
The Last Technomage


 The town of Groslor is known for it’s strange inhabitants. People from faraway lands flock over to see this town’s sights. Lizardmen roam the streets searching for good bargains on mice. Wizards perform in its streets. Faeries fly from here to there, sprinkling magic powder along the way. But none of these are stranger than the house on top of the hill. This house, MechaMira Hall, houses the queer MechaMira family.

 The MechaMiras are the favorite faces in town. Mostly because of their kindness and goodness to other people. But the MechaMiras are also known for something else. Something that is very unusual. The MechaMiras are Multiracial Technomages.

 Technomages are wizards that took in machines as well as magic for their daily uses. The machines will often be fused with magic, often resulting in highly powerful items. This skill is very difficult to accuire, and even more difficult to master or to be thought to others, save by bloodline. Therefore, the Technomages are higly sought after for their artifacts.
 Furthermore, with their Multiracial blood, the MechaMiras are even more powerful. For the Multiracial blood is very rare in many places. Multiracial people are hybrids of several other races. They usually have very fair and beautiful faces and bodies, no matter what their parentage is,. Even Half-Orcs can be handsome. The Multiracial people first appeared at the end of the Chaos Age, when the warring Dark Lords sought to create the ultimate BattleCreature. They experimented with several races, often ending with gory incompatibility failures. Successful multiracial people are very rare.

 The MechaMiras are the descendants of Nir Kudol of the Dark Kingdom Filgar. Nir Kudol escaped the Dark Lord of Filgar and travelled to Groslor and later settle down there. He studied the art of Technomagic and with his Hybridal Brain, graduated in it in a short period of time. He then changed his name to Kree MechaMira and started the line of MechaMira family.

 It was a fine day. Hilder MechaMira watched his children playing in the sun, smiling to himself. He was The Grid (What the MechaMiras call their leader.) of the MechaMiras. He is a Half-Elf, Half-Orc. It was usual in the MechaMira family to have such an unusual Hybrid.
 But that day was a truly special day. That day, Grindy MechaMira, his wife, will be giving birth to their seventh child. ‘The seventh child will always be the greatest’, as the Technomages’ saying goes. He waited anxiously for the newborn cry, unable to sit still.

 Then it was heard. The cry was heard. His seventh baby has arrived! He rushed all the way to the bedroom, knocking several valuable family artifacts along the way. And there she was Grindy his wife was lying beside the baby. Just as Hilder entered the room he felt a radiating power from somewhere within it. He tried to focus his mind to finding it, but to no avail.
And then his mind returned to the baby.

 He rushed again to his wife (‘Where is he? Where is he?’), saw the baby wrapped in a bundle by the bed, and before Grindy could answer, he was already lifting the baby up and down.

 But when he saw the baby’s face, he saw something strange. He could not decide what race he is. His face was fair as an Elf, yet grumpy like a Dwarf, yet brave like a Man, but then again slightly scaly like a Lizard, but his eyes was blue like a Siren, but his hair was green like Dryads. Hilder could not decide what race this child is.

 He pondered long and hard onto the baby’s peaceful sleeping face. Just what exactly is he? (‘Still cute though') What should he be named if his race cannot be decided?

 After a night’s thinking and head bangings on the table, (‘What would his name be?’) Hilder finally decided what to do. He went to his study, searched for the Family Book The MechaMiras of Groslo: Revised Edition, and began flipping the pages to find a name he liked.

 ‘Fundos? No…that’s a Halfling name…FurGalad? No…too Elven…Syukitana? No…that’s a Snakeman name…What if I put together some words and create a new name?’. So he did. After an hour putting together names, he realised there were to many races in the MechaMira family that it’s impossible to take a name from each race and put then all together. It will make something like Jreekalatiyana Murharad Nembiudroconis Ungolithaqually…(ten pages later)…Hittyukabbudarri Entrozoxxor…IT WILL NEVER END! ‘What should I name him!’ Hilder cried to himself in the study. Exhausted, he headed back to his bedroom. It was already three o’clock in the morning. The whole family’s already asleep. Yawning, Hilder went to bed with his shoes on…

AAAARRRRGGGGHHH!’ Hilder woke up abruptly. The yell came from his eldest son, Gofro’s bedroom. What was it? Hilder rushed to Gofro’s bedroom and opened the door. The sight almost made him faint. A ManDroid, a tall and ninja-like one, stood there clawing Gofro like a wolf goring a chicken. ‘This has to be work of a Technomage’, Hilder thought. ‘Only a Technomage can create a ManDroid’.

