of hair. She pushed and he moved back to look at her. "I think you had your fun last time! I think its time we do some things my way!" She almost laughed as his eyebrows shot up and his mouth hung open.

He'd never thought of her as dominating and he had thought about her a good bit in the last week. About how she moaned so loudly and screamed his name. How good she tasted...everywhere. He wasn't all that fond of human pussy, but this one...she was different. This might be fun. A little game. He would humor for a while and then fuck her crazy like he'd been dying to.

Maria stood over him now. Rath had sat on the floor with his hands propping him up so he could stare up at her. What was she doing? She looked around for a second then a light came to her eyes and she smiled.

"Stand up." She ordered. He stood slowly and looked at her to see what would happen next. Instead of an order, she walked forward and put her hands to his chest. Giving a light shove, she began moving him backwards until he was standing in the right spot. "Hands up." He hesitated but only for a moment.

She tugged on the belt of her robe, pulling it out of the loops that held it in place. "Wha'cha gonna do wi-that?" Maria had never been so happy that her mother loved plants. The hook was one that she had hung ferns on and it was just the right size for what she had in mind.

"No talking!" She ran her hands up his arms slowly, smiling as his muscles jumped under her touch. Reaching his wrists the blond wrapped the belt around them, binding them together tightly. "Stay." He smiled as he realized exactly what she was doing. She had left an end of the belt loose and now she was tying it to a metal hook that hung from the ceiling.

He could easily escape if he wanted. If he pulled hard enough, or even used his powers the hook would give, but what would be the fun in that? He wanted to see just how far she would go.

Maria looked at the ragged looking Michael clone in front of her. His arms were above him and he had the thin but strong cloth belt in his fist. The fabric was probably chafing his wrists but he didn't look uncomfortable - just curious. Rath was playing along and being the submissive, but he, like Micheal, had a dominant personality and Maria was interested to see just how long he could hold out.

Their eyes met and without looking away, Maria slid the silk robe from her shoulders, letting it fall into a pool at her feet. She walked slowly towards him. Enjoying the knowledge that the wait was probably killing him. Reaching for his shirt, she paused and looked at the black fabric. If this was a dream, as she was assuming it was, it wouldn't be too hard to...

Rath heard rather than saw the demise of his favorite shirt as it was ripped from his body. No loss. He might have cared a little more if the wench wasn't doing such a bang up job of rubbing his chest. What was it about her that seemed to make his skin burn whenever there was any contact? She seemed to have a power or a talent for teasing. He couldn't decide which.

She placed her hands on his pecks, enjoying the way his small brown nipples hardened beneath her touch. Her tongue darted out to taste one. This elicited a small moan from his throat. It must have been unexpected so he coughed slightly to cover it. Maria smiled at him and let her hands drift an inch or two south to rest on his abs.

They weren't quite as developed as Michael's but he did have the beginnings of what they called a six pack. She could feel the grooves and traced them with a finger. His stomach shrank back against her touch.

Her hands moved languidly to his back. She let her fingernails rake softly up and down. A small growl sounded in his throat and the hunger in his eyes grew until she thought the he would break his ties to bridge the small distance between them.

She would have to pacify him. With her hands resting on his sides, she leaned up and kissed his lower lip, taking the small ring that protruded from it into her mouth and sucking gently. His tongue shot out to catch her mouth.

Maria jumped at the feel of his tongue. She pulled back and looked at the smirking alien in front of her. Out of mock vengeance, she crushed his mouth with her own.

The kiss started out light but forceful. Then her tongue leisurely began to sneak into the cavern of his mouth, stroking his tongue and moving in circular patterns that succeeded in driving him to total distraction. All he could feel was the searing kiss and her breasts rubbing provocatively against his chest.

Just as soon as it had begun, the kiss ended with two sighs. Her sigh was one of content pleasure. His on the other hand was one of pure frustration.

She realized that torturing him much longer, tempting though it was, might be a bit too harsh.

