ani pent by wired wiccan please
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the pentacle moon line is from pagan graphics click here to visit the site
Magick is the science of bringing about needed change through the use of will into ones life.  Wiccans use magick to better their lives and selves.  Magick is never used to manipulate others.  The Wiccan Rede "AN IT HARM NONE DO WHAT YOU WILL" is always followed.  The threefold law of return reminds us to follow the rede.  That which you send out returns to you threefold, in other words if you send out positive energy it comes back to you three times if you send out negative energy it too comes back to you three times and its a swift kick in the ass.  When i was fairly new to the path i did a few manipulative things and you definately reap what you sow.  Adding at the end of a spell "for the good of all and harming none" is always a good idea.  Love spells are never done with a specific person in mind you can ask for certain qualities in a person that you are looking for.  Another interesting thing about magick is you do get what you ask for so it is important to make sure what you are asking for is truly what you want.  The opinions i express here are my own, they are a mixture of different teachings from various books and teachers.  Wiccan belief on uses of tools etc may vary.  I am rather eclectic and believe that using the tools as close to their traditional use but in the way that is best suited to your own personal tradition or the one you follow is the way to go.  Again just my opinion on the matter.
Tools are used not only to focus power but as representations of the four elements.
The pentacle is a five pointed star with a circle around it.  By many it is considered the symbol of wicca.  The pentacle is worn for protection.  The five points of the star represent earth, air, fire, water and spirit.  Placed in the north position on the altar the pentacle represents the element of earth.
The athame is used to channel power and to cast the magick circle.  When magick is done it is always best to cast a circle first for protection as well as the contain the energy generated during the spell or ritual.  (more on circle casting later)  When placed on the altar in the east the athame symbolizes the element of air.  Traditionally the athame is a black handled knife.  Mine happens to be a beautiful silver letter opener with bast(an egyptian goddess) as the handle.
The chalice is used to hold the ritual offering of the "fruit of the vine".  Fruit juice or wine can be used.  Depending on what tradition one follows it might also contain water.  When placed on the altar in the west the chalice represents the element of water.  It is also a symbol of the womb of the great mother from who all are born.  Chalices can be made from many substances.  I use a silver or glass chalice depending on the rest of my altar accoutrements.
The wand like the athame is also used to channel power.  Wands can be found in various forms.  My first which a made myself was a piece of wood i found that i placed a quartz crystal at the end of and bound in place with a piece of fabric.  I now have a beautiful pewter wand that has crystals at both ends.  When placed in the south position on the altar it represents the symbol of fire.
There are many other tools used by myself and other wiccans these were just a few basics.
There are many types of magick.  Different witches will practice varying forms of magick.  My favorites include: candle magick, herb magick, spell casting, tarot spells, creative visualization etc.  I have used chaos magick and ceremonial magick at times.  Both were a bit too complex for my tastes at this time I find myself more comfortable with the basics. 
page set by magick dreams
small silver pentacles from clipart castle please visit them from the links page
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