Hello! This site's layout has changed again! But it will still be based on me and WinX Club and some Mangas. Thankz and visit again soon!!!!
March 18, 2005
Hey so i have no updates i think i sould call myself the girl who is too lazy and barely keeps promises...haha. i was going to set a new layout but this is purdy tooh, so iono, but whatever, i am all stressed out!! i eat a bit more choloate more than usual ( i dont snack on other juckfoods that much...) i was soooooo stressed put yesterday, all these ppl asked for my help and they were older than me U_U i helped like 7 ppl yesterday!! i barley got my work done, but ish mice to help others... anyways, sprries for the no update on the site, expect on my life... HAHA!!! byebye
March 7, 2005
Hey ppl sorry for the no updating.. i have a new layout that i will apply to my site soon but iono when maybe in like 2 weeks or so?....that is it and i have a bit more links to add...i think that i dont want to add any photos though so i give up...that seems to be all, i am a bit unorgainized right now so this site is soooooo far away from being done with school and all...
Febuary 9, 2005
Hello!!!!! Happy Chinese New Year! I know i said that i wast really goin to update but i just got the chance, i am not updating or anything, because i am just chieckin and stuff not much...so i am gonna update about random stuff sometimes when i get the chance haha. okay that ish all, oh and the CNY street fest wasnt so bad after all i saw some of meeh frwnds and there were alot of cute guys, Heyyy! K that is my final word, well bye is so BYE!!!
Febuary 4, 2005
Hey ppl, not any updates but i swear that i will update one page or more the next time. And also i wont be able to do much updateing now because it is the 2nd semester of the school year and things, as i just realized get alot harder, so more homework and such so sorries bu tnot much update for at least one to two months... Oh and also since i wont be updateing much, happy Chinese New Year, and happy EARLY, bday to my bro :D The is a street fest tomorrow...i don tlike street fests, too many ppl and too many ppl!!! But i might be able to some of my friends that dont go to Skyline. well that seems to be all so buh bye
January 27, 2005
Hey, i have made alot of changes so far i not have 2 new pages, go figure them out, if you will...and i added some or just one new, link...(why am i like giving riddles or something???)I havent put up any pictures or anything:( but i updated most of the pages...so yeah. Anyways i will just tell you the new pages the are favorite mangas and manga info. yep notmuch but it took me a while considering i had to change all of the pages!!!!(-.-)I think that is all, i still need to do the following:
~add photos
~add more sections
~add more links
tht seems to be it so byebye until next time :D
January 21, 2005
hey ppl sorrie about the whole not updateing for 3 months thing...accually it has been maor than 3 months ^^;;;;;....since i am not at home right now there isnt much that i can do and i cant do much there either considering that fact that i sort of broke my keyboard WWAAHHHH!!! i am not good wit computers T-T here are the lists of things that i hope to accomplish: ~Update page more
~Get rid of unneed sections
~Update sections more (anime and such)
~start putting up pictures (at least 10 b4 valentines day)
~add more information to every page
~add more links
and i think that that is it...
i just hope that i can get all of these done before the middle of febuary so that site site doesnt seem so empty^^;; Thats all adios!
October 2, 2004
Hey ppl, it has been a very long time since i last updated time sure flys doesnt it? Well no major updates and such just updated a few things and added some more info and i will try my best to put up some of my artwork i am tired right now and stuff...high school life is not easy and i have to go to programs and clubs and i have music practice so i don thave much time...byebye i will try to update every two weeks or so...
September 11, 2004
Hello today is September 11th i almost forgot soo sad about the many ppl that have died...and the ppl that have died in Iraq...lets have a moment of silence for them...........................................okay thank you and today not so many updates i just added a link to my cousin benita's site and that is about it... more updates when i have the time and since i am in high school now i dont think that i will be able to update much anymore....that is all ok well...byebye
September 3, 2004
Heyo ppl! Today i added some links to the links page and i also added a page where you can see my art work and stuff, but dont bother going there i havent even scanned the pictures yet... And since i will be starting school in 3 days i dont think that i will be able to update as much and maybe a update every 2 weeks or so... Oh and i added a few quizzes to quizzes page 3 :D oh btw my b-day passed... It was not a very fun day :( just sad...... Well back to the site...nothin mroe 2 say, oh well byebye then ;)
August 23, 2004
Hello it has been a while...Time sure passes by fast...Today i added the links page so you can go there now exept i havent added the links yet because i got lazy, and i have been on the computer for a while. This week is an exciting week i have registration on Thursday so i get to meet some students at my new school since all of my friends right now are going to a different school than me...so i will me lonely if i dont meet new ppl fast...And since i live in Oakland we will have a street fest on saturday... But 2 many ppl... It just sucks that i have to go to tutoring on my birthday...WWWAAHHHHH!!!!
byebye *sob* *sniff*
August 16, 2004
Hey today i added a credits page and another quiz page because i got alot more :D And i added a link page because i had more links that i found and i dont want to make a long line of links on the side... thats all byebye
August 13, 2004
Hey this site has alot of work to be done before it is finished so i guess it will be a while before it is acually accuate... But you can still visit :D. Oh and try not 2 get bad luck on today, its Friday the 13th! ^.-
BYEBYE That is all for now!!!
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