<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/circe131313/userfiles:/user/WHISPER.mid">
��� Circe is a sorceress from greek mythology.� She is well known for her affair with Odysseus whom she had two children with and also later married his son.� She was well know also for turning men into swine.� For more information on her please go to the following site:
So, who is Circe your webmistress? read below and find out:
��� I am a 33 year old wiccan priestess.� Currently living in Tucson Arizona.  My cat Pumpkin is kind enough to share her apartment with me:)� If you've looked around the site a bit you have seen that some of my interests include wicca, reading, vampires and 80's music.� My favorite band is of course Duran Duran.� I am a manager in the health food business at a local retail store.� I am very interested in herbal healing and other modes of alternative medicine.� I fell in love with the computer a few years ago and am looking forward to learning more.   I also enjoy watching movies from the 30's-40's (especially those with Jimmy Stewart).�� My favorite mode of dress would be all black prefably velvet and lace with some leather thrown in for good measure.� � I imagine im boring you to tears by now so i'll leave you in peace....as my favorite mistress of the night always says "unpleasant dreams".......
if you want to see what i look like click here
The pictures of Circe are the work of JW Waterhouse to see more of his artwork click on the link above.� This beautiful page set was created by Shadow Magick follow the link below to see more:)
This midi is Whisper by Michael Dover������������� i found it at Vamp's Parlour
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