Part 2

Hal lay on the bed with his eyes closed. Once again, he was exhausted to the point of sleep. He was grateful that Michael had shut his yap long enough for him to rest. He could feel himself slowly slipping into the sweet oblivion of slumber.

Suddenly he was on an army base. This was his least favorite dream. Thankfully, it came less frequently than the other. His dream life with Betty, even if it did hurt to lose her every night, was preferable to the horrible memories that this dream stirred in him.

Dodie was there. He was always wearing an odd mask, but Hal knew it was him. His old friend lead him down hall after hall until they neared the room that had held the pods. Dodie opened the door and pushed Hal inside.

He was then face to face with the two small aliens. He held his hands up in an attempt to calm them. "I won't hurt them!" He screamed. The beings sent out a bright light and suddenly he was at the crash site.

It was completely deserted. Nothing was left but a giant crater where the ship had crashed. Hal looked at the ground and a shiny object caught his eye. It was the metal substance that he had picked up before. He crumpled it in his hand and let it unfold by itself.

This time, instead of ending there, the dream took a new turn and broke up into images that flashed through his mind.

*Betty standing in front of him in the bar*

*Him insulting her and turning to go*

*Receiving the letter and key from Betty*

*Pictures of Betty's car, mangled and chared*

Hal screamed as the images began to get faster and faster.

He woke up, gasping for breath. Michael was at his side in an instant.

"Hal - what is it?!"

"Nothin'. Don't worry about it kid." He said trying to catch his breath.

"Are you okay? Is something wrong? Are you hurt?"

"No! It was just...just a dream." He sounded as if he was trying to convince himself just as much as he was Michael.

Michael put his hand on his chest in an attempt to calm his heart which had begun to beat triple-time. "Don't do that to me, man! You scared the shit out of me!"

Hal just grunted and laid back against the pillow. For the first time in several months he prayed that he wouldn't fall asleep. He didn't know if he could take that dream again.


"It's room 503." Maria called out to Sarah. The woman waved at her and walked off in the opposite direction towards her own room.

Maria opened the door to Hal's room and took in the scene before her. Michael was sitting in a chair that had been pulled up beside the bed. Hal was laying under a pile of blankets, looking even more pale than before.

"What happened?" she asked quietly. She went to stand behind Michael, who was biting his nails in agitation.

"He is just feeling a little weak." He stood up, abruptly and turned toward the door. "Stay with him okay? I'm going to check him out now." Maria nodded and took his place in the chair.

"I don't need any damn babysitter!" Hal fussed, his eyes still closed.

"Yeah, I know. Just get some rest Hal!" Michael said walking out into the hall.

She sat for several moments, staring at the withering man in front of her. He was handsome once, she could tell. Somehow...she could see a lot of Michael in him and she wondered if this would be what he looked like in fifty years. Deep down, she hoped she would be there to find out.

The silence was swallowing her up and she closed her eyes to rest for a moment. Maria jumped, nearly falling out of the chair, when there was a knock on the door. She checked to make sure it hadn't bothered Hal, but he only opened his eyes long enough to make sure she was going to get it.

Maria peeked out to see a smiling Sarah looking at her expectantly. "Hi Sarah. Come on in. Michael just went to see about checking-,"

"Who is it Maria?" Hal asked, interrupting her.

"Hal this is Sarah Allen." Maria said. She noticed that her new friends face seemed to fall, but only for a second. "I met her downstairs."

"Nice to meet you." Sarah said quickly. Without opening his eyes, Hal nodded at the woman. "Not a big talker is he?"

Maria chuckled. "You could say that."

"So where are you from? I never asked you before." Sarah asked glancing at Hal.

"Roswell, New Mexico." The woman's eyes grew bigger.

"I've been there." Sarah said. "I'm from Texas, originally, but I was in Roswell for a while in 1947."

"Then you were there the year aliens landed?" Maria laughed it off as a joke. She even heard Hal chuckle quietly.