Rath's breath caught in his throat as he felt the fingers on her right hand slide down to the buckle on his pants as the fingers on the left buried in his hair. He wasn't sure how she did it, but her fingers dexterously unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his baggy black jeans. As she bent down to pull them off, she fingered the chain that hooked onto his wallet. The blond looked like she was trying to decide on a course of action that could involve the metal. What the Hell would she do with that?

Maria laughed as she saw Rath's eyes bulge. Following his line of site, it wasn't too hard to figure out that he thought she wanted to get freaky with the chain. She shook her head and threw out a "nah". He visibly relaxed.

It wasn't that he was against kinkiness. He and Lonnie, and sometimes even Ava, had tried all kinds of shit like that. But the thought of this particular girl with a chain as a toy...He felt it might be hazardous to his health or hers. He knew if he got any harder, they might both be in trouble.

All that was left was his boxers and she could see the bulge that had the fabric strained. It made her heartbeat speed up to know that she could cause such a reaction.

Rath was grinding his teeth in anticipation of her touch. She seemed almost content to just look at him. He almost sighed with relief as she ran her knuckles across the bulge, but his breath catching in his throat stopped him from doing that. When he could continue breathing, he groaned. "Come on..."

"No talking! Do you want me to just leave you here?" She asked, having no intention of fulfilling her threat.

"No!" He cursed himself for saying that a little too quickly. He heard her chuckle lightly and frowned.

"Don't worry Rath. I'm not that cruel." She dropped slowly and lightly to her knees so she was right on the level with his waist.

She used the palm of her hands to message his legs. She started at his calves and worked up to his ass. She nudged him forward to meet her mouth. Her tongue flicked out to lick off the pre-cum that surrounded the tip of his shaft and he hissed.

"Baby -" She took him into her mouth. "Ahhhh, Shit!" He cried as her lips closed around him and she began to suck.

Maria figured he was the type who liked it sort of rough, so she didn't hesitate to tug a little hard as she used her mouth as a suction device. His hands gripped the belt clawing at it with a primal need to feel all of her with his fingers. To bury his hands in her hair and hold her mouth to him in total ecstacy.

His head fell back and eyes slid shut as her electrifying mouth began to move on him. She slid up and down, in and out. All the while her tongue was performing its own dance, teasing the sensitive nerves as it played all along the steal-hard rod.

She remembered a couple of things from some sex book that she had discovered in her mother's closet and she put them to use. Maria pulled her mouth away from him and concentrated just on the tip. Taking only about an inch or two into her mouth, she sucked as hard as she could. This obviously gained his approval, by the loud moan that escaped his lips.

"Where the fuck did you learn to do that?" he choked out. She giggled at the harshness in his voice. "You're like a fuckin' hoover!"

She was about to do it again when she felt his arms on hers. "What...?" she cried as he caught her off guard. The pink silk belt, now hung in shreds from the hook and his hands were free to roam her body. He was taking full advantage of this freedom too.

She gave up fighting him. Why would she want to? He laid her back down to the tiled floor. It was cold against her bare back and she squealed at the icy feel of it. Her nipples hardened at the sensation and he ducked down to suckle the distended pebble. She mewled and her legs went around his waist.

His shaft rubbed against her clit and he repeated the action. She arched under his mouth. He reached down between them, without taking his mouth away from her breast, and slipped a finger inside of her. She screamed.

She was already horny from the little domination role she had gotten to play. Now she was on the edge. It was excruciating to want for the release and be denied it. That's what the game was all about though.

"I want to fuck you so bad!"

"Uhhhhhh...ahhhh - Rath! Do it! Fuck me damn you!" She cried as his finger slid out and circled her lower lips slowly. It was such sweet torture.

"Hmm...I think maybe I should repay you for that little bondage thing you tried to pull. Ya know...maybe I should torture you for a little while. How about you beg, baby?"

