Chapter 1

Baa the Mountain Goat

 ‘You’re kidding!’ was Gilmar’s first sentence after Farlon told him about what Valdurin told him. ‘A MechaMira! How cool is that? Hey, could you make me a ManDroid? I really want one you know…ever since I ever learned about Technomages.’

 ‘Yeah right. Like I really am. Probably one of Valdurins stupid jokes. He never can be serious. Performing in front of crowds has made him a clown, if you ask me. How could I be a Technomage. How could I possibly be a MechaMira?’ answered Farlon. His heart was trying hard to fight off the excitement.

 ‘Yeah…maybe you’re right. Valdurin’s always a practical joker. Ah, why don’t we go to the Valley of Druids? It’s just a mile from here. I heard the river’s great. Come on!’ said Gilmar, trying to change the topic of discussion.

 ‘Okay. Hey, race you there. Last one there’s a stupid Hobgoblin!’ cried Farlon as he ran off, Gilmar at his tail.

 As they arrived at the Valley of Druids, Farlon saw that the land was truly beautiful. Flowers bloomed everywhere. Trees of every kind grew in perfect harmony with the birds and squirrels nesting in them. From the mountains high before them, ran the river Saridell. Its water clear as crystal and cool as ice, it cuts through the valley running east to the Seas of Calihou.

 While standing at the edge of Saridells bank, admiring its glory, Gilmar said ‘Do you hear that sound?’

 ‘What sound?’ said Farlon, puzzled. He didn’t here anything except the birds singing and the river running.
 ‘The sound of…Hooves. Where’d it come from?’ Gilmar said. His question is answered right away as he saw something descending from the mountains, moving at high speed. It came nearer and nearer and then he realised what it is.
 ‘Look out!’ he cried as a mountain goat rammed into Farlon, throwing him into the river. Seeing Farlon soaking wet, shivering in the cool water, the goat laughed childishly.

 ‘What’d you do that for!?’ Farlon yelled at the goat as he struggled to get out of the river. ‘ You could’ve had me drowned!’

 ‘Baaa baa baaa bbaaa!’ the goat laughed. ‘Baa didn’t want to hurt you. Baa wanted to welcome you. That was how we Mountain Goats greet strangers. Baaa ba baa baaa baa!’

 ‘Oh, great. So how do you greet acquaintance then? Ram them into the sea?’ said Gilmar sarcastically. Baa didn’t get the sarcasm.

 ‘Who are you anyway? What are you doing here?’ asked Farlon.

 ‘Me Baa of the Goat Herd Baebaeebaa. This is our home. Baa came down to greet you, as a Goat is supposed to do when he sees strangers’ Baa replied as-a-matter-of-factly.

 ‘Well, Baa, as you had just soaked me wet right to my skin, I suggest you help us find a good place to rest. Im just too tire-‘ his words are cut short as Gilmar pointed shakingly behind him. Baa
cowered bihnd him. Dreading what he will see, Farlon turned slowly and found that he was facing a creature twenty feet tall, smelled like one of Campura’s old vests, holding up a boulder ready to be smashed on their heads. There in front of him stood an Ogre,

 As Farlon panicked, not daring to move at all in hopes that the Ogre won’t notice him, Baa said ‘Stand back. Baa will settle this’

 Wondering how on earth will a small goat defeat a tall ogre, Farlon’s heart stopped as he saw Baa shaking on the ground. Thinking that Baa’s having a seizure or something, Farlon gasped as he saw that Baa’s eyes was glowing purple.

 The ground below Baa shook violently as the goat glowed. And suddenly, without warning, Baa stood up on his two hind legs. He then grew taller and bigger, his thin body becoming more and more tough. His two front legs grew into hands that seemed to be able to crush a boulder to powder in six seconds. His eyes glowed still in purple. But his face had changed completely. It was not the goat that rammed Farlon into the river. His stare could’ve bored a hole through the mountain, Farlon thought when he saw the way Baa now looked at the Ogre.

 In the place where Baa was, there stood a monster of immense size, almost two-third of the Ogre itself. Steam issued from its nostrils. Its teeth were now fangs of supreme sharpness bounded to a jaw that can kill an Elephant within seconds. And still, its eyes glowed purple.

 Before the Ogre regained his senses, the Monster Goat had punched it right in its face. As it fell down, the boulder in its hands dropped, hitting his forehead. The Ogre lay on the ground, groaning as its head bled sickly green blood.

 Baa was still unsatisfied. He launched his monstrous hand right to the Ogres stomach, making its eyes roll. He kicked the Ogre around its shins and letting it fall down again. He finally rammed the Ogre right at its chest, knocking it down into the river, never to breathe again.

 And all this time Farlon and Gilmar stood there shocked at what they just saw. Baa then turned back to them and stared down to them before reverting back to his normal self.

 ‘W—W—What was THAT!?’ said Gilmar in a mixture of amusement and fear.

 ‘You’re unbelievable!’ said Farlon ‘How did you DO that?’

 Baa looked up to their face, sighed and said ‘Baa is no ordinary Mountain Goat. Baa is a Weregoat’

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