"Yes!" Sarah said seriously. "I was a reporter. But...Hell, that was a million miles away and two lifetimes ago."

"So, Miss Allen, you were a reporter?" Hal said, now sitting up and completely alert.

"Yes...I was."

"From Texas?"


"Did you ever know a reporter from the-,"

"Fort Worth Star-Telegram?" Sarah asked for him.

Maria felt like an outsider now as she watched the exchange. Hal's face was now questioning and he stared long and hard at Sarah.

" - Betty?" He said slowly.

Tears filled the woman's eyes. "Carver?" She whispered.

The man that had been looking like death only a minute before, shot up off the bed and now stood before Sarah Allen.

"It can't be! Betty died in 1947!" He yelled.

"What?" She yelled back, undaunted by the larger man in front of her. "No she - No I didn't!"

"Yes you...I mean, Yes SHE did!"

"Look, Carver, YOU are the one who died! Or, supposedly died!"

Hal eyed at her suspiciously. "Betty's sister TOLD me she died. In a car accident."

"Carver...I don't HAVE a sister!" She said, beginning to piece the puzzle together. "Dodie...he told my you were the one that had died. That's why I never printed the story. I wouldn't let you die a traitor."

Hal's face crumpled and he pulled Sarah...or Betty, into his arms. "I...Betty..."

Her arms went around his neck. "I know Carver. I know."

Maria just stared at the couple before her. What the HELL had just happened? Obviously they knew each other. As she watched them kiss, she was pretty sure of this.

Michael walked through the door to see Hal and Betty in an embrace, and a very confused looking Maria standing to the side. "What's going on?"

"Michael! Michael...this is Betty!" Hal cried, more animated than Michael had ever seen him. Happier too.

" in...Betty who died in-,"

"Yes!" Hal and Betty both yelled. They never took their eyes off of one another.

Michael's eyes widened. "Hey, Maria...why don't we, um, go get some coffee?"

"But I've already had....oooohhh! Okay!" She followed him outside. "What just happened in there?"

"It's a long story. I'll tell you later." Michael said smiling.


Hal and Betty sat on the hospital bed, holding hands and gazing into one another's eyes.

"You realize what happened, don't you Carver?" She asked calmly.

"Dodie." She nodded. He looked away. "He told you that I had died to keep you from printing the story and he had me learn of your death so I wouldn't be surprised by the missing headlines."

"Yes...but, Hal...I have to tell you the rest of it."

"Go ahead." He said worried by the hesitation he heard in her voice.

"I married soon after that. It was extremely stupid and it didn't last long, but...I married Richie."

"What!?" He asked incredulous. His hatred for the man resurfaced, nearly blinding him.

"He...he acted so sympathetic. He said that you were best friends. We were both hurting over the loss...or at least I was. It only lasted about two months. He realized I wasn't ready for the white picket fence and I realized that he was a total flake. I...I realized that he could never be you." She looked up to judge his reaction to the news.

He surprised her by smiling. "Its in the past. We have to focus on now. So, are you married? I mean, why did the girl call you Sarah?"

"No...I'm not married. After Dodie and I divorced I never remarried. And, Sarah Allen is what I go by now. It's my pen name. I'm still a writer only I write books now."

"Do you live here?"

"For three years now." she nodded. Hal shook his head.

"We've been in the same place for three years now. What are the odds?"

"Odds? I don't know. I think it was destiny."

"I don't believe in destiny!" He said looking into her eyes.. "I believe in love."

"Carver...don't tell me you've gone all sentimental on me!" She laughed, joyful tears slipped down her cheeks.

Hal began to laugh and shake his head, when he was struck with a pain in his chest. His face paled and he gasped for air.

"HAL!" Betty screamed. She started to press the call button, but his hand shot out to stop her. Betty looked down into the face that had dreamed of, every night for the past fifty years.

"Don't...not enough time." He gasped. "I want to be...with you...not, s-some...damn doctor!"

