Cinnamon >> Ginny Fans Unite

Welcome to Cinnamon!

Hello, I just thought I'd take it upon myself, to tell you all, that in honor of HBP we're working on the site again, fixing up all the pages, etc. You'll probably see a lot of changes in the next few days. Keep browsing around and send in any Ginny based fanart/fanfiction/essays that you'd like to see on the site.

~ Beth@ 6:34 PM on July 25, 2005

Whew! As you have probably noticed Cinnamon has been going through a lot of work lately. Most of the pages are now up and running, though some are still being made. We hope to have all the pages finished soon, but in the mean time feel free to browse what is already done.

I'd like to give a HUGE thank you to Beth who has been putting a lot of hard work into this site. Many of the pages have been made entirely by her. Without her help this site may never have made it! So thanks Beth!

Ok, right now we need YOUR help. We are currently working on our Fanart page and we need some artist's to feature. So if you have any Ginny art please feel free to send it to Wai's Owlbox! Thanks.

Also some of you might have known that it was Ginny's Birthday on the tenth of August, so we'd like to give her a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

~ Wai @ 12:41 PM on August 13, 2004

Hey everyone! A site dedicated to the wonderful character from Harry Potter - Ginny, I mean, Ginevra Molly Weasley. Ginny is the youngest child of the Weasley family, the daughter of Arthur and Molly Weasley. She is the youngest of seven children, and the only girl born into the Weasley clan for generations. So, that right there tells us the Ginny is special.
The site is currently underconstruction, and if you would like to help out with anything at all, I would love you forever lol. Just email me here: Wai's Owlbox

~ Wai @ 11:08 PM on June 14, 2004

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