 And sure enough, a Technomage suddenly appeared in front of the ManDroid. She was tall and slim, somewhat skeletal. Her hair was white and long, billowing behind her blown by the wind from the broken window. She stood tall before Hilder, her power radiating across the room.

 ‘Aah…the famous Hilder MechaMira…I heard you are a Technomage. Is it true?’ she said. Her voice was young, yet her face was wrinkled and lined, it looked ancient. ‘Answer me…are you a Technomage?’ she repeated with a more threatening tone.

 ‘Yes, but who are you and what are you doing, attacking my son in the middle of the night?’ Hilder answer fiercely. ‘So you are a Technomage…interesting…all right, I will tell you my name. I am the Night Sorceress and Dark Technomage Drahawkul, servant to the Dark Lord Gurahad of Filgar. He wants what is rightfully his.’ she answered with a slight hissing in her voice. ‘He wants your life, Hilder MechaMira. Yours and your whole family’s…’

 ‘Who said he could have our lives, huh? Who are you to ask for such a thing?’
Hilder answered her, yelling this time. ‘You have no right!’

 ‘Aah…but we have a right…’ she answered, still hissing ‘for your ancestor was a servant of Filgar, Nir Kudol as he called himself at first, Hybrid 042 to us, who ran away from Filgar to this filthy land and settled down here…He changed his name to Kree MechaMira, so that we couldn’t find him. His life was the Lord of Filgar’s… he’s a slave…an ungrateful slave, that is…after the gifts that the Lord of Filgar bestowed upon him…’

 ‘You may not know this, but the mere existence of your bloodline is a threat to Filgar…you see, Nir Kudol’s power is very great. Furthermore, his DNA will strengthen that power even more with every generation…it has been a hundred generations now from Nir Kudol… and Gurahad’s fear has been increasing more and more of your family…but that’s not all, for your blood is also the only successful Multiracial Technomage specimen. None have ever been as successful as Nir Kudol. His escape was very costly to us…’

 ‘So just what does this all have to do with me?’ Hilder shouted at Drahawkul. ‘Why are you here attacking my family?’

 ‘Don’t you get it? You DIMWIT!’ she suddenly yelled back, somewhat not her smooth-talking self ‘Gurahad wants you either dead or at his side! Now choose, and choose wisely. And don’t think of escaping. I have like a dozen ManDroids surrounding this place’

 ‘NEVER! I will never bow to evil! Nor will my family!’ bellowed Hilder as he raised his staff ‘Now prepare to taste MY power! MechaDraconum, COME!’. And with that, the ground shook. From the backyard of his house, Hilder can just make out a loud roar as his great-grandfather’s mechanical guradian rose from the ground. It was shaped like a Dragon, made with Metal and Magic.

 The MechaDraconum reaged through the yard. Not a single ManDroid survived it’s vicious claws and teeth and jaws. The roar would’ve woken the whole town if weren’t for the equally loud roar of dozens of ManDroids, courtesy of Drahawkul.

  ‘You fool!’ she shouted over the battle-cries of her minions ‘You have just made the wrong decision. You think that rusty toy could stop me? Just you wait Hilder MechaMira…just you wait…’ and with that, Drahawkul muttered some illiterate gibberish  as her rod glowed Blue. And suddenly, like the rush of water released from a dam, Hilder’s life was slowly taken from him. So was his whole family, and his house, brick by brick.
Graadkul, the housemaid, had just enough time to put a protection spelle on the baby before she too died.

 Before breathing his final breath, Hilder said to his seventh son ‘I name you… Kree MechaMira…’

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