She nodded and held his hand. "You're gonna be alright, Hal. You have to be!"

"I...I'm dying Betty. I can feel it. I...just...I'm glad to see you...again."

"Hal! Dammit - stop saying goodbye! You are NOT gonna die!"

He smiled sadly. "Get the kid...would you?"

Betty nodded and went to the door to call the other two in. When Michael saw Hal, he was on him in a shot.

"What is it Hal? What's wrong?"

"Don't you...EVER listen...kid? I told you...before that I was...dying!"

"The Hell you are! You can't die old man! You still haven't told me all of your stories! You haven't..." He stopped after seeing the look in the man's eyes. He was dying, beyond a shadow of a doubt. "Thank you, Hal. For everything." He whispered.

Hal nodded. "You're welcome, kid."

"I'm sorry you didn't see the sunset." He said as an afterthought.

"That's okay. I saw...the most beautiful creature...on Earth instead." He said smiling at Betty, who had moved to the other side of him. "Don't...loose her." Hal whispered so that only Michael could hear. He looked over at Maria and nodded.

Hal gasped again and arched up in pain. When he could breath again, he looked at Betty. This was it. The end of the dream. He wouldn't let it end this time. "Betty..." He started. She put her fingers to his lips to quiet him.

"Don't talk. It will be okay."

"No...I...have to...say this!"

"Okay, darling. Go ahead." She said softly.

"Betty - I...I love you." He choked out. His mouth formed a small smile and his eyes closed. He was gone before he heard her answer.

"Hal! I love you, Hal! Don't leave me! Not now! NO!" She screamed, her tears ran unchecked down her face. She held him and rocked back and forth. Her sobs were heart wrenching.

Maria stood crying, stunned by all that had just taken place. Michael stood beside her in a daze. After a second, she looked at him and slipped her hand into his. He didn't look at her, but she felt his hand squeeze hers in response.

They stayed like that for several more minutes, until a nurse finally walked in to find them.


Maria and Michael sat on the beach the next day. They'd had one hell of a day the day before and they were desperately trying to get a hold on their emotions.

The night before, after watching Hal slip away, they had sat with Betty for hours. At midnight, she suffered a second stroke and passed away without a word.

Maria, still confused about what had happened, just sat beside Michael, hoping that she could be there for him.

Michael looked over at her. She was making little pictures in the sand. He smiled slightly. One day he would tell her the story of the brave soldier and the love of his life.

He owed it all to that man.

He was the one that had made Michael's life possible. He had saved him, Max, Iz, and Tess. In the grand scheme of things, he had even made it possible for the events that had started that day in the Crashdown when Liz was shot, to unfold.

In a weird round-a-bout way...Hal had given him Maria.

For that...he would be eternally grateful and indebted to him.

Maria jumped as Michael's arm slid around her shoulders. She looked into his eyes and saw something there. Hope. Love. A promise of things to come.

She smiled and they looked out at the ocean. It was the most spectacular sunset either of them had ever witnessed.


"It's about time!" The man said. His arms where crossed and his stance was wide. He looked very much a soldier.

"Give me a break! I came as soon as I could!" She said sauntering up to him. He pushed a blond curl behind her ear and smiled down at her.

"Well...I'll forgive you, but just this once." She laughed at him.

"Thank you!" She said, suddenly serious.

"For what?"

"Loving me." She smiled. "I love you, ya know."

"I know that." He said grabbing her hand. "Now, can we go? Everyone is waiting."

She nodded and hugged him impetuously. He hugged her back and then began dragging her through the corn field.

"I have one question though." She said looking around.


"Since when is heaven in a corn field?" Betty asked. Hal just laughed in response. "What?"

"Well, it just seems fitting. I mean...their newest angel IS a corn-fed lady!" Betty rolled her eyes at this.

"Let's go fly-boy."

"Yes ma'am!" He said giving her a mock salute.

The two of them walked several more steps and disappeared into the bright lights of heaven.


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