"Please Rath! Fuck...ME! Fuck me Rath! PLEASE!" She cried. She reach and grabbed his hand, that was now teasing her clit and pulled it to her lips. Anything to get it out of the way. She needed to feel him inside her. It was a primal need that sprung from deep within her.

"Alright, Ria. I think I'll give you what you want." She sighed, having won the battle. She closed her eyes as he slid slowly into her.

She caught her lip between her teeth and groaned at the sweet pleasure of him entering her tight opening.

She was as tight as a fucking glove. His dick was gripped and he thought he would die on the spot. She was a virgin!

How the HELL had that pussy-ass twin of his, managed to hold out? This little piece was ripe for the taking and Rath licked his lips at the thought of breaking her little cherry.

He was this close to plunging through the barrier when he started feeling weird. He swore softly, realizing what was happening.

"I'll be back!" He said fingering her one last time. He pulled it out and licked his finger. "You can bet on that!" With that he disappeared.

Maria woke up half moaning - half screaming his name. "Oh, Fuck Rath!"

Luckily this time she wasn't in school. Unfortunately, she WAS at work and she was pretty sure the customers had heard her. She remembered something about it being her break and laying down on the couch for a nap.

Michael, who had been putting something in his locker, was now frozen to the spot and was glaring at her.

She smiled uneasily and blushed. How was she going to explain this one?


Once again in New York, Rath looked up to see Ava standing over him with a scowl on her face. "Wake up Rath. We need food and it's your turn to steal it!"

"Dammit why can't you bitches do anything for ya self?" He swore. He now ached with unfulfilled desire. It was painfully obvious as he slid on his baggy jeans that now seemed a little too tight. As he pulled on his shirt, he thought of the little cherry that had lain before him only moments before. Dreams were an amazing thing and it would be such a waste if he didn't take advantage of that fact.

Silently to himself he said, "Get ready little Ria. I'm sooo not done wi-chu."


Part 3


"How does your dad always find the worst jobs for us to do?" Maria asked pulling some candles out of a box.

"It's a gift, I think." Liz smiled, grabbing her old stuffed bunny from a different box.

They were in the basement of the Crashdown, being forced to sort through all of the Parker family junk and keepsakes that had been gathering dust. On their day off no less.

"So, what's first on the agenda?" Maria asked, trying to take her gutter-ridden mind off the phallic-shaped candle sticks. She almost groaned in frustration. That last dream had almost done her in. It had left her completely wanting and even worse off than before.

Michael definitely wasn't gonna give in anytime soon. Not after hearing her scream out his duplicate's name not once but twice in one week! She had thought he would say something about it but he had only turned and walked back into the kitchen. He hadn't even looked at her for the rest of the night. Which wasn't such a new thing. At least this time she knew the reason for the distance.

As much as she enjoyed the dreams - they didn't exactly come at very good times. Always, they came during the day. Always when she just happened to be in a public place. She blushed all over again as she thought of the knowing looks on the customers' faces as she had walked through the doors.

"Maria!?" Liz shook her out of her thoughts. "Did you hear me?" Maria shook her head sheepishly. "We have to move all the boxes into the corner and move the furniture."

"That should be easy enough. Most of it is light stuff." She said looking at the clutter at her feet.

Liz nodded. "Yeah, but we'll need to get Michael to help with the couch and chair."

Maria rolled her eyes. "So why is your dad getting rid of this stuff anyway?"

"A few pieces are going to the Salvation Army but Michael is supposed to pick whatever he wants for his apartment first. I'll run and get him. I think it's time for his break. You start moving boxes." Liz said already bounding up the stairs.

Maria sighed and picked up the box nearest to her. She wished the job required more thought. At least then she could keep her mind off of the fuzzy duplicate alien.

She heard heavy male footsteps on the stairs. Maria stood up straight trying to build a little wall so he wouldn't get to her. Like it would ever work. He ALWAYS got to her.

"Michael, don't start with me just take what you want and leave, okay!"

She turned around and almost screamed. There he was. Literally, the man of her dreams. He was lounging happily on one of the old puke green chairs.

"Ya know...I just don't see, why the Hell anyone ever thought this color looked good on furniture." He said wrinkling his nose. He took in the surroundings. "Shitty location. But it'll do."

He smirked at her. He liked shocking people. It was one of the few goals in his unmotivated life. From the look on her face, he'd just succeeded in accomplishing this.

"So, Ria....miss me?" He asked standing up. She just stared at him, unable to utter a sound. He advanced on her until they were toe to toe. "Cat got your tongue?" His own tongue slipping out to graze her lips.

Her breath caught and she leaned into him unconscious of her movement. He wasn't. His lips crushed hers in a passionately savage kiss. Their tongues battled, both gliding alternately in and out of one another's mouths. Her teeth caught his top lip and pulled on it gently.

His hands roamed her body, touching, feeling, squeezing everything he could reach. She moaned, enjoying the impromptu massage. He moved away quickly and it took her a moment to realize what had happened.

Instead of being right in front of her, Rath was now directly behind her. A piece of dark, thick fabric slipped over her eyes and she finally spoke up.

"What are you doing?"

" got to play the torture game last time. Turn about is fair play, baby." he murmured in her ear.

�And payback is a bitch!' She thought dreading and anticipating all that he might have in store.

Rath finished tying the blindfold and grabbed her hands. Before she could ask what he was doing, he had her hands bound at the wrist behind her with a long blue hair ribbon that he had picked up out of one of the boxes.

"Now...How should we start this little game?" He asked, amusement evident in his voice. "Hmmm...the choices." Maria yelped as he scooped her up and dropped her roughly on the old threadbare recliner.

"Do you have to be so rough?" She asked. "There's a spring embedded in my ass now."

He just chuckled and grabbed her chin between his thumb and index finger. "Just wait. Your ass ain't seen nothin yet!" He crashed against her lips and ravaged her mouth thoroughly. They were both gasping for breath as he pulled away.

"So...what are you planning on doing to me?" Her curiosity was getting the best of her.

"You gotta wait and see." His hands slid up her pleated brown skirt and she bit her lip. He found her center and with one fluid motion, tore the lacy red thong away. He threw the material aside and moved the skirt up until she was totally exposed.

Rath's hands went to her lower back and he pulled her forward. She was now seated on the edge of the chair and he nudged her knees apart.

"Easy access entry." He said to himself.

"Huh?" She questioned. Or, she would have, had he not buried his face between her thighs at that exact moment. She gasped and arched up. Then she slumped back against the cushion of the chair. "Ahh...Ra-Rath!" she exclaimed as he teased her with his mouth. Her hands tried to rebel against the bindings as she found herself wanting to sink her fingers into that wild mohawk of his and keep him there until she was fully sated. This, she supposed, was part of the torture.

As his mouth continued the sweet torment, his thumb was rubbing up and down the edges of her opening. She, again, wished her hands to be free, so she could put her hands on his and drive those nimble fingers into her. Anything to stop the assault that was happening now.

His tongue slipped into her and his lips and teeth grazed her lower lips. "Yes!" she cried. "There Rath...stay there! That' GOOD!"

He was working her faster and faster, three fingers now accompanied his deft tongue. She was so close. She could feel it, as if she was standing on the edge of the world about to fall off. A split second before she would have came, all feeling left her body and Maria was left in a hazy fog.

"What the-," she asked clasping her fingers together tightly. "Why the hell did you stop? I was almost there!" She shrieked, sitting up.

"Chill, bitch! I knew exactly where you were but I want to be buried in that tight little pussy of yours when you come." His voice was now to her right instead of in front of her.

She frowned. This was borderline cruelty or something. He was obviously trying to drive her insane. It was working.

He pulled her up quickly. He had to tease her. It would make the final climax all the sweeter. It would also serve to keep her on edge, which is where he wanted her.

That last dream had nearly killed him, and of course he was left hard as a rock with no one to alleviate the problem. He'd had to take matters into his own hands. This time, he meant to take all that was offered and more.

Maria stood in front of him now, in her short skirt and a small black tank top that was riding up just enough so that he could see her flat stomach. Rath slowly slid his index finger across the smooth flesh. She pulled her lower lip through her teeth and whimpered.

He moved closer to pull the top over her head. His shirt brushed against her bare breasts. Her nipples were already taut from the cool air and she moaned at the feel of the fabric against them. Her hips moved forward in search of warmth that only he could provide.

Rath smiled at her reaction. " you want some of this?" He ground erection against her midsection. She nodded slowly. "Oh, Ria, don't you worry. You'll get your fill, baby!" He licked the skin between her breasts moving up to her throat. She tilted her head to give him access and he began nipping at her neck. His teeth sank into the soft white flesh leaving small red marks.

He took his own shirt off without breaking contact with her skin. She wasn't sure how, but she didn't really care. His pants followed and after pulling them off, he moved away from her.

"Rath?" She asked after several minutes of silence. "Are you there?" After a few more seconds she felt, rather than heard, his answer.

She screamed as an ice cube ran slowly down her back. A droplet of water slid further down and was absorbed by her skirt. She still hadn't felt Rath. Only the ice, as it moved over one shoulder and down her breasts, and onto her stomach. Finally he took it away, only to return it to a place under the fabric clinging to her hips. Maria jumped as the ice slid into her. She wanted so badly to reach out for Rath. To grip his broad shoulders as he put her through this agony, but her hands only chafed against the bindings. She didn't even know where he was. He wouldn't touch her and she couldn't see him.

Her head jerked up as she heard a noise coming from the base of the stairs. She knew Rath had heard it as well. His motions had stilled and the ice fell away.

"What is it?" She asked. He refused to answer.

Rath looked to the stairway and saw nothing. He shook it off but he had overdeveloped senses and he knew something or someone was there. He looked at the face of the girl in front of him. She was so close to being ready for him. His cock swelled against his stomach.

The noise was long forgotten as he began his administrations with the ice once again. That is until a boot-clad foot landed square in Rath's chest.

"What the fuck?!" The he screamed.

Maria was in shock and afraid. She couldn't see from the damn blindfold. Her ears did work however and there was no mistaking the voices she heard. They were arguing. The same exact voice, only one had a clipped New York accent, the other was shorter and harder.

Michael stood in front of him, fists clinched and posture rigid. He was ready for a fight. "Why the hell is HE here?" Rath directed the question at Maria.

"I...I don't...know." She stumbled over her words. Panic set in. What if it wasn't a dream. Or...what if it was. Either way, what would she do?

She would have to test this one. "Oh, Michael?" She called sweetly. He walked over to her and put a possessive hand on her side. "Do you love me?"

"Of course I do." He said without hesitation. He stroked her cheek and kissed her nose.

"Yep. It's a dream all right." She said more to herself than either of the aliens in front of her. "So, what do we do now, fellas?" She asked grinning.

"Look, I'm all into kinky. Hell, me and Zan had some fuckin' awesome times together on rainy days, but..."

"I knew you were a freak." Rath smirked at Michael. "You have to choose." Michael said harshly, eyeing his double.

"How the Hell do I choose?" She asked. That was like choosing between night and day. On one hand she loved the heat of the sun, but on the other hand you could have some real fun in the darkness of night. "I want you both. I don't want to choose."

Yeah. This was her dream. She could do whatever she wanted in it. That's what made it fun.

"Fine. You can have us both." Rath put his hands up as his twin began to protest. "But you have to pass a little test first." He smiled as Dream Michael arched an eyebrow at him. Maria smiled at the new game.

"Okay. What's the test?" She asked aiming her head in the direction that Rath seemed to be standing.

"Well, G...whaddaya think? How should we do this?" Dream Michael looked thoughtful for a second. "Fuck it...we'll go for the old blind taste test."

"Huh?" Dream Michael asked. Rath looked down at Maria and back to him.

"Well, first...on your knees." He ordered. She sank to her knees slowly and looked up expectantly.

"You can have both of can tell me who is in your mouth."

Maria smiled liking the game already. She nodded and opened her mouth.

"Eager little bitch ain't she?" Rath laughed and elbowed Dream Michael, who in turn scowled at his scruffy counterpart.

Dream Michael was already hard at the site of Maria on her knees, ready, willing and able. He went to undo his jeans when he felt Rath's hand on his shoulder. He shook his head at him and walked to Maria, inserting himself slightly in her hot mouth.

It was all Rath could do to hold in the groan as she began suckling his shaft. She pulled back and grinned, positive that she knew the answer.

"Rath. It's Rath." She said smugly. Rath stepped back.

"Awww...too bad. That's the wrong answer. It was Mikey-boy. Sorry. Looks like you'll have to choose." Rath glared at Michael, daring him to say something. He wanted that little cherry all to himself and he'd be damned if he had to share with his limp-dick twin.

"Take the blindfold off." She said nodding. Michael stepped forward and untied the cloth. She looked at each of them in turn. "Do I really have to choose?"

"Yes!" Both aliens shouted.

"Fine. I choose...." she hesitated for a moment. "Michael."

"What?! You actually want this pussy-ass piece of shit?" Rath asked flustered.

"You heard her didn't you?" Michael asked approaching the other alien. "Now Scram New York!"

Rath thought for a second. This was her dream. Maria was in full control of what happened at all times. Maybe she wasn't kicking him out, but subconsciously she had chosen Michael over him long ago. Subconsciously she had brought him there to stop Rath. And somewhere in the dark recesses of her mind, she had always thought of Rath as Michael, never separating the two.

For that very reason did he actually, for once in his life, give up a fight. There would be other bitches to screw and other days to play. He pulled out of the dream slowly, but not before leaning down to plant a rough kiss on Maria's lips. "What a waste of a perfectly good cherry." He whispered.

After he disappeared, Maria's tongue raked over her mouth, grabbing any trace of him that she could find. Well, maybe it's over now. No more mid-day romps, she sighed happily. She would miss him. He was her walk on the wild-side, if only in her dreams.

Michael coughed to remind her of his presence. She looked to him and smiled. "I think it's time I taught you a lesson, Mr. Guerin." She said, untying her own bonds and fingering the ribbon. "I think you've been a bad boy."

Dream Michael smiled at her and his usual black t-shirt and jeans melted away. In a flash they melded together. Body to body. He was her's for the taking.

She slid onto him and he thrust into her. One hard thrust, that would break the membrane and...

She looked at Dream Michael as a sharp pain hit her ribs. She grabbed at the spot, but the pain hit her again.

Maria looked at her hands. She was fading. She sat back taking in more of him and screamed his name one last time, "OH MICHAEL!" she moaned.

The movie theatre was eerily quiet as she opened her eyes. She felt the twinge in her side once again as Liz's elbow slammed into her. She did not want to look at anything but the screen. The screen was safe and filled with nice images of little some love story. Not a sea of people staring at her like she was nuts.

Finally, after several minutes, she dared to turn her head away from the movie. Her cheeks still flamed red and if it was possible, they grew even darker as she looked at the crowd, who was now engaged once again in the show. And then to her friends. All seven of them Liz, Max, Michael, Alex, Isabel, Tess, and Kyle, respectively, were still craning their necks to look at her. Humor was all over their faces and she couldn't even meet Michael's eyes.

She did, however, hear his comment. Maria thought she would expire on the spot as he elbowed Max and said, "At least she got the name right this time."


New York, was cold and wet. It was a nasty night. Rath decided to cuddle with what was handy. He pulled out a bent photo and read the back for the thousandth time. "Love Liz."

"Well, Love Liz...I think it's your turn." With that he shut his eyes and prepared to dream.

The wRath of Michael

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